17 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic model for DNA G-quadruplex unfolding

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    [EN] Genomes contain rare guanine-rich sequences capable of assembling into four-stranded helical structures, termed G-quadruplexes, with potential roles in gene regulation and chromosome stability. Their mechanical unfolding has only been reported to date by all-atom simulations, which cannot dissect the major physical interactions responsible for their cohesion. Here, we propose a mesoscopic model to describe both the mechanical and thermal stability of DNA G-quadruplexes, where each nucleotide of the structure, as well as each central cation located at the inner channel, is mapped onto a single bead. In this framework we are able to simulate loading rates similar to the experimental ones, which are not reachable in simulations with atomistic resolution. In this regard, we present single-molecule force-induced unfolding experiments by a high-resolution optical tweezers on a DNA telomeric sequence capable of adopting a G-quadruplex conformation. Fitting the parameters of the model to the experiments we find a correct prediction of the rupture-force kinetics and a good agreement with previous near equilibrium measurements. Since G-quadruplex unfolding dynamics is halfway in complexity between secondary nucleic acids and tertiary protein structures, our model entails a nanoscale paradigm for non-equilibrium processes in the cell.Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), grant No. FIS2014-55867, co-financed by FEDER funds. We also thank the support of the Aragon Government and Fondo Social Europeo to FENOL group. Work in J.R.A.-G. laboratory was supported by a grant from MINECO, No. MAT2015-71806-R).Bergues-Pupo, A.; Gutiérrez, I.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR.; Falo, F.; Fiasconaro, A. (2017). Mesoscopic model for DNA G-quadruplex unfolding. Scientific Reports. 7:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-10849-2S1137Arias-Gonzalez, J. R. Single-molecule portrait of DNA and RNA double helices. Integr. 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    Investigation of the physical risk factor in wall plastering job using WERA method

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    This aims of this study was to investigate the physical risk factor among the workers in wall plastering by using new development of the ergonomic risk assessment tool which called Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA). Home building industry in three workplaces were randomly selected as a field study in this research where out of 43 workers in the wall plastering job were randomly selected as a subjects. During the site visit of the three workplaces, observation of the tasks were carried out by using WERA assessment. A structured interview with self-report charts (Body Discomfort Chart) were given to all subjects for each tasks. An analysis of WERA assessment, the wrist score for WERA body part was >4 in 86% of workers, while wrist pain or discomfort was reported by 86%, yielding a significant association between WERA body part score and self-reported pain (? 2=16.12; p =0.000). The WERA body part score for the shoulder regions during wall plastering job yielded a score >4 in 93% and caused shoulder pain or discomfort in 91%, the association being significant (2 =12.58; p =0.000). The back regions for WERA body part score was >4 in 91% of workers, with 98% reporting pain or discomfort in the back regions, with a significant association (2 =9.98; p =0.002). The result shows that statistically significant for the wrist, shoulder and back regions of the individual WERA body part scores to the development of pain or discomfort. It shows that the WERA assessment provided a good indication of work related musculoskeletal disorders which might be reported as pain, ache or discomfort in the relevant body region

    Optimizing humidity level and illuminance to enhance worker performance in an automotive industry

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    The objective of this study is to determine the optimum values of environmental factors such as relative humidity (%) and illuminance (lux), on the operators’ productivity at Malaysian automotive industry. Production of automotive parts is among the largest contributor to economic earnings in Malaysia. The dominant work involve in producing automotive part were manual assembly process. Where it is definitely used a manpower capability. Thus, the quality of the product heavily depends on worker’s comfort in the working condition. Humidity and illuminance level can give significant effect on the worker performance. Humidity level, illuminance level and productivity rate were observed in automotive factory. An automotive manufacturing firm was chosen to observe the relative humidity level, illuminance level and worker’s productivity rate. The data were analyzed using Artificial Neural Network's (ANN) analysis. Artificial Neural Network's (ANN) analysis technique is usual analysis method used to form the best linear relationship from the collected data. It is apparent from the linear relationship, that is the optimum value of production (value?1) is attained when relative humidity is 54.86% RH and lighting value is 146.386 lux. Optimum value production rate (value?1) for one manual production line in that particular company is successfully achieved. Through ANN's system, optimum environmental factor manage to be predicted

    The pursuit of American dream in American soccer as reflected in the Christian pulisic biography

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    This study focus on the object of Christian Pulisic biography. entitled The Pursuit of American Dream In American Soccer as Reflected in The Christian Pulisic Biography. This thesis tells of The character struggles to achieve the American Dream. Hence to describe the American Dream as the part of Popular Culture, and to analyze the American Dream for the players. This study used qualitative research methods. The data collection were from biography, documentary video, journals, article, books, and social media. Researcher selected data related to the American dream of the character Along with American Popular Culture the primary data were from documentary video and biography. The American dream is a necessity and a stress in the daily life of the character. So that the data were collected to find American Dream. The character supported by the theory of American Dream meanwhile the theory of Pop Culture was used to describe characteristic of Popular values.. The result of this research is that are needs and pressure of the character related to the American dream. After being analyzed, the character have several types of needs and pressure according to Christian Pulisic biography.The search results do not provide an abstract about Christian Pulisic. However, based on existing knowledge, Christian Pulisic is a professional soccer player who plays as a forward or midfielder for the United States national team

    Optimization of temperature level to enhance worker performance in automotive industry

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    Problem statement: Production of automotive parts is among the largest contributor to economic earnings in Malaysia. The dominant work involve in producing automotive part were manual assembly process. Where it is definitely used a manpower capability. Thus the quality of the product heavily depends on worker's comfort in the working condition. Temperature is one of the environmental factors that give significant effect on the worker performance. Approach: Temperature level and productivity rate were observed in automotive factory. An automotive manufacturing firm was chosen to observe the temperature level and worker's productivity rate. The data were analyzed using Artificial Neural Network's analysis (ANN). ANN analysis technique is usual analysis method used to form the best linear relationship from the collected data. Results: It is apparent from the linear relationship, that the optimum value of production (value≈1) attained when temperature value (WBGT) is 24.5°C. Conclusion: Optimum value production rate (value≈1) for one manual production line in that particular company is successfully achieved. Through ANN method, the optimum temperature level for the optimum manual workers' performance manage to be predicted

    The optimization of environmental factors at manual assembly worstation by using taguchi method

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    The objective of this study was to determine the dominance effects of environmental factors such as Illuminance, humidity and WBGT on the operators’ productivity at Malaysian automotive industry. A case study was carried out at an automotive components assembly factory. The environmental factors examined were the Illuminance (lux), humidity and WBGT of the surrounding workstation area. Two sets of representative data including the illuminance, humidity and WBGT level and production rate were collected during the study. The production rate data were collected through observations and survey questionnaires while the illuminance level was measured using photometer model RS 180-7133, the humidity and WBGT level were measured by using quest temp thermal environment monitor. Taguchi Method was utilized to find the sequence of dominant factors that contributed to the productivity of operator at that specified production workstation. The study reveals that the dominant factor contributed to the productivity was illuminance, followed by humidity and WBGT

    Assessment of thermal comfort and optimization of environmental factors at automotive industry

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    The objective of this study is to determine the dominance effects of environmental factors such as Illuminance (lux), relative humidity (%) and WBGT (°C) on the operators' productivity at Malaysian automotive industry. One automotive parts assembly factory had been chosen as a subject for the study. The subjects were workers at the assembly section of the factory. The environment examined was the Illuminance (lux), relative humidity (%) and WBGT (°C) of the surrounding workstation area. Two sets of representative data including the Illuminance, relative humidity (%) and WBGT (°C) level and production rate were collected during the study. All the data was measured using Babuc apparatus which is capable to measure simultaneously those mentioned environmental factors. The time series data of fluctuating level of environmental were plotted to identify the significant changes of factors. Then Taguchi Method is being utilized to find the sequence of dominance factors that contributed to the productivity of operator at the specified production workstation. From there, optimum level for the three factors will be determine for optimum productivity. Further multiple linear regressions were employed to obtain the equation model in order to represent the relationship of these environmental factors towards productivity. The Thermal Comfort assessments of this station which is the scale PMV is 2.1 and PPD is 19% are likely to be satisfied by the worker. The study reveals that the dominant factor contribute to the productivity at the body assembly production line is WBGT and Illuminance whereas the empirical finding is closely related to the perception study by survey questionnaire distribution