13 research outputs found

    Emerging drugs of abuse: current perspectives on substituted cathinones

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    Magalie Paillet-Loilier,1 Alexandre Cesbron,1 Reynald Le Boisselier,2 Joanna Bourgine,1 Danièle Debruyne1,2 1Toxicology and Pharmacology Laboratory, 2Centre d'Evaluation et d'Information sur la Pharmacodépendance – Addictovigilance (CEIP-A), Department of Pharmacology, University Hospital Centre, Caen, France Abstract: Substituted cathinones are synthetic analogs of cathinone that can be considered as derivatives of phenethylamines with a beta-keto group on the side chain. They appeared in the recreational drug market in the mid-2000s and now represent a large class of new popular drugs of abuse. Initially considered as legal highs, their legal status is variable by country and is rapidly changing, with government institutions encouraging their control. Some cathinones (such as diethylpropion or pyrovalerone) have been used in a medical setting and bupropion is actually indicated for smoking cessation. Substituted cathinones are widely available from internet websites, retail shops, and street dealers. They can be sold under chemical, evocative or generic names, making their identification difficult. Fortunately, analytical methods have been developed in recent years to solve this problem. Available as powders, substituted cathinones are self-administered by snorting, oral injestion, or intravenous injection. They act as central nervous system stimulants by causing the release of catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin) and blocking their reuptake in the central and peripheral nervous system. They may also decrease dopamine and serotonin transporter function as nonselective substrates or potent blockers and may inhibit monoamine oxidase effects. Nevertheless, considerable differences have been found in the potencies of the different substituted cathinones in vitro. Desired effects reported by users include increased energy, empathy, and improved libido. Cardiovascular (tachycardia, hypertension) and psychiatric/neurological signs/symptoms (agitation, seizures, paranoia, and hallucinations) are the most common adverse effects reported. Severe toxicity signs compatible with excessive serotonin activity, such as hyperthermia, metabolic acidosis, and prolonged rhabdomyolysis, have also been observed. Reinforcing potential observed in animals predicts a high potential for addiction and abuse in users. In case of overdose, no specific antidote exists and no curative treatment has been approved by health authorities. Therefore, management of acute toxic effects is mainly extrapolated from experience with cocaine/amphetamines. Keywords: substituted cathinones, chemistry, analysis, pharmacology, toxicology, dependence, medical car

    Zolpidem and zopiclone impair similarly monotonous driving performance after a single nighttime intake in aged subjects

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    Rationale Although hypnotics are primarily used by older people, the residual effects the morning after a single nighttime intake of the two most commonly prescribed hypnotics, zolpidem (Zp) and zopiclone (Zc), on older middle-aged drivers have not been evaluated and compared. Methods Sixteen healthy subjects, 55 to 65 years of age, participated in this double-blind, balanced, cross-over study. Zc (7.5 mg), Zp (10 mg) and flunitrazepam (Fln) (1 mg) or a placebo was administered at each subject's home at 11.00 pm. The next morning, at 9.00 am, the subjects had to drive in a simulated monotonous driving environment for 1 h. During each morning session, two blood samples were collected, and subjective feelings of alertness were completed three times. Results In comparison to placebo, Zp and Zc equivalently and significantly impaired the standard deviation of lateral position, the standard deviation of speed and the number of road exits. Detectable blood concentrations were found with Zp in 11 subjects at 8.30 am and at 1.30 pm. The subjective alertness factor was significantly impaired with Zp. Conclusions This is the first study revealing residual effects of Zp on driving performance in ageing drivers which are similar to that of Zc. Studying the effects of medication in different age ranges appears useful to complete the studies on behavioural-pharmacological effects of medication. To reduce the incidence of driving accidents due to prescription drugs, patients should be warned at the time of treatment initiation that they should avoid driving. Zolpidem . Zopiclone . Drug . Human . Driving performance . Residual . Effects . Blood concentrations . Simulation . Ageing driver

    Novel benzo[b]thiophene derivatives as new potential antidepressants with rapid onset of action.

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    We report benzo[b]thiophene derivatives synthesized according to a dual strategy. 8j, 9c, and 9e with affinity values toward 5-HT(7)R and 5-HTT were selected to probe their antidepressant activity in vivo using the forced swimming text (FST). The results showed significant antidepressant activity after chronic treatment. 9c was effective in reducing the immobility time in FST even after acute treatment. These findings identify these compounds as a new class of antidepressants with a rapid onset of action