934 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of managing Natura 2000 sites: an exploratory study for Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland

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    Natura 2000 sites are expected to assure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. It follows that successful management of the sites is of great importance. Next to goal attainment, cost-effectiveness is increasingly recognised as a key requirement for gaining social and political acceptance for costly conservation measures. We identify and qualitatively examine issues of cost-effectiveness related to the design and implementation of management measures in Natura 2000 sites in Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. Given the wide variety of management design and implementation options within the four countries, our study is purely of an exploratory nature. We derive recommendations for improving the cost-effectiveness of management in Natura 2000 sites and for future research. Examples of policy recommendations include guaranteeing the availability of funds for longer periods, and ensuring the appropriate allocation of funds between the different tasks of designing and implementing management plans. Further research should examine the cost-effectiveness of controversial suggestions such as, for example, more tailored payment schemes for conservation measures that result in higher ecological outputs but are costly to administer. Moreover, more research is needed to better understand how rules for administrations, as well as rules and governance structures for tasks within administrations, should be designed

    Chromium coated silicon nitride electron beam exit window

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    A Si3N4 membrane with a thin Cr coating is proposed and demonstrated as an electron beam exit window. On average, 85% electron power transmission efficiency was achieved with a 1 μm thick Si3N4 membrane coated with 1 μm thick Cr and the membrane sustained a beam current of up to 3 mA at 60 keV electron energy for the continuous operation of 3 min. However, for an uncoated membrane of same thickness, the average electron power transmission efficiency was 71% and the maximum beam current sustained was 800 μA. It was also shown that a one micron thick Si3N4 square membrane window of 10 mm × 10 mm could withstand a differential pressure of 1.3 bars.The work carried out at Brunel University was co-funded by the EC Seventh Framework Programme theme FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1 for the DEECON project (grant number 284745)

    Intra-tumoral production of IL18, but not IL12, by TCR-engineered T cells is non-toxic and counteracts immune evasion of solid tumors

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    Adoptive therapy with engineered T cells shows promising results in treating patients with malignant disease, but is challenged by incomplete responses and tumor recurrences. Here, we aimed to direct the tumor microenvironment in favor of a successful immune response by local secretion of interleukin (IL-) 12 and IL-18 by sadministered T cells. To this end, we engineered T cells with a melanoma-specific T cell receptor (TCR) and murine IL-12 and/or IL-18 under the control of a nuclear-factor of activated T-cell (NFAT)-sensitive promoter. These T cells produced IL-12 or IL-18, and consequently enhanced levels of IFNγ, following exposure to antigen-positive but not negative tumor cells. Adoptive transfer of T cells with a TCR and inducible (i)IL-12 to melanoma-bearing mice resulted in severe, edema-like toxicity that was accompanied by enhanced levels of IFNγ and TNFα in blood, and reduced numbers of peripheral TCR transgene-positive T cells. In contrast, transfer of T cells expressing a TCR and iIL-18 was without side effects, enhanced the presence of therapeutic CD8+ T cells within tumors, reduced tumor burden and prolonged survival. Notably, treatment with TCR+iIL-12 but not iIL-18 T cells resulted in enhanced intra-tumoral accumulation of macrophages, which was accompanied by a decreased frequency of therapeutic T cells, in particular of the CD8 subset. In addition, when administered to mice, iIL-18 but not iIL-12 demonstrated a favorable profile of T cell co-stimulatory and inhibitory receptors. In conclusion, we observed that treatment with T cells engineered with a TCR and iIL18 T cells is safe and able to skew the tumor microenvironment in favor of an improved anti-tumor T cell response

    Three- and Four-Body Scattering Calculations including the Coulomb Force

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    The method of screening and renormalization for including the Coulomb interaction in the framework of momentum-space integral equations is applied to the three- and four-body nuclear reactions. The Coulomb effect on the observables and the ability of the present nuclear potential models to describe the experimental data is discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the Critical Stability workshop, Erice, Sicily, October 2008, to be published in Few-Body System

    Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars II. Restricted NLTE Calculations for a Solar-Like Atmosphere

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    We test our knowledge of the atomic opacity in the solar UV spectrum. Using the atomic data compiled in Paper I from modern, publicly available, databases, we perform calculations that are confronted with space-based observations of the Sun. At wavelengths longer than about 260 nm, LTE modeling can reproduce quite closely the observed fluxes; uncertainties in the atomic line data account fully for the differences between calculated and observed fluxes. At shorter wavelengths, departures from LTE appear to be important, as our LTE and restricted NLTE calculations differ. Analysis of visible-near infrared Na I and O I lines, two species that produce a negligible absorption in the UV, shows that observed departures from LTE for theses species can be reproduced very accurately with restricted (fixed atmospheric structure) NLTE calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap

    Typology of the antegonial notch in the human mandible

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    Background: Surgical treatment for serious malocclusions and fractures of the organ of mastication is a golden standard in medicine. Procedures performed on the mandible require detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the organ. Antegonial notching constitutes a serious technical challenge for surgeons. Therefore, a detailed anatomical description of this structure, which is the subject of this paper, is essential. Materials and methods: We analysed 251 human Caucasian mandibles of identified sex and took measurements of all sections describing the mandibular antegonial notch. Depending on the proportion between sections we classified the shape of the antegonial notch into three types. The surface area of the notch was calculated. We analysed the dimorphic and bilateral differences for each of the three types of notch. We used variance analysis for the assessment of statistical difference. Results: The analysis revealed that in both men and women, regardless of body side, the type 3 antegonial notch was the most frequent. Type 3 occurred with a frequency of between 38% in men on the right side and 55.9% in women on the left side of the body. Type 1 was the least frequent. Dimorphic differences in the presence of individual types of antegonial notch were statistically significant only for the left side of the body. The symmetrical type (type 2) occurred more frequently in men (by 11%) than in women. Type 3 was found more frequently in women (by 10%) than in men. Bilateral differences in men were revealed for the frequencies of types 1 and 3. On the right side type 1 was more frequent (by 8%), and on the left side type 3 was also more frequent (by 8%). The greatest surface area was found for the asymmetrical posterior type (type 1). The smallest surface area was found for the asymmetrical anterior type 3. This difference was statistically significant with respect to the surface area of types 1 and type 2 and found for both sexes for both sides of the body. However, no statistically significant differences were found between the surface areas of types 1 or 2. Conclusions: Knowledge of the preangular notch anatomy can be useful for surgeons during reconstructive and plastic procedures on the body of the mandible

    Viscosities of the Gay-Berne nematic liquid crystal

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    We present molecular dynamics simulation measurements of the viscosities of the Gay-Berne phenomenological model of liquid crystals in the nematic and isotropic phases. The temperature dependence of the rotational and shear viscosities, including the nonmonotonic behavior of one shear viscosity are in good agreement with experimental data. The bulk viscosities are significantly larger than the shear viscosities, again in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Postscript figures, Revte

    A multiwavelength approach to the SFR estimation in galaxies at intermediate redshifts

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    We use a sample of 7 starburst galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z ~ 0.4 and z ~ 0.8) with observations ranging from the observed ultraviolet to 1.4 GHz, to compare the star formation rate (SFR) estimators which are used in the different wavelength regimes. We find that extinction corrected Halpha underestimates the SFR, and the degree of this underestimation increases with the infrared luminosity of the galaxies. Galaxies with very different levels of dust extinction as measured with SFR(IR)/SFR(Halpha, uncorrected for extinction) present a similar attenuation A[Halpha], as if the Balmer lines probed a different region of the galaxy than the one responsible for the bulk of the IR luminosity for large SFRs. In addition, SFR estimates derived from [OII]3727 match very well those inferred from Halpha after applying the metallicity correction derived from local galaxies. SFRs estimated from the UV luminosities show a dichotomic behavior, similar to that previously reported by other authors in galaxies at z <~ 0.4. Here we extend this result up to z ~ 0.8. Finally, one of the studied objects is a luminous compact galaxy (LCG) that may be suffering similar dust-enshrouded star formation episodes. These results highlight the relevance of quantifying the actual L(IR) of LCGs, as well as that of a much larger and generic sample of luminous infrared galaxies, which will be possible after the launch of SIRTF.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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