187 research outputs found

    Median prime ideals of pseudo-complemented distributive lattices

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    summary:Coherent ideals, strongly coherent ideals, and Ï„\tau -closed ideals are introduced in pseudo-complemented distributive lattices and their characterization theorems are derived. A set of equivalent conditions is derived for every ideal of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice to become a coherent ideal. The notion of median prime ideals is introduced and some equivalent conditions are derived for every maximal ideal of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice to become a median prime ideal which leads to a characterization of Boolean algebras

    Design and development of Propulsion System for Antitank Guided Missile

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    A Propulsion system is designed and developed for the third generation antitank guided missile (ATGM). It consists of a separate booster and sustainer. Booster is ahead of sustainer, having four nozzles canted to the missile axis. Sustainer discharges through a supersonic blast tube. Low smoke, high energy nitramine propellant for this propulsion system developed by the High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune, has been successfully flight-tested. The booster grain is tube-in-tube configuration with end inhibition and the sustainer grain is of end burning configuration. High strength aluminium alloy, HE-15, is used for rocket motor components. Glass-phenolic composite ablative material is used for thermal protection of motors and high density graphite is used for nozzle throats. The design considerations and approach, including grain configuration, nozzle, and ignitersare briefly discussed. The propulsion system has been extensively tested in static tests and in flights, establishing the satisfactory performance of the system

    Studies on the extraction and characterization of thermostable a-amylase from pericarp of Borassus indica

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    Thermostable a-amylase was extracted and characterized from the fruits (pericarp) of Borassus indica. Analysis on the influence of various physico-chemical parameters on the extracted enzyme revealed a Vmax of 0.793 and a Km of 0.022. The optimum temperature was found to be 370C at pH 4.5. The stability studies on enzyme activity envisaged that the enzyme is stable up to 800C and retained its activity over a wide range of pH (4.0 – 8.5). Significant enhancement in the enzyme activity was observed in the presence of metal ions like Manganese and Strontium and an insignificant decrement in the presence of Sodium ions.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (3), pp. 289-291, 200

    Text Classification Techniques to Conduct Automatic Bug Triage

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    We address the issue of information lessening for bug triage, i.e., how to diminish the scale and enhance the nature of bug information. We solidify illustration decision with highlight assurance to in the meantime decrease data scale on the bug estimation and the word estimation. To choose the demand of applying event assurance and highlight decision, we isolate characteristics from recorded bug educational lists and build a judicious model for another bug enlightening gathering. We exactly look at the execution of data reduction on totally 600,000 bug reports of two enormous open source wanders, specifically Eclipse and Mozilla. The results show that our data decline can feasibly lessen the data scale and upgrade the precision of bug triage. Our work gives an approach to manage using frameworks on data taking care of to edge diminished and superb bug data in programming change and support

    Shear Stiffness of Pallet Rack Upright Frames

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    PaIIet racks, often fabricated using cold-formed steel, are used for the storage of goods. Uprights of these racks are braced in the cross-aisle direction forming a frame, which behaves like a built-up column. Evaluation of the shear stiffness of this frame is needed to determine the buckling load. Currently two approaches prevail in the rack industry to determine the shear stiffness. The RMI code uses a theoretical formula and the FEM code requires testing. There is a considerable difference in the stiffness values determined by two approaches. The present paper describes experimental and numerical studies conducted at Oxford Brookes University to evaluate shear stiffness in an ongoing research project


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to formulate site-specific drug delivery of mesalamine using Locust bean gum.Methods: The core microspheres were prepared by ionic gelation method using CaCl2 solution and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and were further coated with pH-sensitive polymer eudragit S-100(1.5-4.5 ml) to retard the drug release in the upper gastrointestinal environment (Stomach and small intestine). Microspheres were characterized by ftir spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size analysis, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release studies in different simulated gastric fluids. Stability studies were carried out for one month at 40±2 °C/75±5% RH.Results: The SEM images revealed the surface morphology was rough and smooth for core and coated microspheres, respectively. The optimized batch (ILBG6) of core microspheres(for 7hr), coated microspheres and coated microspheres in presence of rat caecal contents (8%w/v) for 24hr exhibited 98.44±2.48, 73.58±3.49 % and 98.28±4.42 drug release, respectively. The drug release from all locust bean gum microsphere formulations followed higuchi kinetics. Moreover, drug release from Eudragit S-100 coated microspheres followed the korsmeyer-peppas equation with an fickian kinetics mechanism. Finally, stability studies suggested the change in entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release of microspheres was minimal, indicating good stability of the formulation.Conclusion: The microspheres formed using natural polysaccharide locust beangum by ionic gelation method are capable of colon targeting the anti-inflammatory drug, mesalamine for the treatment of ulcerative colitis

    An Efficient Method for Projection-Based Image Deblurring

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    Abstract Previously lot of problems are encountered in image processing -image deblurring. From the origination of the image deblurring to its broad applications in enormous number of areas today, the deblurring approaches have evolved with time and forked into many different and fascinating branches. In this paper, we propose a method for reducing out-of-focus blur caused by projector projection. We estimate the Point-Spread-Function (PSF) in the image projected onto the screen by using a camera that captures the projector screen. According to the estimated PSF, the original image is pre-corrected, so that the projected image can be deblurred. Proposed system can successfully reduce the effects of out-offocus projection blur, even though the screen image includes spatially varying blur without projecting the feature image

    Modified Assay Procedure for the Estimation of Serum Glucose using

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    ABSTRACT Determination of blood glucose levels is very important to know the physiological condition of the human beings as the hormonal imbalance may cause abnormalities in glucose metabolism. The traditional methods of glucose estimation by colorimetric and titrimetric methods were involved with huge expenditure and time. The modified colorimetric microwell reader method proposed in the present study was performed with small quantities of sample and reagents with the same linearity that was observed in the normal colorimetric analysis. The modified method not only reduces the cost of the test to almost one third of the normal colorimetric method but also provide an opportunity to screen the large number of samples in a short duration of time

    Studies on Copper and Aβ1-16-Induced Conformational Changes in CAG/CTG Trinucleotide Repeats Sequence

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    DNA conformation and stability are critical for the normal cell functions, which control many cellular processes in life, such as replication, transcription, DNA repair, etc. The accumulation of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and Copper (Cu) are the etiological factors for neurodegenerative diseases and hypothesized that they can cause DNA instability. In the current investigation, we studied copper and Aβ1-16 induced conformation and stability changes in CAG/CTG sequences and found alterations from B-DNA to altered B-conformation. Further, the interaction of the copper and Aβ1-16 with CAG/CTG sequences was studied by molecular docking modeling and results indicated that the interaction of copper and Aβ1-16 was through the hydrogen bond formation between adenine, guanine, and cytocine. This study illustrates the role of the copper and Aβ1-16 in modulating the DNA conformation and stability.DNA conformation and stability are critical for the normal cell functions, which control many cellular processes in life, such as replication, transcription, DNA repair, etc. The accumulation of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) and Copper (Cu) are the etiological factors for neurodegenerative diseases and hypothesized that they can cause DNA instability. In the current investigation, we studied copper and Aβ1-16 induced conformation and stability changes in CAG/CTG sequences and found alterations from B-DNA to altered B-conformation. Further, the interaction of the copper and Aβ1-16 with CAG/CTG sequences was studied by molecular docking modeling and results indicated that the interaction of copper and Aβ1-16 was through the hydrogen bond formation between adenine, guanine, and cytocine. This study illustrates the role of the copper and Aβ1-16 in modulating the DNA conformation and stability


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    MANETs system made out of remote portable device that communicates by transferring on wireless medium. This system & portrayed by absence of infrastructure, without focal facilitator and central assets. Communication is conceivable by device in a system are helpful; however, it is not generally valid in disseminated compelled asset condition. Hacker can play out the malicious exercises by not following directing convention of network layer protocols, one such attack is black hole attack. In which black hole device control the routing messages and pull in the correspondence data towards it and after that drop the data. Earlier works identifies and prevent black hole attack by observing the nodes in a network, which is not practical arrangement in hostile environment. The proposed technique mitigates Black Hole Attack from routing path in MANETs by Secret Key and Hashing. Analysis of our results demonstrates that our proposed technique precisely removes the black hole attack and extend the performance of network
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