24 research outputs found

    Koń trojański w mieście nauki, czyli impresja o cudownościach i nieredukowalnościach

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    Celem tekstu jest ukazanie wzajemnego uwikłania pojęcia cudu i pojęcia nieredukowalnej złożoności. W tekście przeprowadzona została analiza porównawcza obu pojęć w kontekście historycznym i współczesnym. Teoria inteligentnego projektu implikuje kategorię cudu. Pojęcie cudu jest problematyczne z punktu widzenia filozofii religii i filozofii nauki. W ten sposób teoria ID z jednej strony przemyca do nauki kategorię zupełnie nauce obcą, eksplanacyjnie nieefektywną kategorię cudu. Z drugiej natomiast przyjmuje koncepcję Boga luk, która jest kłopotliwa z teologicznego punktu widzenia, ponieważ ujmuje Bogu wszechmocy

    Final report of EURAMET.M.G-K3 regional comparison of absolute gravimeters

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    The regional key comparison of absolute gravimeters, EURAMET.M.G-K3 and the simultaneously organized additional comparison, was held in Germany at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell of the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in the spring of 2018.Here we present the list of the participants who actually performed measurements during the comparison, the data submitted by the operators as well as the results of the determination of the gravity as a function of height at the comparison sites. The measurement strategy is briefly discussed and the results of the data harmonization is documented. Finally, the results of the constrained least squares adjustment are presented including the degrees of equivalence of each gravimeter and the key comparison reference values.Main textTo reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database kcdb.bipm.org/.The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS

    Troubles with the Evolution of Art: Analysis of Denis Dutton’s Concept of the Art Instinct

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    The article presents an analysis of the concept of the art instinct. This is a notion introduced by Denis Dutton in his concept of the evolution of art. The autor analyses the internal coherency of Dutton’s concept and its implications, with investigations in the context of evolutionary biology and biological anthropogenesis. The article’s conclusions are that: (1) the idea of art instinct is incoherent and difficult to uphold in the light of contemporary knowledge of the mechanisms of evolution and the course of anthropogenesis; (2) it is, however, a notion that is convenient and explanatorily efficient, as long as one accepts—among other things—the reservation about the non-teleological course of evolution; (3) the art instinct and the phenomenon of art cannot be explained without referring to social processes

    The grammar of religious “to believe” in the context of languages games

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    Wittgenstein’s philosophy of religion is not very well known in polish philosophical literature. His conception of language-games is sometimes vague. The article presents the problem of faith and religion in the context of Wittgenstein's language-games. The trouble with it is lack of precise definition of language-game. Still, under certain conditions, we can discuss faith and religion from the perspective of language-games. It becomes possible to indicate a specific religious language which could be treated as a language-game. Three components characteristic for language-games - some set of words (vocabulary), grammar, and form of life (which is inseparably related to language-game) - could be separated also for religious language. In the face of studies, faith appears as inseparably related to activity. That means that the believer is pushed to specified activities, and we can't talk about faith without these activities. Faith is a "picture" which affects the lives of believers and forms them

    The Grammar of Religious “to Believe” in the Context of Languages Games

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    Wittgenstein’s philosophy of religion is not very well known in polish philosophical literature. His conception of language-games is sometimes vague. The article presents the problem of faith and religion in the context of Wittgenstein's language-games. The trouble with it is lack of precise definition of language-game. Still, under certain conditions, we can discuss faith and religion from the perspective of languagegames. It becomes possible to indicate a specific religious language which could be treated as a language-game. Three components characteristic for language-games - some set of words (vocabulary), grammar, and form of life (which is inseparably related to language-game) - could be separated also for religious language. In the face of studies, faith appears as inseparably related to activity. That means that the believer is pushed to specified activities, and we can't talk about faith without these activities. Faith is a "picture" which affects the lives of believers and forms them

    Logically Correct Argument tu quoque

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    Artykuł prezentuje wybrane wyniki opisane przeze mnie w rozprawie doktorskiej pt.: „Logiczna analiza struktury i prawomocności argumentu tu quoque”, napisanej pod kierunkiem prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Indrzejczaka w Katedrze Logiki i Metodologii Nauk Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i obronionej 20 lipca 2017 roku na Wydziale Filozoficzno-Historycznym UŁ. Przykłady i twierdzenia zawarte w tekście wybrałem spośród zebranych w pracy doktorskiej. Niektóre przeredagowałem, żeby uwypuklić najważniejsze w kontekście artykułu zjawiska.The argument tu quoque is widely called a logical fallacy. The aim of this study is to show, that this theorem is ill-considered. The text is focused on the analysis of various examples of tu quoque. This analysis leads to the conclusion that there are logically correct tu quoque. There are given some examples of such tu quoque. Main theorem of the article is that tu quoque is correct if it’s used as some kind of mental shortcut referring to other arguments

    School building foundation according to Polish standarts: PN-59/B-03020, PN-81/B-03020 and PN-EN-1997-1

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    Poprawnie posadowiony obiekt wymaga spełnienia warunków nośności i użytkowalności (naprężeń dopuszczalnych i dopuszczalnych osiadań). Rozwój wiedzy z zakresu szeroko pojętej geotechniki na przestrzeni ostatnich lat skutkował między innymi zmianami norm projektowania wspomnianych posadowień. W Polsce w ostatnich sześćdziesięciu latach było ich kilka. Różniła je filozofia projektowania a także procedury obliczeniowe. Od roku 2010 obowiązuje EUROKOD 7. Jego praktyczne wprowadzenie potrwa z pewnością jakiś czas, wypełniony dyskusją nawiązującą do norm obowiązujących dotychczas. W prezentowanym artykule podjęto taką próbę. Jej podstawą jest rozwiązanie odnoszące się do obiektu budowlanego posadowionego bezpośrednio zgodnie z normą PN-81/B-03020. W artykule porównano wymiary wybranych stóp i ławy fundamentowej budynku, zaprojektowanych według normy PN-81/B-03020 z obliczonymi według norm: PN-59/B-03020 i PN-EN-1997-1.Wyniki obliczeń nie różnią się istotnie. Mogłoby to oznaczać, że w przypadku niewielkich obiektów kubaturowych w obliczeniach inżynierskich analizowane normy dają podobne wyniki.A correctly founded structure needs to meet the ultimate limit states and the serviceability limit states (the limit states of allowed stress and allowed settlements). The knowledge on broadly defined geotechnics has developed, recently. Changes in design standards for the mentioned foundations were one of its consequences. In the last sixty years, the standards changed few times in Poland. Not only their philosophy was different, but also the calculation procedure. Since 2010, the Eurocode 7 has been currently applicable. In practice, its introduction will certainly take some time and the discussion concerning the former standards will take place. The presented paper is an attempt to take part in that discussion. It is based on the solution adopted for a structure with shallow foundation according to the PN-81/B-03020 standard. The paper presents the comparison between sizes of chosen pad foundations, as well as the strip foundation of the building, designed according to the PN-81/B-03020 standard and calculated according to the PN-59/B-03020 and PN-EN-1997-1 standards. There is no significant difference between the results. It may mean that, in the case of small buildings, the analysed standards give similar results in engineering calculations

    Model research on piles subjected to lateral load

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    W artykule przedstawiono stanowisko do badań modelowych pali obciążonych siłą poziomą oraz metodykę przeprowadzonych badań. Zasadniczymi elementami stanowiska była skrzynia o wymiarach 1 x 1 x 1 m, pale o wymiarach 4 x 4 x 90 cm oraz układ obciążający i pomiarowy. Zamieszczono wyniki badań dla trzech rodzajów pala: pala zbrojonego prętem ф 4 mm, pala zbrojonego prętem ф 10 mm oraz pala bez zbrojenia i je przeanalizowano.This paper presents results of model research on piles subjected to lateral load and methodology of this research. The essential elements of the test stand were: box with dimensions of 1 x 1 x 1 m, piles with dimensions 4 x 4 x 90 cm, loading and measuring system. The results of the test for three types of piles are shown and discussed (pile reinforced pile with ф 4 mm, pile reinforced with ф 10 mm, unreinforced pile)