301 research outputs found

    Drosophila Argonaute-1 is critical for transcriptional cosuppression and heterochromatin formation

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    Argonaute-1 (Ago-1) plays a crucial role in gene regulation and genome stability via biogenesis of small non-coding RNAs. Two “Argonaute” family genes, piwi and Ago-2 in Drosophila are involved in multiple silencing mechanisms in the nucleus, transgene cosuppression, long-distant chromosome interaction, nuclear organization and heterochromatin formation. To investigate whether Ago-1 also plays a similar role, we have generated a series of Ago-1 mutations by excising P element, inserted in the Ago-1 promoter (Ago-1k08121). AGO-1 protein is distributed uniformly in the nucleus and cytosol in early embryos but accumulated predominantly in the cytoplasm during the gastrulation stage. Repeat induced silencing produced by the mini-white (mw) array and transcriptional cosuppression of non-homologous transgenes Adh-w/w-Adh was disrupted by Ago-1 mutation. These effects of Ago-1 are distict from its role in microRNA processing because Dicer-1, a critical enzyme for miRNA biogenesis, has no role on the above silencing. Reduction of AGO-1 protein dislodged the POLYCOMB, EZ (enhancer of zeste) and H3me3K27 binding at the cosuppressed Adh-w transgene insertion sites suggesting its role in Polycomb dependent cosuppression. An overall reduction of methylated histone H3me2K9 and H3me3K27 from the polytene nuclei precisely from the mw promoters was also found that leads to concomitant changes in the chromatin structure. These results suggest a prominent role of Ago-1 in chromatin organization and transgene silencing and demonstrate a critical link between transcriptional transgene cosuppression, heterochromatin formation and chromatin organization. We propose Drosophila Ago-1 as a multifunctional RNAi component that interconnects at least two unrelated events, chromatin organization in the nucleus and microRNA processing in the cytoplasm, which may be extended to the other systems

    Ytterbium doped nano-crystalline optical fiber for reduced photodarkening

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    We report suppression of photodarkening in Yb-doped nano-crystalline fibers in silica host. The photodarkening induced loss reduced by 20 times compared to Yb-doped aluminosilicate fibers. The laser efficiency of the nano-crystalline fiber was 79%

    Effect of Benzothiazole based conjugates in causing apoptosis by Regulating p53, PTEN and MAP Kinase proteins affecting miR-195a and miR-101-1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for majority of liver cancers and is the leading cause of cancer related death in Asia. Like any other cancer, HCC develops when there is a mutation to the cellular machinery that causes the cell to replicate at a higher rate and results in the loss of apoptosis. Therefore, a delicate balance between the expression of various genes involved in proliferation and apoptosis decide the ultimate fate of the cell to undergo rapid proliferation (cancer) or cell death.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The benzothiazole based compounds exhibited effective cytotoxicity at 4 μM concentration and have shown G1 cell cycle arrest with decrease in levels of G1 cell cycle proteins such as cyclin D1 and Skp2. Involvement of tumour suppressor proteins such as PTEN and p53 was studied. Interestingly these compounds displayed decrease in the phosphorylated forms of AKT, p38 MAPK and ERK1/2 which play a vital role in cell proliferation. Compounds have exhibited strong and significant effect on the expression of micro RNAs such as miR-195a & miR-101-1 which regulate hepatic cell proliferation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The cell cycle arrest and apoptotic inducing nature of these compounds was revealed by FACS, BrdU cell proliferation and tunel assays. Compounds affected both tumour suppressor proteins as well as proteins that are involved in active cell proliferation. Micro RNAs whose target is Cyclin D1 such as miR-195a and miR-101-1 that is required for growth of hepatoma cells was drastically affected. These compounds caused apoptosis by activating caspase-3 and PARP.</p

    Chalcone-imidazolone conjugates induce apoptosis through DNA damage pathway by affecting telomeres

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world and more than one million women are diagnosed leading to 410,000 deaths every year. In our previous studies new chalcone-imidazolone conjugates were prepared and evaluated for their anticancer activity in a panel of 53 human tumor cell lines and the lead compounds identified were 6 and 8. This prompted us to investigate the mechanism of apoptotic event.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Involvement of pro-apoptotic protein (Bax), active caspase-9 and cleavage of retinoblastoma protein was studied. Interestingly, the compounds caused upregulation of p21, check point proteins (Chk1, Chk2) and as well as their phosphorylated forms which are known to regulate the DNA damage pathway. Increased p53BP1 foci by immunolocalisation studies and TRF1 suggested the possible involvement of telomere and associated proteins in the apoptotic event. The telomeric protein such as TRF2 which is an important target for anticancer therapy against human breast cancer was extensively studied along with proteins involved in proper functioning of telomeres.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The apoptotic proteins such as Bax, active caspase-9 and cleaved RB are up-regulated in the compound treated cells revealing the apoptotic nature of the compounds. Down regulation of TRF2 and upregulation of the TRF1 as well as telomerase assay indicated the decrease in telomeric length revealing telomeric dysfunction and thereby controlling the rapid rate of cell proliferation. In summary, chalcone-imidazolone conjugates displayed significant DNA damage activity particularly at telomeres and caused both apoptosis and senescence-like growth arrest which suggested that these compounds have potential activity against breast carcinoma.</p

    Multi-wavelength fiber laser with erbium doped zirconia fiber and semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Multi-wavelength hybrid fiber lasers are demonstrated in both ring and linear cavities using a fabricated Erbium-doped Zirconia fiber (EDZF) and semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) as gain media. In both configurations, the a fiber loop mirror, which is constructed using a 3 m long polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) and a polarization insensitive 3dB coupler is used as a comb filter for the fiber laser. In the ring cavity, 10 simultaneous lines with peak power above -26 dBm is obtained at 1550 nm region. This is an improvement compared to the linear cavity configuration which has only 5 simultaneous lines observed from wavelength 1556.1 nm to 1563.0 nm with the peak power above -40 dBm. Both hybrid lasers has a constant line spacing of 1.7 nm, which is suitable for wavelength division multiplexing and sensing applications and shows a stable operation at room temperature

    Design and fabrication of an intrinsically gain flattened Erbium doped fiber amplifier

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    We report design and subsequent fabrication of an intrinsically gain flattened Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) based on a highly asymmetrical and concentric dual-core fiber, inner core of which was only partially doped. Phase-resonant optical coupling between the two cores was so tailored through optimization of its refractive index profile parameters that the longer wavelengths within the C-band experience relatively higher amplification compared to the shorter wavelengths thereby reducing the difference in the well-known tilt in the gains between the shorter and longer wavelength regions. The fabricated EDFA exhibited a median gain ?28 dB (gain excursion below ±\pm2.2 dB within the C-band) when 16 simultaneous standard signal channels were launched by keeping the I/P level for each at ?20 dBm/ channel. Such EDFAs should be attractive for deployment in metro networks, where economics is a premium, because it would cut down the cost on gain flattening filter head

    Interaction of RNA polymerase II and the small RNA machinery affects heterochromatic silencing in Drosophila

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heterochromatin is the tightly packaged dynamic region of the eukaryotic chromosome that plays a vital role in cellular processes such as mitosis and meiotic recombination. Recent experiments in <it>Schizosaccharomyces pombe </it>have revealed the structure of centromeric heterochromatin is affected in RNAi pathway mutants. It has also been shown in fission yeast that the heterochromatin barrier is traversed by RNA Pol II and that the passage of RNA Pol II through heterochromatin is important for heterochromatin structure. Thus, an intricate interaction between the RNAi machinery and RNA Pol II affects heterochromatin structure. However, the role of the RNAi machinery and RNA Pol II on the metazoan heterochromatin landscape is not known. This study analyses the interaction of the small RNA machinery and RNA Pol II on <it>Drosophila </it>heterochromatin structure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results in this paper show genetic and biochemical interaction between RNA Pol II (largest and second largest subunit) and small RNA silencing machinery components (<it>dcr-2, ago1, ago2, piwi, Lip [D], aub </it>and <it>hls</it>). Immunofluorescence analysis of polytene chromosomes from trans-heterozygotes of RNA Pol II and different mutations of the small RNA pathways show decreased H3K9me2 and mislocalization of Heterochromatin protein-1. A genetic analysis performed on these mutants showed a strong suppression of <it>white-mottled4h </it>position effect variegation. This was further corroborated by a western blot analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation, which showed decreased H3K9me2 in trans-heterozygote mutants compared to wild type or single heterozygotes. Co-immunoprecipitation performed using <it>Drosophila </it>embryo extracts showed the RNA Pol II largest subunit interacting with Dcr-2 and dAGO1. Co-localization performed on polytene chromosomes showed RNA Pol II and dAGO1 overlapping at some sites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our experiments show a genetic and biochemical interaction between RNA Pol II (largest and second largest subunits) and the small RNA silencing machinery in <it>Drosophila</it>. The interaction has functional aspects in terms of determining H3K9me2 and HP-1 deposition at the chromocentric heterochromatin. Thus, RNA Pol II has an important role in establishing heterochromatin structure in <it>Drosophila</it>.</p

    In Drosophila melanogaster the COM Locus Directs the Somatic Silencing of Two Retrotransposons through both Piwi-Dependent and -Independent Pathways

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    BACKGROUND: In the Drosophila germ line, repeat-associated small interfering RNAs (rasiRNAs) ensure genomic stability by silencing endogenous transposable elements. This RNA silencing involves small RNAs of 26-30 nucleotides that are mainly produced from the antisense strand and function through the Piwi protein. Piwi belongs to the subclass of the Argonaute family of RNA interference effector proteins, which are expressed in the germline and in surrounding somatic tissues of the reproductive apparatus. In addition to this germ-line expression, Piwi has also been implicated in diverse functions in somatic cells. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we show that two LTR retrotransposons from Drosophila melanogaster, ZAM and Idefix, are silenced by an RNA silencing pathway that has characteristics of the rasiRNA pathway and that specifically recognizes and destroys the sense-strand RNAs of the retrotransposons. This silencing depends on Piwi in the follicle cells surrounding the oocyte. Interestingly, this silencing is active in all the somatic tissues examined from embryos to adult flies. In these somatic cells, while the silencing still involves the strict recognition of sense-strand transcripts, it displays the marked difference of being independent of the Piwi protein. Finally, we present evidence that in all the tissues examined, the repression is controlled by the heterochromatic COM locus. CONCLUSION: Our data shed further light on the silencing mechanism that acts to target Drosophila LTR retrotransposons in somatic cells throughout fly development. They demonstrate that different RNA silencing pathways are involved in ovarian versus other somatic tissues, since Piwi is necessary for silencing in the former tissues but is dispensable in the latter. They further demonstrate that these pathways are controlled by the heterochromatic COM locus which ensures the overall protection of Drosophila against the detrimental effects of random retrotransposon mobilization

    Mode-locked thulium ytterbium co-doped fiber laser with graphene oxide paper saturable absorber

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    A mode-locked thulium ytterbium co-doped fiber laser (TYDFL) is proposed and demonstrated by using a commercial graphene oxide (GO) paper as saturable absorber (SA). The GO paper is sandwiched between two fiber ferrules and incorporates a ring laser cavity to generate soliton pulse train operating at 1942.0 nm at a threshold multimode pump power as low as 1.8 W. The mode-locked TYDFL has a repetition rate of 22.32 MHz and the calculated pulse width of 1.1 ns. Even though the SA has a low damage threshold, the easy fabrication of GO paper should promote its potential application in ultrafast photonics