91 research outputs found

    Self-Regulation Therapy to Reproduce Drug Effects: A Suggestion Technique to Change Personality and the DRD3 Gene Expression

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    This study proposes a strategy, based on self-regulation therapy, to change personality and its biological substrate, the DRD3 gene expression. It has been demonstrated that acute doses of stimulating drugs, like methylphenidate, are able to change personality and the expression of certain genes in the short term. On the other hand, self-regulation therapy has been proven to reproduce the effects of drugs. Thus, it is feasible to hope that self-regulation therapy is equally effective as methylphenidate in changing personality and the gene expression. This is a preliminary study with a single-case experimental design with replication in which 2 subjects participated. The results and potential implications for research and psychotherapy are discussed.Amigó Borrás, S.; Caselles Moncho, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC. (2013). Self-Regulation Therapy to Reproduce Drug Effects: A Suggestion Technique to Change Personality and the DRD3 Gene Expression. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 61(3):282-304. doi:10.1080/00207144.2013.784094S282304613Accili, D., Fishburn, C. S., Drago, J., Steiner, H., Lachowicz, J. E., Park, B. H., … Fuchs, S. (1996). A targeted mutation of the D3 dopamine receptor gene is associated with hyperactivity in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(5), 1945-1949. doi:10.1073/pnas.93.5.1945Amigó, S., Caselles, A., & Micó, J. C. (2008). A dynamic extraversion model. The brain’s response to a single dose of a stimulant drug. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 61(1), 211-231. doi:10.1348/000711007x185514Amigó, S., Caselles, A., & Micó, J. C. (2010). General Factor of Personality Questionnaire (GFPQ): Only one Factor to Understand Personality? The Spanish journal of psychology, 13(1), 5-17. doi:10.1017/s1138741600003644Barbanti, P., Bronzetti, E., Ricci, A., Cerbo, R., Fabbrini, G., Buzzi, M. G., … Lenzi, G. L. (1996). 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    Comparative Analyses of SUV420H1 Isoforms and SUV420H2 Reveal Differences in Their Cellular Localization and Effects on Myogenic Differentiation

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    Methylation of histone H4 on lysine 20 plays critical roles in chromatin structure and function via mono- (H4K20me1), di- (H4K20me2), and trimethyl (H4K20me3) derivatives. In previous analyses of histone methylation dynamics in mid-gestation mouse embryos, we documented marked changes in H4K20 methylation during cell differentiation. These changes were particularly robust during myogenesis, both in vivo and in cell culture, where we observed a transition from H4K20me1 to H4K20me3. To assess the significance of this change, we used a gain-of-function strategy involving the lysine methyltransferases SUV420H1 and SUV420H2, which catalyze H4K20me2 and H4K20me3. At the same time, we characterized a second isoform of SUV420H1 (designated SUV420H1_i2) and compared the activity of all three SUV420H proteins with regard to localization and H4K20 methylation.Immunofluorescence revealed that exogenous SUV420H1_i2 was distributed throughout the cell, while a substantial portion of SUV420H1_i1 and SUV420H2 displayed the expected association with constitutive heterochromatin. Moreover, SUV420H1_i2 distribution was unaffected by co-expression of heterochromatin protein-1α, which increased the targeting of SUV420H1_i1 and SUV420H2 to regions of pericentromeric heterochromatin. Consistent with their distributions, SUV420H1_i2 caused an increase in H4K20me3 levels throughout the nucleus, whereas SUV420H1_i1 and SUV420H2 facilitated an increase in pericentric H4K20me3. Striking differences continued when the SUV420H proteins were tested in the C2C12 myogenic model system. Specifically, although SUV420H1_i2 induced precocious appearance of the differentiation marker Myogenin in the presence of mitogens, only SUV420H2 maintained a Myogenin-enriched population over the course of differentiation. Paradoxically, SUV420H1_i1 could not be expressed in C2C12 cells, which suggests it is under post-transcriptional or post-translational control.These data indicate that SUV420H proteins differ substantially in their localization and activity. Importantly, SUV420H2 can induce a transition from H4K20me1 to H4K20me3 in regions of constitutive heterochromatin that is sufficient to enhance myogenic differentiation, suggesting it can act an as epigenetic ‘switch’ in this process

    G (2000) Molecular manipulation of G-protein-coupled receptors: A new avenue into drug discovery. Curr Med Chem 7(9): 889–896

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    Abstract: During the past 10 years or so, associated with the introduction of molecular biology techniques to G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) research, outstanding progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms of action of these key proteins and their physiological functions. in-vivo manipulation of levels of GPCRs using transgenic and gene knock-out approaches have been particularly successful in assessing the roles of specific GPCRs in animal physiology. Drug discovery is aiming to produce highly specific compounds based on subtle definition of receptor subtypes which can best be studied using heterologous expression of wild type or mutated forms of cDNA or genes encoding these proteins. Furthermore, new therapeutic opportunities may be provided by investigation of orphan receptors, the natural ligands for which remain unidentified. Some human diseases have been shown to be associated with rare mutations of GPCRs and the possibility that widely distributed polymorphisms in GPCR genes may allow selective therapeutic strategies for population subgroups is driving the development of the science of pharmacogenetics

    Toxoplasma gondii gene expression is under the control of regulatory pathways acting through chromatin structure.

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    International audienceThe activity state of a gene is determined by a complex regulatory network of co-acting factors affecting the structure of the chromatin into which the gene is embedded. While significant changes of the transcriptome occur during cell differentiation in apicomplexan parasites, basic mechanisms controlling gene expression are still unknown. Recent studies support and expand the concept of the chromatin environment being key factor for the control of transcriptional activity in these lower eukaryotes organisms. Here, we review recent advances in the field of epigenetic gene regulation in Toxoplasma gondii, the model apicomplexan

    Tribological behavior of thin electroplated and chemically deposited Ni-P coatings on copper substrates

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    International audienceThe paper deals with the study of the tribological behavior of thin (1 and 5 μm thick) Ni-P coatings formed on plates made of electrotechnical copper by electroplating and chemical deposition. It has been found that after heat treatment, owing to diffusion processes, the coating components are capable of penetrating into the substrate material—to a depth of 15 μm for electroplated coatings and of 35 μm for chemically deposited coatings)—and influencing the mechanical properties of a specimen such as the hardness and friction coefficient. A correlation between the wear mode of the coating and the method of its deposition has been found. The results show that thin (one μm thick and lesser) Ni-P chemically deposited coatings are promising for being used in friction units of precise mechanical devices

    G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Discovery

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