102 research outputs found

    Economic Value of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Management in Spain s Jucar Basin

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    [EN] Although many recent studies have quantified the potential effects of climate change on water resource systems, the scientific community faces now the challenge of developing methods for assessing and selecting climate change adaptation options. This paper presents a method for assessing impacts and adaptation strategies to global change in a river basin system at different temporal horizons using a hydro-economic model. First, a multiobjective analysis selects climate change projections based on the fitting of the climate models to the historical conditions for the historical period. Inflows for climate change scenarios are generated using calibrated rainfall-runoff models, perturbing observed meteorological time series according to the projected anomalies in mean and standard deviation. Demands are projected for the different scenarios and characterized using economic demand curves. With the new water resource and demand scenarios, the impact of global change on system performance is assessed using a hydro-economic model with reliability and economic indices. A new economic loss index is defined to assess the economic equity of the system. Selected adaptation strategies are simulated to compare performance with the business-as-usual scenario. The approach is applied to the Jucar River water resource system, in eastern Spain, using climate projections from the European Union (EU) ENSEMBLES project. Results show that the system is vulnerable to global change, especially over the long term, and that adaptation actions can save Euro3-65million/year. (C) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.This research was partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R and CGL2013-48424-C2-2-R) of the National Research Plan (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013-2016), funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and European Federation funds. It was also partially funded by the PMAFI06/14 project (UCAM). The work was also partially supported by a stay grant from the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission under the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering-TEE Project. The authors would like to thank Professor Jay R. Lund (University of California, Davis) for his insights. The ENSEMBLES data used in this work was funded by the EU FP6 Integrated Project ENSEMBLES (Contract Number 505539) whose support is gratefully acknowledged. The data can be downloaded from http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com/.Escrivà Bou, À.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Pulido-Velázquez, D. (2017). Economic Value of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Management in Spain s Jucar Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143(5):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000735S113143

    Inferring efficient operating rules in multireservoir water resource systems: A review

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    [EN] Coordinated and efficient operation of water resource systems becomes essential to deal with growing demands and uncertain resources in water-stressed regions. System analysis models and tools help address the complexities of multireservoir systems when defining operating rules. This paper reviews the state of the art in developing operating rules for multireservoir water resource systems, focusing on efficient system operation. This review focuses on how optimal operating rules can be derived and represented. Advantages and drawbacks of each approach are discussed. Major approaches to derive optimal operating rules include direct optimization of reservoir operation, embedding conditional operating rules in simulation-optimization frameworks, and inferring rules from optimization results. Suggestions on which approach to use depend on context. Parametrization-simulation-optimization or rule inference using heuristics are promising approaches. Increased forecasting capabilities will further benefit the use of model predictive control algorithms to improve system operation. This article is categorized under: Engineering Water > Water, Health, and Sanitation Engineering Water > MethodsThe study has been partially funded by the ADAPTAMED project (RTI2018-101483-B-I00) from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion Universidades (MICINN) of Spain, and by the postdoctoral program (PAID-10-18) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).Macian-Sorribes, H.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2019). Inferring efficient operating rules in multireservoir water resource systems: A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water. 7(1):1-24. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1400S12471Aboutalebi, M., Bozorg Haddad, O., & Loáiciga, H. A. (2015). Optimal Monthly Reservoir Operation Rules for Hydropower Generation Derived with SVR-NSGAII. 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    Integrating Historical Operating Decisions and Expert Criteria into a DSS for the Management of a multireservoir System

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    [EN] This paper presents a collaborative framework to couple historical records with expert knowledge and criteria in order to define a Decision Support System (DSS) to support the seasonal operation of the reservoirs of the Jucar river system. The framework relies on the co-development of a DSS tool that is able to explicitly reproduce the decision-making processes and criteria considered by the system operators. Fuzzy logic is used to derive the implicit operating rules followed by the managers based on historical decisions and expert knowledge obtained in the co-development process, combining both sources of information. Fuzzy regression is used to forecast future inflows based on the meteorological and hydrological variables considered by the system operators in their decisions on reservoir operation. The DSS was validated against historical records. The developed framework and tools offer the system operators a way to predefine a set of feasible ex ante management decisions, as well as to explore the consequences associated with any single choice. In contrast with other approaches, the fuzzy-based method used is able to embed inflow uncertainty and its effects in the definition of the decisions on the system operation. Furthermore, the method is flexible enough to be applied to other water resource systems.The authors wish to acknowledge the Jucar River Basin Management Authority (Confederacion Hidrografica del Joecar, CHJ), especially its Operation Office's (Oficina de Explotacion) system operators Jose Maria Benlliure Moreno and Juan Fullana Montoro, for their contribution to the whole process, valuable suggestions, and provision of the necessary data to carry out the study. The study has been partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R) with Spanish MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and FEDER funds. It has also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the IMPREX project (GA 641.811).Macian-Sorribes, H.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2017). Integrating Historical Operating Decisions and Expert Criteria into a DSS for the Management of a multireservoir System. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143(1). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000712S143

    Economic Costs of Sustaining Water Supplies: Findings from the Rio Grande

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    [EN] Water claims in many of the world's arid basins exceed reliable supplies. Water demands for irrigation, urban use, the environment, and energy continue to grow, while supplies remain constrained by unsustainable use, drought and impacts of climate change. For example, policymakers in North America's Upper Rio Grande Basin face the challenge of designing plans for allocating the basin's water supplies efficiently and fairly to support current uses and current environments. Managers also seek resilient institutions that can ensure adequate supplies for future generations. This paper addresses those challenges by designing and applying an integrated basin-scale framework that accounts for the basin's most important hydrologic, economic, and institutional constraints. Its unique contribution is a quantitative analysis of three policies for addressing long term goals for the basin's reservoirs and aquifers: (1) no sustainability for water stocks, (2) sustaining water stocks, and (3) renewing water stocks. It identifies water use and allocation trajectories over time that result from each of these three plans. Findings show that it is hydrologically and institutionally feasible to manage the basin's water supplies sustainably. The economic cost of protecting the sustainability of the basin's water stocks can be achieved at 6-11 percent of the basin's average annual total economic value of water over a 20 year time horizon.The authors are grateful for financial support for this work by the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station and by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on Groundwater SystemsWard, FA.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2012). Economic Costs of Sustaining Water Supplies: Findings from the Rio Grande. 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    Improving operating policies of large-scale surface-groundwater systems through stochastic programming

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    [EN] The management of large-scale water resource systems with surface and groundwater resources requires considering stream-aquifer interactions. Optimization models applied of large-scale systems have either employed deterministic optimization (with perfect foreknowledge of future inflows, which hinders their applicability to real-life operations) or stochastic programming (in which stream-aquifer interaction is often neglected due to the computational burden associated with these methods). In this paper, stream-aquifer interaction is integrated in a stochastic programming framework by combining the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) optimization algorithm with the Embedded Multireservoir Model (EMM). The resulting extension of the SDDP algorithm, named Combined Surface-Groundwater SDDP (CSG-SDDP), is able to properly represent the stream-aquifer interaction within stochastic optimization models of large-scale surface-groundwater resources systems. The algorithm is applied to build a hydroeconomic model for the Jucar River Basin (Spain), in which stream-aquifer interactions are essential to the characterization of water resources in the system. Besides the uncertainties regarding the economic characterization of the demand functions, the results show that the economic efficiency of the operating policies under the current system can be improved by better management of groundwater and surface resourcesThe data used in this study was obtained from the references included. This study was partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R) with Spanish MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and FEDER funds. It also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the IMPREX project (grant agreement: 641.811). The authors want to thank the editor, the associated editor and the reviewers for their comments and suggestions in order to increase the quality of the paper. Readers interested in requesting data about the results of the study may send an e-mail to [email protected], H.; Tilmant, A.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2017). Improving operating policies of large-scale surface-groundwater systems through stochastic programming. Water Resources Research. 53(2):1407-1423. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016WR019573S1407142353

    Modeling residential water and related energy, carbon footprint and costs in California

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    Starting from single-family household water end-use data, this study develops an end-use model for water-use and related energy and carbon footprint using probability distributions for parameters affecting water consumption in 10 local water utilities in California. Monte Carlo simulations are used to develop a large representative sample of households to describe variability in use, with water bills for each house for different utility rate structures. The water-related energy consumption for each household realization was obtained using an energy model based on the different water end-uses, assuming probability distributions for hot-water-use for each appliance and water heater characteristics. Spatial variability is incorporated to account for average air and household water inlet temperatures and price structures for each utility. Water-related energy costs are calculated using averaged energy price for each location. CO2 emissions were derived from energy use using emission factors. Overall simulation runs assess the impact of several common conservation strategies on household water and energy use. Results show that single-family water-related CO2 emissions are 2% of overall per capita emissions, and that managing water and energy jointly can significantly reduce state greenhouse gas emissions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This paper has been developed as a result of a mobility stay funded by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission under the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering-TEE Project. The study has been partially supported by the Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011 (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain), projects CGL2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02.Escrivà Bou, À.; Lund, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2015). Modeling residential water and related energy, carbon footprint and costs in California. Environmental Science and Policy. 50:270-281. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2015.03.005S2702815

    Saving energy from urban water demand management

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Escrivà Bou, Àlvar, Lund, JR., Pulido-Velazquez, M.. (2018). Saving energy from urban water demand management.Water Resources Research, 54, 7, 4265-4276. DOI: 10.1029/2017WR021448, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1029/2017WR021448. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Water use directly causes a significant amount of energy use in cities. In this paper we assessed energy and carbon dioxide emissions related to each part of the urban water cycle and the consequences of some water demand management policies in terms of water, energy, and CO2 emissions in urban water users, water and energy utilities, and the environment. First, we developed an hourly model of urban water uses by customer category, including water-related energy consumption. Next, using real data from the East Bay Municipal Utility District in California, we calibrated a model of the energy used in water supply, treatment, pumping, and wastewater treatment by the utility, obtaining also energy costs. Then, using data from the California Independent System Operator, we obtained hourly costs of energy generation and transport to the point of use for the energy utility. Finally, using average emission factors reported by energy utilities, we estimated greenhouse gas emissions for the entire urban water cycle. Results for East Bay Municipal Utility District show that water end uses account for almost 95% of all water-related energy use; however, the remaining 5% of energy used by the utility still costs over USD12 million annually. The carbon footprint of the urban water cycle is 372 kg CO2/person/year, representing approximately 4% of the total per capita emissions in California. Several simulations analyze the consequences of different water demand management policies, resulting in significant economic impacts for water and energy utilities and environmental benefits by reducing CO2 emissions.This paper has been developed as a result of a mobility stay funded by the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission under the Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering-TEE Project. This research was also partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R and CGL2013-48424-C2-2-R) of the National Research Plan (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013-2016), funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and European Federation funds. Water and energy microdata were kindly provided by Frank Loge and Edward Spang, at the Center for Water and Energy Efficiency of the University of California, Davis, who are able to release the data under private agreements and to whom we are very grateful. The results can be totally reproduced using the summary tables included in the supporting information.cEscrivà Bou, À.; Lund, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2018). Saving energy from urban water demand management. Water Resources Research. 54(7):4265-4276. https://doi.org/10.1029/2017WR021448S4265427654

    A hydrologically-driven approach to climate change adaptation for multipurpose multireservoir system

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    [EN] Climate change can significantly affect water systems with negative impacts on many facets of society and ecosystems. Therefore, significant attention must be devoted to the development of efficient adaptation strategies. More specifically, the reoperation of water resources systems to keep the overall performance within acceptable limits should be prioritized to avoid, or at least delay as much as possible, costly infrastructural investments. This manuscript presents a hydrologically-driven approach to support the reoperation of multipurpose multireservoir systems. The approach is organized around 1) the use of a large ensemble of GCM hydro-climate projections to drive a climate stress test; 2) the bottom-up clustering of those hydrologic projections based on hydrologic attributes that are both relevant to the region of interest and interpretable by the operators; and finally, 3) the identification of adaptation measures for each cluster after developing a one-way coupling of an optimization model with a simulation model. The climate impact assessment is illustrated with the multipurpose multireservoir system of the Lievre River basin in Quebec (Canada). Results show that cluster-specific, adapted, operating rules can improve the performance of the system and reveal its operational flexibility with respect to the different operating objectives.The work was partly supported by a project funded by MELCC (Quebecs Ministere de lEnvironnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques) through two programs: PACC 2013-2020 and Fonds vert. This study does not represent the views of MELCC. Also, this work was partly supported by the NSERC Discovery Grant (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) of the second author, and the intersectorial flood network of Quebec (RIISQ). This research was enabled in part by support provided by Compute Canada (www.computecanada.ca).Sant Anna, C.; Tilmant, A.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2022). A hydrologically-driven approach to climate change adaptation for multipurpose multireservoir system. Climate Risk Management. 36:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2022.1004271163

    Stochastic hydro-economic modeling for optimal management of agricultural groundwater nitrate pollution under hydraulic conductivity uncertainty

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    [EN] In decision-making processes, reliability and risk aversion play a decisive role. This paper presents a framework for stochastic optimization of control strategies for groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture under hydraulic conductivity uncertainty. The main goal is to analyze the influence of uncertainty in the physical parameters of a heterogeneous groundwater diffuse pollution problem on the results of management strategies, and to introduce methods that integrate uncertainty and reliability in order to obtain strategies of spatial allocation of fertilizer use in agriculture. A hydro-economic modeling approach is used for obtaining the allocation of fertilizer reduction that complies with the maximum permissible concentration in groundwater while minimizes agricultural income losses. The model is based upon nonlinear programming and groundwater flow and mass transport numerical simulation, condensed on a pollutant concentration response matrix. The effects of the hydraulic conductivity uncertainty on the allocation of nitrogen reduction among agriculture pollution sources are analyzed using four formulations: Monte Carlo simulation with pre-assumed parameter field, Monte Carlo optimization, stacking management, and mixed-integer stochastic model with predefined reliability. The formulations were tested in an illustrative example for 100 hydraulic conductivity realizations with different variance. The results show a high probability of not meeting the groundwater quality standards when deriving a policy from just a deterministic analysis. To increase the reliability several realizations can be optimized at the same time. By using a mixed-integer stochastic formulation, the desired reliability level of the strategy can be fixed in advance. The approach allows deriving the trade-offs between the reliability of meeting the standard and the net benefits from agricultural production. In a risk-averse decision making, not only the reliability of meeting the standards counts, but also the probability distribution of the maximum pollutant concentrations. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to assess the influence of the variance of the hydraulic conductivity fields on the strategies. The results show that the larger the variance, the greater the range of maximum nitrate concentrations and the worst case (or maximum value) that could be reached for the same level of reliability. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.The study has been partially supported by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater systems and from the Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (subprojects CGL2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02). The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions for improving the paper.Peña Haro, S.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Llopis Albert, C. (2011). Stochastic hydro-economic modeling for optimal management of agricultural groundwater nitrate pollution under hydraulic conductivity uncertainty. Environmental Modelling and Software. 26(8):999-1008. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.02.010S999100826

    Sharing the cost of river basin adaptation portfolios to climate change: Insights from social justice and cooperative game theory

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    [EN] The adaptation of water resource systems to the potential impacts of climate change requires mixed portfolios of supply and demand adaptation measures. The issue is not only to select efficient, robust, and flexible adaptation portfolios but also to find equitable strategies of cost allocation among the stakeholders. Our work addresses such cost allocation problems by applying two different theoretical approaches: social justice and cooperative game theory in a real case study. First of all, a cost-effective portfolio of adaptation measures at the basin scale is selected using a least-cost optimization model. Cost allocation solutions are then defined based on economic rationality concepts from cooperative game theory (the Core). Second, interviews are conducted to characterize stakeholders perceptions of social justice principles associated with the definition of alternatives cost allocation rules. The comparison of the cost allocation scenarios leads to contrasted insights in order to inform the decision-making process at the river basin scale and potentially reap the efficiency gains from cooperation in the design of river basin adaptation portfolios.The study has been partially supported by the IMPADAPT project (CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R) from the Spanish ministry MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) with European FEDER funds. The first author is supported by a grant from the University Lecturer Training Program (FPU12/03803) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. The second author is financially supported by BRGM's research program 30 (environmental and risk economics). Readers interested in the data can request those by e-mail to Corentin Girard, [email protected], CDP.; Rinaudo, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2016). Sharing the cost of river basin adaptation portfolios to climate change: Insights from social justice and cooperative game theory. 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