10 research outputs found

    Validierung und Einsatz biologischer, chemischer und mathematischer Tests und Biomarkerstudien zur Bewertung der Belastung kleiner Fliessgewaesser mit Umweltchemikalien. Phase 2. Teilprojekt: 1: Koordination, Limnochemie, Ultrastruktur in vivo Endbericht

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    Valimar, a concerted project in which eleven scientific groups were involved, was coordinated at the University of Tuebingen, Animal Physiological Ecology group. Exposure of test organisms and samplings as well as data collection and distribution were all centrally organized. Twice to three times a year, round tables were organized and a final symposium open for the public was held in March 2000. In addition, in the test streams, limnological parameters were analyzed monthly/continously throughout the test period. Data logger installed at the field sites were regularly tended and data were centrally collected and analyzed. It could be shown that the two tests stream show significant differences with respect to most of the analyzed parameters. In addition, we investigated ultrastructural biomarkers in liver, gills and kidney of brown trout and stone loach which were (1) exposed under semi-field conditions at the three test scenarios, (2) captured by electro-fishing directly at the field sites, or (3) exposed under laboratory conditions to mixtures of pollutants. It could clearly been shown that ultrastructural markers, especially reactions of the gills, are useful tools to indicate the chemical differences of the respective field sites and the health status of fish. Variability of responses was lower in trout than in loach and the discriminatory capacity of biomarkers was higher in trout than in loach. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F03B1264 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman