22 research outputs found

    Тваринне населення дендрарію ботанічного саду НЛТУ України

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    An important task for zoologists, ecologists, foresters, other scientists is the study of the systematic diversity of animals in the territory of protected objects. The authors of the publication have provided new and extremely valuable data about birds, animals, and some invertebrates, which are found on the territory of the arboretum. The species variety of animals is constantly undergoing changes caused by anthropogenic activity. During the studies, we noticed an increase of both the amount of ground-based mesophauna of arboretum and taxonomic diversity. In particular, a new dangerous species of mollusks – the Spanish snail (Arion lusitanicus) – has appeared at the object where the research was conducted. For the first time, researchers registered it there in 2017. Now this mollusk is massive and numerous throughout the territory. During the breeding season and nesting, migrations and wintering, most of the passerines were observed. The arboretum was not attractive concerning the animals. Only typical for inhabited locality and the most numerical rodents, such as house mouse (Mus musculus) and the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) live there. Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) find conditions for feeding, reproduction and permanent residence to be favourable there. The researchers identified animals with red and black furs. Beech marten (Martes foina) was registered in 2017, and in October 2018 presence of beech marten was confirmed with excrements. The arboretum faunistic complex is unique and not well studied. The authors conducted personal observations in different seasons for a long period of time. We have found that birds are best represented here – more than 20 species and only five species of mammals were registered. Trees with a height of over 20 meters are important for birds. They are attractive because valuable and nutritious seeds and fruits. Walnut, magnolia, beech, oak, and pine are especially important. Bird cherry, dogwood and other plant species are also valuable for food. Mistletoe, a parasitic plant, and common yews (Taxus baccata) attract herbivorous birds with their fruits. Martens eat the fruits of the common yew (Taxus baccata). The results of the research should be the basis for the implementation of specific environmental measures for the most vulnerable local animal species.Проведено оригінальні польові дослідження видового складу мезофауни підстилки і наземних хребетних тварин для дендрарію НЛТУ України у 2003–2019 рр. Спостереження за хребетними здійснено у всі сезони, а відбір проб – у червні та липні. Дослідженнями охоплена уся територія заповідного об'єкта. Кількість наземної мезофауни підстилки дендрарію знизилась, зменшилося також таксономічне різноманіття. Відзначено новий вид молюсків – іспанський слизняк. Цей представник безхребетних за останні два роки став дуже численним – його виявляли по всій території, а кладки яєць у підстилці знаходили навіть у жовтні. З'ясовано, що досліджена ділянка найпривабливіша для горобиних птахів з погляду гніздування, ночівлі та живлення. Тут відзначено 23 види птахів, з яких 56 % за типом гніздування належать до кронників, а 14 % – до дуплогніздників. Звірів виявлено тільки чотири види. Оптимальні умови тут для вивірки (Sciurus vulgaris), куниці кам'яної (Martes foina), миші хатньої (Mus musculus) та пацюка сірого (Rattus norvegicus). Хутро місцевих вивірок має різне забарвлення – є руді особини і тварини чорного кольору. Колекція вікових дерев і декоративних чагарників зумовила формування особливого й унікального фауністичного комплексу дендрарію. Отримані результати можна використовувати для подальшого збереження унікального складу флори і фауни в урбанізованому середовищі міста Львова

    On the fourth-order accurate compact ADI scheme for solving the unsteady Nonlinear Coupled Burgers' Equations

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    The two-dimensional unsteady coupled Burgers' equations with moderate to severe gradients, are solved numerically using higher-order accurate finite difference schemes; namely the fourth-order accurate compact ADI scheme, and the fourth-order accurate Du Fort Frankel scheme. The question of numerical stability and convergence are presented. Comparisons are made between the present schemes in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency for solving problems with severe internal and boundary gradients. The present study shows that the fourth-order compact ADI scheme is stable and efficient

    Amateur sport and emotional burnout formation in high school students

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    Practicing sports, as well as physical activity in general, contribute to a healthy lifestyle, help to prevent numerous chronic diseases, and play a therapeutic role in addressing a number of cognitive and psychological disorders (such as depression, distorted body image and self-perception and low self-esteem). As regards students, freshmen with higher physical capabilities can better adapt to new college environment, which in turn influences their well-being, psychological state and ability to study. The aim of our study was to detect the level of emotional burnout and individual psychological characteristics of the university students, engaged in amateur sports. It was shown that the group of amateur sportsmen demonstrated higher level of arousal and mobility of neural processes, and lower level of neuroticism, lower level of neurotisation, anxiety, psychic tension and depression. This allows us to conclude that the type of nervous system may define the disposition toward the physical activity, and the strength of nervous system determines the ability to achieve success in sports. Our data indicate that practicing sports prevent the development of burnout, reduce the negative impact of daily emotional stress and provide a socially acceptable way to express aggression