1,553 research outputs found

    Wilson chiral perturbation theory, Wilson-Dirac operator eigenvalues and clover improvement

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    Chiral perturbation theory for eigenvalue distributions, and equivalently random matrix theory, has recently been extended to include lattice effects for Wilson fermions. We test the predictions by comparison to eigenvalue distributions of the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator from pure gauge (quenched) ensembles. We show that the lattice effects are diminished when using clover improvement for the Dirac operator. We demonstrate that the leading Wilson low-energy constants associated with Wilson (clover) fermions can be determined using spectral information of the respective Dirac operator at finite volume.Comment: Presented at "Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum," October 2012, Garching, Germany. To appear as PoS (Confinement X) 07

    Quantum state reconstruction via continuous measurement

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    We present a new procedure for quantum state reconstruction based on weak continuous measurement of an ensemble average. By applying controlled evolution to the initial state new information is continually mapped onto the measured observable. A Bayesian filter is then used to update the state-estimate in accordance with the measurement record. This generalizes the standard paradigm for quantum tomography based on strong, destructive measurements on separate ensembles. This approach to state estimation can be non-destructive and real-time, giving information about observables whose evolution cannot be described classically, opening the door to new types of quantum feedback control.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Strongly Enhanced Spin Squeezing via Quantum Control

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    We describe a new approach to spin squeezing based on a double-pass Faraday interaction between an optical probe and an optically dense atomic sample. A quantum eraser is used to remove residual spin-probe entanglement, thereby realizing a single-axis twisting unitary map on the collective spin. This interaction can be phase-matched, resulting in exponential enhancement of squeezing. In practice the scaling and peak squeezing depends on decoherence, technical loss, and noise. A simplified model indicates ~10 dB of squeezing should be achievable with current laboratory parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures

    Implementation of the Duality between Wilson loops and Scattering Amplitudes in QCD

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    We generalize modern ideas about the duality between Wilson loops and scattering amplitudes in N{\cal N}=4 SYM to large-N (or quenched) QCD. We show that the area-law behavior of asymptotically large Wilson loops is dual to the Regge-Veneziano behavior of scattering amplitudes at high energies and fixed momentum transfer, when quark mass is small and/or the number of particles is large. We elaborate on this duality for string theory in a flat space, identifying the asymptotes of the disk amplitude and the Wilson loop of large-N QCD.Comment: REVTex, 6 pages, 1 figure; v3: refs added; v4pp. to appear in PR

    Minimal Basis for Gauge Theory Amplitudes

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    Identities based on monodromy for integrations in string theory are used to derive relations between different color ordered tree-level amplitudes in both bosonic and supersymmetric string theory. These relations imply that the color ordered tree-level n-point gauge theory amplitudes can be expanded in a minimal basis of (n-3)! amplitudes. This result holds for any choice of polarizations of the external states and in any number of dimensions.Comment: v2: typos corrected, some rephrasing of the general discussion. Captions to figures added. Version to appear in PRL. 4 pages, 5 figure

    Five wavelength DFB fiber lase source

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    Quantum corrections from a path integral over reparametrizations

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    We study the path integral over reparametrizations that has been proposed as an ansatz for the Wilson loops in the large-NN QCD and reproduces the area law in the classical limit of large loops. We show that a semiclassical expansion for a rectangular loop captures the L\"uscher term associated with d=26d=26 dimensions and propose a modification of the ansatz which reproduces the L\"uscher term in other dimensions, which is observed in lattice QCD. We repeat the calculation for an outstretched ellipse advocating the emergence of an analog of the L\"uscher term and verify this result by a direct computation of the determinant of the Laplace operator and the conformal anomaly

    Three-dimensional light-matter interface for collective spin squeezing in atomic ensembles

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    We study the three-dimensional nature of the quantum interface between an ensemble of cold, trapped atomic spins and a paraxial laser beam, coupled through a dispersive interaction. To achieve strong entanglement between the collective atomic spin and the photons, one must match the spatial mode of the collective radiation of the ensemble with the mode of the laser beam while minimizing the effects of decoherence due to optical pumping. For ensembles coupling to a probe field that varies over the extent of the cloud, the set of atoms that indistinguishably radiates into a desired mode of the field defines an inhomogeneous spin wave. Strong coupling of a spin wave to the probe mode is not characterized by a single parameter, the optical density, but by a collection of different effective atom numbers that characterize the coherence and decoherence of the system. To model the dynamics of the system, we develop a full stochastic master equation, including coherent collective scattering into paraxial modes, decoherence by local inhomogeneous diffuse scattering, and backaction due to continuous measurement of the light entangled with the spin waves. This formalism is used to study the squeezing of a spin wave via continuous quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement. We find that the greatest squeezing occurs in parameter regimes where spatial inhomogeneities are significant, far from the limit in which the interface is well approximated by a one-dimensional, homogeneous model.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure
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