63 research outputs found

    Effects of lead on reproduction: review of data from human studies and from animal experiments

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    U članku su izneseni noviji Iiteraturni podaci o reprodukcijskim učincima olova koji se opažaju u izloženih žena ili muškaraca odnosno u izloženih ženki i mužjaka pokusnih životinja. Također je dan pregled ključnih rezultata studija kojima su se pokušali rasvijetliti mogući patogenetski mehanizmi učinka olova na ženske odnosno muške reprodukcijske funkcije. Ukratko je iznesene teratogeno djelovanje olova. Istaknuto je značenje eksperimentalnih uvjeta istodobne i/ili istovjetne izloženosti životinja obaju spolova pri procjenjivanju relativnog rnaternalnog u odnosu na paternalno posredovan štetni učinak olova na plod. Izneseni su vlastiti rezultati jednogeneracijskih reprodukcijskih studija na ženkama i mužjacima štakora. Na kraju je istaknuta nužnost utvrđivanja do danas još nedovoljno rasvijetljenih aspekata reprodukcijske toksičnosti olova, kao što je značenje spola, razine i trajanja izloženosti te moguća reverzibilnost učinka olova u uvjetima, s jedne strane, sve većeg onečišćenja prirodnog okoliša i, s druge strane, porasta broja žena .koje se zapošljavaju u industrijskim postrojenjima gdje mogu bili izložene olovu.Recent literature data concerning reproductive effects of lead in exposed men and women and in experimental animals of both sexes are presented. Key results from the studies which have been performed in the attempt to elucidate possible pathogenic mechanisms underlying lead effects on male and female reproductive functions are also surveyed. The teratogenic action of lead is briefly presented. The relevance of experimental conditions, when animals of both sexes are simultaneously and/or identically exposed to lead, for assessing the maternal adverse effect of lead on the foetus as compared Ito the paternally mediated one is pointed out. Author\u27s own results from single-generation reproduction studies on male and fe¬ma1e rats are presented. Finally, the necessary is stressed for determining some aspects of reproductive lead toxicity, which have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. These are, to the first place, the relative significance of sex, level and duration of exposure and a possible reversibility of lead effect in conditions of growing pollution of the natural environment and of risk from lead exposure for an increasing number of female workers

    Prednost parenteralne primjene Mi-ADMS pred DMSA u snižavanju tjelesnog opterećenja živom (203Hg) u štakora

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    The efficiency of meso-2,3-dirnercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and the mono-isoamyl ester of meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (Mi-ADMS) in decreasing 203Hg retention was evaluated in rats in relation to age and time of treatment. The experiments were performed on six-week- and seven- day-old Wistar rats, which received 203Hg by intraperitoneal administration. The chelators DMSA or Mi-ADMS were also administered intraperitoneally, twice, on two consecutive days, in doses of 0.25 mmol/kg body weight as early (0.5 and 24 h) or delayed treatment (24 and 48 h, or 48 and 72 h) after 203Hg administration. The retention of 203Hg was determined in the carcass, liver, kidneys and brain six days after administration using gamma scintillation counters (double crystal, well type). In all experimental conditions, regardless of the animals\u27 age and time of chelation therapy, Mi-ADMS was found to be superior to DMSA in reducing the body burden of 203Hg in whole body and organs. Mi-ADMS therefore seems to be a very promising chelator in the treatment of mercury poisoning.Procjenjivana je učinkovitost mezo-2,3-dimerkaptojantarne kiseline (DMSA) i monoizoamilnog estera mezo-2,3-dimerkaplojantarne kiseline (Mi-ADMS) u snižavanju opterećenja živom (203Hg) u štakora u odnosu na dob i vrijeme primjene. Pokusi su provedeni na šestotjednim ženkama i sedmodnevnim sisajućim bijelim štakorima Wistar iz uzgoja Instituta u Zagrebu, kojima je intraperi-tonejski davana 203Hg. Kelati DMSA i Mi-ADMS davani su, također intraperitonejski, dva dana zaredom u dozi od 0,25 mmol/kg tjelesne težine kao neposredna/rana primjena (El - 0,5 i 24 h) ili kao odgođena/kasna primjena (E2 - 24 i 48 h, E3 - 48 i 72 h) nakon davanja 203Hg. Retencija 203Hg mjerena je u karkasu (tijelo nakon odstranjenja probavila), u jetri, u bubrezima i u mozgu sest dana nakon primjene Hg u odgovarajućim gamascintilacijskim brojačima. U šestotjednih životinja i DMSA i Mi-ADMS primijenjeni kao rana terapija (El) snizili su retenciju 203Hg u karkasu i u organima u odnosu na vrijednosti u kontrolnih (netretiranih) životinja. Odgođena primjena (E2 i E3) jednog i drugog kelata snizila je retenciju 203Hg u karkasu i bubrezima, nije imala učinka na retenciju u jetri, a retenciju u mozgu snizio je samo Mi-ADMS. U sedmodnevne sisančadi oba kelata značajno su snizila tjelesnu retenciju 203Hg i nakon rane (El) i nakon kasne primjene (E2), a jedino DMSA u kasnijoj primjeni (E2) nije imao učinka na retenciju Hg u mozgu. U svim eksperimentalnim uvjetima neovisno o dobi životinja i vremenu kad je primijenjen kelat, terapija s Mi-ADMS bila je učinkovitija od DMSA u snižavanju tjelesnog opterećenja 203Hg u tijelu i u organima. To je glavni nalaz ovog istraživanja. Čini se da je Mi-ADMS kelat koji puno obećava u budućnosti kao lijek izbora u terapiji otrovanja živom

    Assessment of urban neighbourhoods’ vulnerability through an integrated vulnerability index (IVI): evidence from Barcelona, Spain

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    Urban inequality, specifically in vulnerable areas, has been a study topic from the earliest days of sociology to the present. This study’s objective is to discuss the scope and limitation of the concept of urban vulnerability, whilst generating an index that detects urban vulnerability in all its dimensions. A factor analysis of the main components was conducted resulting in the formation of four partial indices related to the social class, gentrification, social and employment, and physical & architectural dimensions of urban vulnerability, whilst their sums conform an integrated vulnerability index. This index is applied to the city of Barcelona, allowing its neighbourhoods to be positioned on a vulnerability continuum. Despite being applied in this city, the integrated vulnerability index emerges with the purpose of being replicated to other urban spaces. The mapping of these results using geographic information systems suggests a robust index that allows early identification of problematics, while also providing clues for policy intervention.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesPostprint (published version

    The effect of exposure to lead on histopathological changes in the rat liver and kidney in relation to age

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    Promatrane su patohistološke promjene jetre i bubrega u odraslih ženki štakora i u njihove mladunčadi iz dvaju rasploda nakon oralne izloženosti olovu (acetat) u koncentraciji od 7500 ppm u vodi za piće. Izloženost je trajala do ukupno 20 tjedana. Reverzibilnost ovih promjena procjenjivana je u skupini tzv. oporavljenih ženki kojima je prekinuto izlaganje olovu 5 tjedana prije drugog parenja s neizloženim mužjacima. U skupini izloženih odraslih ženki, kao i u skupinama njihove mladunčadi iz prvog (kraća izloženost) i drugog potomstva (duža izloženost), nađene su istovjetne patohistološke promjene u parenhimnim organima. Tako su u obih opažene masna i/ili hidropska degeneracija u jetri i bubrezima, te hemosideroza jetre. U preparatima jetre izložene mladunčadi opažena su također brojna i krupna ekstramedularna krvotvorna žarišta. U bubrezima izloženih ženki viđene su i izraženije nespecifične kronične upalne promjene. U skupinama oporavljenih ženki, nakon prekida oralne izloženosti olovu, patohistološki nalazi upućivali su na reverzibilnost morfoloških promjena. U njihove „oporavljene“ mladunčadi viđeni su gotovo uredni nalazi. Može se zaključiti da je mladunčad štakora osjetljivija od svojih majki na štetno djelovanje olova budući da su u njih opažene patohistološke promjene jetre i bubrega bile istovjetne onima u odraslih ženki, premda su bili izloženi tijekom mnogo kraćeg perioda i samo maloj frakciji ukupnog unosa olova u organizam majke.Histopathological alterations in the liver and kidneys were examined in adult female rats and in their offspring form two matings after oral exposure to 7500 ppm lead (acetate) in drinking water. The length of exposure was up to 20 weeks. To estimate the reversibility of the effects in a number of exposed females lead administration was discontinued five weeks before their second breeding with unexposed males (the recovered group). In the group of exposed adult females histopathological changes in parenchymal organs were analogous to those seen in their pups from the first (shorter exposure), and second offspring (longer exposure to lead). Fatty and/or hydropic degenerative changes in the liver and kidneys and haemosiderosis of the liver were observed in both adult females and their young. In the liver of exposed pups the presence of numerous large foci of extramedullary erythropoiesis was also detected. In the kidneys of exposed adult females non-specific chronic inflammatory changes were seen. In the group of recovered females, after discontinuation of oral exposure to lead, histopathological findings indicated the reversibility of morphological changes. In their “recovered” pups the findings were also almost normal. It may be concluded that young rats are more susceptible to adverse action of lead than their mothers. The histopathological changes observed in their livers and kidneys were analogous to those seen in adult females, although they had been exposed to lead for a much shorter period and to only a small fraction of the total mother\u27s lead intake

    First Midwives in the Town of Bjelovar, Croatia 1756-1856

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    Prve izučene (aprobirane) primalje dolaze u novoosnovani Bjelovar, jako vojno središte Vojne krajine početkom druge polovice XVIII. stoljeća zajedno s vojnim liječnicima, kirurzima i ljekarnicima, a većina njih je germanskoga podrijetla. U do sada neistraženom arhivskom materijalu za razdoblje 1756.-1856. pronađeni su podaci o 23 izučene primalje, od kojih je 14 bilo pukovnijskih i 9 gradskih primalja. Visok perinatalni pomor djece i majki i kriminalni pobačaji karakteristike su toga razdoblja. Uz model domicilnoga primaljstva: skrb za trudnice, rodilje, babinjače, novorođenčad i dojenčad, primalje u teškim porodima obavljaju krštenje iz nužde ugroženoj novorođenčadi ili su pak krsne kume zdravoj dojenčadi. Premda je u samom gradu Bjelovaru ustrojeno stručno primaljstvo, u okolici grada i dalje se porodi obavljaju bez stručne pomoći. Za razliku od većine tadašnjih gradova kontinentalne Hrvatske, pa i Dalmacije, u Bjelovaru postoji kontinuirano izučeno primaljstvo i zaštita materinstva od polovice XVIII. stoljeća.The first trained (certified) midwives came to the newly founded town of Bjelovar, a strong military centre of Vojna Krajina (Croatian province bordering Ottoman Empire), at the beginning of the 1750s, along with army physicians, surgeons, and pharmacists. Most were of German origin. The archival material investigated for the period 1756-1856 speaks of 23 certified midwives, of whom 14 were regimental and nine municipal. This period was characterised by high neonatal and maternal mortality rates and criminal abortions. Within the scope of the domiciliary midwifery model that included care for pregnant women, parturient women, neonates, and infants, midwives used to act as godmothers to newborns at risk, in periculo, or to healthy newborns. Although Bjelovar had professional midwifery service, the practice of unassisted childbirths continued in the town surroundings. Unlike other inland and coastal (Dalmatian) towns of the time, Bjelovar has had a continuous tradition of training midwives and maternal health care since the 1750s

    Revisión de políticas de vivienda en contextos de vulnerabilidad socio-residencial: cinco barrios de Barcelona

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    El concepto de vulnerabilidad socio-residencial guarda una relación de doble sentido con la política de vivienda¿. La intervención pública en materia de vivienda se erige como herramienta para contrarrestarla, siendo a su vez el principal mecanismo que la consolida. El presente artículo pretende operacionalizar las dimensiones de la vulnerabilidad socio-residencial y analizar la política de vivienda en el Estado español. Se propone una revisión bibliográfica y una estrategia de análisis cualitativo de cinco barrios catalogados como vulnerables en la ciudad de Barcelona. Como resultado, se determina cómo algunos aspectos de la política de vivienda (binomio de la tenencia en propiedad e impulso productivista, gasto público insuficiente y fiscalidad regresiva, producción deficiente de vivienda protegida) generan estructuralmente segregación, degradación del parque y exclusión residencial, y se exploran vías alternativas para su superación, vinculadas al fortalecimiento de la administración, la reducción de costes y la potenciación del alquiler social.Postprint (published version

    Supplementation of a western diet with golden kiwifruits (Actinidia chinensis var.'Hort 16A':) effects on biomarkers of oxidation damage and antioxidant protection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The health positive effects of diets high in fruits and vegetables are generally not replicated in supplementation trials with isolated antioxidants and vitamins, and as a consequence the emphasis of chronic disease prevention has shifted to whole foods and whole food products.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We carried out a human intervention trial with the golden kiwifruit, Actinidia chinensis, measuring markers of antioxidant status, DNA stability, plasma lipids, and platelet aggregation. Our hypothesis was that supplementation of a normal diet with kiwifruits would have an effect on biomarkers of oxidative status. Healthy volunteers supplemented a normal diet with either one or two golden kiwifruits per day in a cross-over study lasting 2 × 4 weeks. Plasma levels of vitamin C, and carotenoids, and the ferric reducing activity of plasma (FRAP) were measured. Malondialdehyde was assessed as a biomarker of lipid oxidation. Effects on DNA damage in circulating lymphocytes were estimated using the comet assay with enzyme modification to measure specific lesions; another modification allowed estimation of DNA repair.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Plasma vitamin C increased after supplementation as did resistance towards H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>-induced DNA damage. Purine oxidation in lymphocyte DNA decreased significantly after one kiwifruit per day, pyrimidine oxidation decreased after two fruits per day. Neither DNA base excision nor nucleotide excision repair was influenced by kiwifruit consumption. Malondialdehyde was not affected, but plasma triglycerides decreased. Whole blood platelet aggregation was decreased by kiwifruit supplementation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Golden kiwifruit consumption strengthens resistance towards endogenous oxidative damage.</p

    Utjecaj toksičnosti metala na reprodukcijsku funkciju u muškaraca

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    A combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors contributes to adverse effects on the reproductive health in men. Metals are pervasive in food, water, air, tobacco smoke, and alcoholic beverages. Experimental studies suggest that many metals have adverse effects on the male reproductive function. However, information about reproductive effects of human exposure to metals is scarce and/or inconsistent. This review summarises the information from epidemiological studies of the effects of metal exposure on reproductive function in men. Factors capable of affecting these relationships were identifi ed and discussed. A particular attention is given to the studies considering influence of concomitant exposure to various metals. These studies have generally confirmed that even moderate- to low-level exposure to lead affects certain reproductive parameters, and that exposure to cadmium affects the prostate function and serum testosterone levels. Adverse effects of mercury, manganese, chromium and arsenic on semen quality and altered serum hormone are less well documented. There is no clear evidence that boron exposure may impair reproductive health in men. Only a few studies have investigated reproductive effects of concomitant exposure to several metals and controlled for potential confounders. Future studies should consider the contribution of combined exposure to various metals and/or other factors that may influence individual susceptibility to reproductive health impairment in men.Postoje indikacije da kombinacija genetskih, okolišnih i čimbenika načina života pridonosi uočenom poremećaju reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca. Metali su široko rasprostranjeni u čovjekovu okolišu te u hrani, vodi, zraku, cigaretnom dimu i alkoholnim pićima. Rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja sugeriraju štetne učinke većine ispitivanih metala na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Međutim, odgovarajuća su istraživanja u ljudi oskudna. Ovaj rad sažima rezultate dosadašnjih epidemioloških istraživanja o učincima izloženosti metalima na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Poseban naglasak dan je istraživanjima koja su razmatrala utjecaj istodobne izloženosti različitim metalima uz čimbenike čovjekova načina života i njihovo međudjelovanje na reprodukcijske učinke. Objavljeni rezultati daju dovoljno dokaza o štetnom djelovanju olova i žive na neke reprodukcijske parametre te kadmija na poremećaj prostate i razinu testosterona u serumu, čak u uvjetima umjerene do niske razine izloženosti. Manje je dokaza o štetnom djelovanju na kvalitetu sjemena i razinu spolnih hormona nađeno za mangan. Podaci koji upućuju na moguće štetno djelovanje arsena ili kroma nisu dosljedni, dok o štetnom djelovanju bora na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju nema jasnih podataka. Utjecaj potencijalno uzročnih varijabli uzet je u obzir samo u nekoliko radova. Stoga buduća istraživanja poremećaja reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca trebaju razmatrati doprinos istovremene izloženosti različitim metalima koji u kombinaciji s ostalim čimbenicima mogu utjecati na osobnu (pre)osjetljivost