379 research outputs found

    Revised planet brightness temperatures using the Planck /LFI 2018 data release

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    Aims. We present new estimates of the brightness temperatures of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune based on the measurements carried in 2009-2013 by Planck/LFI at 30, 44, and 70 GHz and released to the public in 2018. This work extends the results presented in the 2013 and 2015 Planck/LFI Calibration Papers, based on the data acquired in 2009-2011. Methods. Planck observed each planet up to eight times during the nominal mission. We processed time-ordered data from the 22 LFI radiometers to derive planet antenna temperatures for each planet and transit. We accounted for the beam shape, radiometer bandpasses, and several systematic effects. We compared our results with the results from the ninth year of WMAP, Planck/HFI observations, and existing data and models for planetary microwave emissivity. Results. For Jupiter, we obtain Tb = 144.9, 159.8, 170.5 K (\ub1 0.2 K at 1\u3c3, with temperatures expressed using the Rayleigh-Jeans scale) at 30, 44 and 70 GHz, respectively, or equivalently a band averaged Planck temperature Tb(ba) = 144.7, 160.3, 171.2 K in good agreement with WMAP and existing models. A slight excess at 30 GHz with respect to models is interpreted as an effect of synchrotron emission. Our measures for Saturn agree with the results from WMAP for rings Tb = 9.2 \ub1 1.4, 12.6 \ub1 2.3, 16.2 \ub1 0.8 K, while for the disc we obtain Tb = 140.0 \ub1 1.4, 147.2 \ub1 1.2, 150.2 \ub1 0.4 K, or equivalently a Tb(ba) = 139.7, 147.8, 151.0 K. Our measures for Uranus (Tb = 152 \ub1 6, 145 \ub1 3, 132.0 \ub1 2 K, or Tb(ba) = 152, 145, 133 K) and Neptune (Tb = 154 \ub1 11, 148 \ub1 9, 128 \ub1 3 K, or Tb(ba) = 154, 149, 128 K) agree closely with WMAP and previous data in literature

    Revisiting the Glick-Rogoff Current Account Model: An Application to the Current Accounts of BRICS Countries

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    Understanding what drives the changes in current accounts is one of the most important macroeconomic issues for developing countries. Excessive surpluses in current accounts can trigger trade wars, and excessive deficits in current accounts can, on the other hand, induce currency crises. The Glick-Rogoff (1995, Journal of Monetary Economics) model, which emphasizes productivity shocks at home and in the world, fit well with developed economies in the 1970s and 1980s. However, the Glick-Rogoff model fits poorly when it is applied to fast-growing BRICS countries for the period including the global financial crisis. We conclude that different mechanisms of current accounts work for developed and developing countries

    Euclid preparation: XXVII. A UV-NIR spectral atlas of compact planetary nebulae for wavelength calibration

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    The Euclid mission will conduct an extragalactic survey over 15 000 deg2 of the extragalactic sky. The spectroscopic channel of the Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) has a resolution of R~450 for its blue and red grisms that collectively cover the 0.93-1.89 μm range. NISP will obtain spectroscopic redshifts for 3 107 galaxies for the experiments on galaxy clustering, baryonic acoustic oscillations, and redshift space distortion. The wavelength calibration must be accurate within 5 A to avoid systematics in the redshifts and downstream cosmological parameters. The NISP pre-flight dispersion laws for the grisms were obtained on the ground using a Fabry-Perot etalon. Launch vibrations, zero gravity conditions, and thermal stabilisation may alter these dispersion laws, requiring an in-flight recalibration. To this end, we use the emission lines in the spectra of compact planetary nebulae (PNe), which were selected from a PN database. To ensure completeness of the PN sample, we developed a novel technique to identify compact and strong line emitters in Gaia spectroscopic data using the Gaia spectra shape coefficients. We obtained VLT/X-shooter spectra from 0.3 to 2.5 μm for 19 PNe in excellent seeing conditions and a wide slit, mimicking Euclid's slitless spectroscopy mode but with a ten times higher spectral resolution. Additional observations of one northern PN were obtained in the 0.80- 1.90 μm range with the GMOS and GNIRS instruments at the Gemini North Observatory. The collected spectra were combined into an atlas of heliocentric vacuum wavelengths with a joint statistical and systematic accuracy of 0.1 A in the optical and 0.3 A in the near-infrared. The wavelength atlas and the related 1D and 2D spectra are made publicly available

    Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric redshift distributions with stacked spectroscopy

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    Context. The ESA Euclid mission will produce photometric galaxy samples over 15 000 square degrees of the sky that will be rich for clustering and weak lensing statistics. The accuracy of the cosmological constraints derived from these measurements will depend on the knowledge of the underlying redshift distributions based on photometric redshift calibrations. Aims. A new approach is proposed to use the stacked spectra from Euclid slitless spectroscopy to augment broad-band photometric information to constrain the redshift distribution with spectral energy distribution fitting. The high spectral resolution available in the stacked spectra complements the photometry and helps to break the colour-redshift degeneracy and constrain the redshift distribution of galaxy samples. Methods. We modelled the stacked spectra as a linear mixture of spectral templates. The mixture may be inverted to infer the underlying redshift distribution using constrained regression algorithms. We demonstrate the method on simulated Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Euclid mock survey data sets based on the Euclid Flagship mock galaxy catalogue. We assess the accuracy of the reconstruction by considering the inference of the baryon acoustic scale from angular two-point correlation function measurements. Results. We selected mock photometric galaxy samples at redshift za>a1 using the self-organising map algorithm. Considering the idealised case without dust attenuation, we find that the redshift distributions of these samples can be recovered with 0.5% accuracy on the baryon acoustic scale. The estimates are not significantly degraded by the spectroscopic measurement noise due to the large sample size. However, the error degrades to 2% when the dust attenuation model is left free. We find that the colour degeneracies introduced by attenuation limit the accuracy considering the wavelength coverage of Euclid near-infrared spectroscopy

    Euclid preparation: XXIV. Calibration of the halo mass function in (?)CDM cosmologies

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    Euclid s photometric galaxy cluster survey has the potential to be a very competitive cosmological probe. The main cosmological probe with observations of clusters is their number count, within which the halo mass function (HMF) is a key theoretical quantity. We present a new calibration of the analytic HMF, at the level of accuracy and precision required for the uncertainty in this quantity to be subdominant with respect to other sources of uncertainty in recovering cosmological parameters from Euclid cluster counts. Our model is calibrated against a suite of N-body simulations using a Bayesian approach taking into account systematic errors arising from numerical effects in the simulation. First, we test the convergence of HMF predictions from different N-body codes, by using initial conditions generated with different orders of Lagrangian Perturbation theory, and adopting different simulation box sizes and mass resolution. Then, we quantify the effect of using different halo finder algorithms, and how the resulting differences propagate to the cosmological constraints. In order to trace the violation of universality in the HMF, we also analyse simulations based on initial conditions characterised by scale-free power spectra with different spectral indexes, assuming both Einsteinde Sitter and standard CDM expansion histories. Based on these results, we construct a fitting function for the HMF that we demonstrate to be sub-percent accurate in reproducing results from 9 different variants of the CDM model including massive neutrinos cosmologies. The calibration systematic uncertainty is largely sub-dominant with respect to the expected precision of future massobservation relations; with the only notable exception of the effect due to the halo finder, that could lead to biased cosmological inference

    Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids

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    Euclid is poised to survey galaxies across a cosmological volume of unprecedented size, providing observations of more than a billion objects distributed over a third of the full sky. Approximately 20 million of these galaxies will have their spectroscopy available, allowing us to map the three-dimensional large-scale structure of the Universe in great detail. This paper investigates prospects for the detection of cosmic voids therein and the unique benefit they provide for cosmological studies. In particular, we study the imprints of dynamic (redshift-space) and geometric (Alcock-Paczynski) distortions of average void shapes and their constraining power on the growth of structure and cosmological distance ratios. To this end, we made use of the Flagship mock catalog, a state-of-the-art simulation of the data expected to be observed with Euclid. We arranged the data into four adjacent redshift bins, each of which contains about 11000 voids and we estimated the stacked void-galaxy cross-correlation function in every bin. Fitting a linear-theory model to the data, we obtained constraints on f/b and DMH, where f is the linear growth rate of density fluctuations, b the galaxy bias, D-M the comoving angular diameter distance, and H the Hubble rate. In addition, we marginalized over two nuisance parameters included in our model to account for unknown systematic effects in the analysis. With this approach, Euclid will be able to reach a relative precision of about 4% on measurements of f/b and 0.5% on DMH in each redshift bin. Better modeling or calibration of the nuisance parameters may further increase this precision to 1% and 0.4%, respectively. Our results show that the exploitation of cosmic voids in Euclid will provide competitive constraints on cosmology even as a stand-alone probe. For example, the equation-of-state parameter, w, for dark energy will be measured with a precision of about 10%, consistent with previous more approximate forecasts

    Euclid: modelling massive neutrinos in cosmology - a code comparison

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    Euclid preparation: XVI. Exploring the ultra-low surface brightness Universe with Euclid /VIS

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    Context. While Euclid is an ESA mission specifically designed to investigate the nature of dark energy and dark matter, the planned unprecedented combination of survey area (∼15â 000 deg2), spatial resolution, low sky-background, and depth also make Euclid an excellent space observatory for the study of the low surface brightness Universe. Scientific exploitation of the extended low surface brightness structures requires dedicated calibration procedures that are yet to be tested. Aims. We investigate the capabilities of Euclid to detect extended low surface brightness structure by identifying and quantifying sky-background sources and stray-light contamination. We test the feasibility of generating sky flat-fields to reduce large-scale residual gradients in order to reveal the extended emission of galaxies observed in the Euclid survey. Methods. We simulated a realistic set of Euclid/VIS observations, taking into account both instrumental and astronomical sources of contamination, including cosmic rays, stray-light, zodiacal light, interstellar medium, and the cosmic infrared background, while simulating the effects of background sources in the field of view. Results. We demonstrate that a combination of calibration lamps, sky flats, and self-calibration would enable recovery of emission at a limiting surface brightness magnitude of μlim = 29.5-0.27+0.08 mag arcsec-2 (3σ, 10â ×â 10 arcsec2) in the Wide Survey, and it would reach regions deeper by 2 mag in the Deep Surveys. Conclusions.Euclid/VIS has the potential to be an excellent low surface brightness observatory. Covering the gap between pixel-To-pixel calibration lamp flats and self-calibration observations for large scales, the application of sky flat-fielding will enhance the sensitivity of the VIS detector at scales larger than 1″, up to the size of the field of view, enabling Euclid to detect extended surface brightness structures below μlimâ =â 31 mag arcsec-2 and beyond

    Euclid preparation: V. Predicted yield of redshift 7<z<9 quasars from the wide survey

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    We provide predictions of the yield of 7 < z < 9 quasars from the Euclid wide survey, updating the calculation presented in the Euclid Red Book in several ways. We account for revisions to the Euclid near-infrared filter wavelengths; we adopt steeper rates of decline of the quasar luminosity function (QLF; Φ) with redshift, Φ ∝ 10k(z−6) , k = −0.72, and a further steeper rate of decline, k = −0.92; we use better models of the contaminating populations (MLT dwarfs and compact early-type galaxies); and we make use of an improved Bayesian selection method, compared to the colour cuts used for the Red Book calculation, allowing the identification of fainter quasars, down to JAB ∼ 23. Quasars at z > 8 may be selected from Euclid OY JH photometry alone, but selection over the redshift interval 7 < z < 8 is greatly improved by the addition of z-band data from, e.g., Pan-STARRS and LSST. We calculate predicted quasar yields for the assumed values of the rate of decline of the QLF beyond z = 6. If the decline of the QLF accelerates beyond z = 6, with k = −0.92, Euclid should nevertheless find over 100 quasars with 7.0 < z < 7.5, and ∼ 25 quasars beyond the current record of z = 7.5, including ∼ 8 beyond z = 8.0. The first Euclid quasars at z > 7.5 should be found in the DR1 data release, expected in 2024. It will be possible to determine the bright-end slope of the QLF, 7 < z < 8, M1450 < −25, using 8 m class telescopes to confirm candidates, but follow-up with JWST or E-ELT will be required to measure the faint-end slope. Contamination of the candidate lists is predicted to be modest even at JAB ∼ 23. The precision with which k can be determined over 7 < z < 8 depends on the value of k, but assuming k = −0.72 it can be measured to a 1σ uncertainty of 0.07

    Euclid: Identifying the reddest high-redshift galaxies in the Euclid Deep Fields with gradient-boosted trees

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    Context. ALMA observations show that dusty, distant, massive (M* &amp; 1011 M ) galaxies usually have a remarkable star-formation activity, contributing of the order of 25% of the cosmic star-formation rate density at z 3 5, and up to 30% at z ∼ 7. Nonetheless, they are elusive in classical optical surveys, and current near-IR surveys are able to detect them only in very small sky areas. Since these objects have low space densities, deep and wide surveys are necessary to obtain statistically relevant results about them. Euclid will potentially be capable of delivering the required information, but, given the lack of spectroscopic features at these distances within its bands, it is still unclear if Euclid will be able to identify and characterise these objects. Aims. The goal of this work is to assess the capability of Euclid, together with ancillary optical and near-IR data, to identify these distant, dusty, and massive galaxies based on broadband photometry. Methods. We used a gradient-boosting algorithm to predict both the redshift and spectral type of objects at high z. To perform such an analysis, we made use of simulated photometric observations that mimic the Euclid Deep Survey, derived using the state-of-the-art Spectro-Photometric Realizations of Infrared-selected Targets at all-z (SPRITZ) software. Results. The gradient-boosting algorithm was found to be accurate in predicting both the redshift and spectral type of objects within the simulated Euclid Deep Survey catalogue at z &gt; 2, while drastically decreasing the runtime with respect to spectral-energy-distribution-fitting methods. In particular, we studied the analogue of HIEROs (i.e. sources selected on the basis of a red H - [4:5] &gt; 2:25), combining Euclid and Spitzer data at the depth of the Deep Fields. These sources include the bulk of obscured and massive galaxies in a broad redshift range, 3 &lt; z &lt; 7. We find that the dusty population at 3 . z . 7 is well identified, with a redshift root mean squared error and catastrophic outlier fraction of only 0:55 and 8:5% (HE = 26), respectively. Our findings suggest that with Euclid we will obtain meaningful insights into the impact of massive and dusty galaxies on the cosmic star-formation rate over time