968 research outputs found

    On the heterogeneous character of water's amorphous polymorphism

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    In this letter we report {\it in situ} small--angle neutron scattering results on the high--density (HDA) and low-density amorphous (LDA) ice structures and on intermediate structures as found during the temperature induced transformation of HDA into LDA. We show that the small--angle signal is characterised by two QQ regimes featuring different properties (QQ is the modulus of the scattering vector defined as Q=4πsin⁥(Θ)/λiQ = 4\pi\sin{(\Theta)}/\lambda_{\rm i} with Θ\Theta being half the scattering angle and λi\lambda_{\rm i} the incident neutron wavelength). The very low--QQ regime (<5×10−2< 5\times 10^{-2} \AA −1^{-1}) is dominated by a Porod--limit scattering. Its intensity reduces in the course of the HDA to LDA transformation following a kinetics reminiscent of that observed in wide--angle diffraction experiments. The small--angle neutron scattering formfactor in the intermediate regime of 5×10−2<Q<0.55 \times 10^{-2} < Q < 0.5 \AA−1^{-1} HDA and LDA features a rather flat plateau. However, the HDA signal shows an ascending intensity towards smaller QQ marking this amorphous structure as heterogeneous. When following the HDA to LDA transition the formfactor shows a pronounced transient excess in intensity marking all intermediate structures as strongly heterogeneous on a length scale of some nano--meters

    Spectral Characteristics of the He I D3 Line in a Quiescent Prominence Observed by THEMIS

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    We analyze the observations of a quiescent prominence acquired by the Telescope Heliographique pour l'Etude du Magnetisme et des Instabilites Solaires (THEMIS) in the He I 5876 A (He I D3) multiplet aiming to measure the spectral characteristics of the He I D3 profiles and to find for them an adequate fitting model. The component characteristics of the He I D3 Stokes I profiles are measured by the fitting system approximating them with a double Gaussian. This model yields an He I D3 component peak intensity ratio of 5.5±0.45.5\pm0.4, which differs from the value of 8 expected in the optically thin limit. Most of the measured Doppler velocities lie in the interval ±5\pm5 km/s, with a standard deviation of ±1.7\pm1.7 km/s around the peak value of 0.4 km/s. The wide distribution of the full-width at half maximum has two maxima at 0.25 A and 0.30 A for the He I D3 blue component and two maxima at 0.22 A and 0.31 A for the red component. The width ratio of the components is 1.04±0.181.04\pm0.18. We show that the double-Gaussian model systematically underestimates the blue wing intensities. To solve this problem, we invoke a two-temperature multi-Gaussian model, consisting of two double-Gaussians, which provides a better representation of He I D3 that is free of the wing intensity deficit. This model suggests temperatures of 11.5 kK and 91 kK, respectively, for the cool and the hot component of the target prominence. The cool and hot components of a typical He I D3 profile have component peak intensity ratios of 6.6 and 8, implying a prominence geometrical width of 17 Mm and an optical thickness of 0.3 for the cool component, while the optical thickness of the hot component is negligible. These prominence parameters seem to be realistic, suggesting the physical adequacy of the multi-Gaussian model with important implications for interpreting He I D3 spectropolarimetry by current inversion codes.Comment: 25 pages,1 movie, 10 figures, 2 tables, 2 equations. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-017-1118-z The supplementary movie is available for viewing and download at https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tskvnc593tlbyv/Prominence_HeID3_GONG_AIA.mpg?dl=

    1.57 ÎŒm InGaAsP/InP surface emitting lasers by angled focus ion beam etching

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    The characteristics of 1.57 Όm InGaAsP/InP surface emitting lasers based on an in-plan ridged structure and 45° beam deflectors defined by angled focused ion beam (FIB) etching are reported. With an externally integrated beam deflector, threshold currents and emission spectra identical to conventional edge emitting lasers are achieved. These results show that FIB etching is a very promising technique for the definition of high quality mirrors and beam deflectors on semiconductor heterostructures for a variety of integrated optoelectronic devices

    Asymptotic expansion for reversible A + B <-> C reaction-diffusion process

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    We study long-time properties of reversible reaction-diffusion systems of type A + B C by means of perturbation expansion in powers of 1/t (inverse of time). For the case of equal diffusion coefficients we present exact formulas for the asymptotic forms of reactant concentrations and a complete, recursive expression for an arbitrary term of the expansions. Taking an appropriate limit we show that by studying reversible reactions one can obtain "singular" solutions typical of irreversible reactions.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, to appear in PR

    Monolithic InP-Based Grating Spectrometer for Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Systems at 1.5 ÎŒm

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    A monolithic InP-based grating spectrometer for use in wavelength-division multiplexed systems at 1.5 ÎŒm is reported. The spectrometer uses a single etched reflective focusing diffraction grating and resolves >50 channels at 1 nm spacing with a ~0.3nm channel width and at least 19dB channel isolation. Operation is essentially of the state of the input polarisation

    Crystal-like high frequency phonons in the amorphous phases of solid water

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    The high frequency dynamics of low- (LDA) and high-density amorphous-ice (HDA) and of cubic ice (I_c) has been measured by inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) in the 1-15 nm^{-1} momentum transfer (Q) range. Sharp phonon-like excitations are observed, and the longitudinal acoustic branch is identified up to Q = 8nm^{-1} in LDA and I_c and up to 5nm^{-1} in HDA. The narrow width of these excitations is in sharp contrast with the broad features observed in all amorphous systems studied so far. The "crystal-like" behavior of amorphous ices, therefore, implies a considerable reduction in the number of decay channels available to sound-like excitations which is assimilated to low local disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Influence of Chemical Short Range Order on Atomic Diffusion in Al-Ni Melts

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    We use inelastic neutron scattering and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to investigate the chemical short range order (CSRO), visible through prepeaks in the structure factors, and its relation to self diffusion in Al-Ni melts. As a function of composition at 1795K Ni self diffusion coefficients from experiment and simulation exhibit a non-linear dependence with a pronounced increase on the Al-rich side. This comes along with a change in CSRO with increasing Al content that is related to a more dense packing of the atoms in Ni-rich Al-Ni systems.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
