1,575 research outputs found

    Age-related differences in pre- and post-synaptic motor cortex inhibition are task dependent

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    Abstract not availableGeorge M. Opie, Michael C. Ridding, John G. Semmle

    Investigating TMS–EEG indices of long-interval intracortical inhibition at different interstimulus intervals

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    Available online 8 August 2016Abstract not availableGeorge M. Opie, Nigel C. Rogasch, Mitchell R. Goldsworthy, Michael C. Ridding, John G. Semmle

    Short-term immobilization influences use-dependent cortical plasticity and fine motor performance

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    Short-term immobilization that reduces muscle use for 8-10h is known to influence cortical excitability and motor performance. However, the mechanisms through which this is achieved, and whether these changes can be used to modify cortical plasticity and motor skill learning, are not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of short-term immobilization on use-dependent cortical plasticity, motor learning and retention. Twenty-one adults were divided into control and immobilized groups, both of which underwent two experimental sessions on consecutive days. Within each session, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to assess motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes, short- (SICI) and long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI), and intracortical facilitation (ICF) before and after a grooved pegboard task. Prior to the second training session, the immobilized group underwent 8h of left hand immobilization targeting the index finger, while control subjects were allowed normal limb use. Immobilization produced a reduction in MEP amplitudes, but no change in SICI, LICI or ICF. While motor performance improved for both groups in each session, the level of performance was greater 24-h later in control, but not immobilized subjects. Furthermore, training-related MEP facilitation was greater after, compared with before, immobilization. These results indicate that immobilization can modulate use-dependent plasticity and the retention of motor skills. They also suggest that changes in intracortical excitability are unlikely to contribute to the immobilization-induced modification of cortical excitability.George M. Opie, Alexandra Evans, Michael C. Ridding and John G. Semmle

    Priming theta burst stimulation enhances motor cortex plasticity in young but not old adults

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    Abstract not availableGeorge M. Opie, Eleni Vosnakis, Michael C. Ridding, Ulf Ziemann, John G. Semmle

    Climate–groundwater dynamics inferred from GRACE and the role of hydraulic memory

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    Groundwater is the largest store of freshwater on Earth after the cryosphere and provides a substantial proportion of the water used for domestic, irrigation and industrial purposes. Knowledge of this essential resource remains incomplete, in part, because of observational challenges of scale and accessibility. Here we examine a 14-year period (2002–2016) of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observations to investigate climate–groundwater dynamics of 14 tropical and sub-tropical aquifers selected from WHYMAP's (Worldwide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme) 37 large aquifer systems of the world. GRACE-derived changes in groundwater storage resolved using GRACE Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) mascons and the Community Land Model's land surface model are related to precipitation time series and regional-scale hydrogeology. We show that aquifers in dryland environments exhibit long-term hydraulic memory through a strong correlation between groundwater storage changes and annual precipitation anomalies integrated over the time series; aquifers in humid environments show short-term memory through strong correlation with monthly precipitation. This classification is consistent with estimates of groundwater response times calculated from the hydrogeological properties of each system, with long (short) hydraulic memory associated with slow (rapid) response times. The results suggest that groundwater systems in dryland environments may be less sensitive to seasonal climate variability but vulnerable to long-term trends from which they will be slow to recover. In contrast, aquifers in humid regions may be more sensitive to climate disturbances such as drought related to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation but may also be relatively quick to recover. Exceptions to this general pattern are traced to human interventions through groundwater abstraction. Hydraulic memory is an important factor in the management of groundwater resources, particularly under climate change


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    Valuable distillations of other people's experiencesHow To Do It. Vol. 3. Pp. x + 203. Illustrated. £9 (including postage by air). London: BMJ. 1990. (Also available from Libriger Book Distributors, Bloemfontein.)Medical dictionaryConcise Medical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Ed. By Elizabeth A. Martin. Pp. 1-759. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990.Paediatric cardiologyPrevention in Childhood and Youth of Adult Cardiovascular Diseases: Time for Action. Ed. by WHO Expert Committee. Pp. 1 - 105. Illustrated. Sw. Fr. 12. Geneva: WHO.1990.Contraceptive safety Safety Requirements for Contraceptive Steroids. Ed. by F. Michal. pp. xv - 467. Illustrated. £65,00. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989.Psychiatry Textbook of Psychiatry. Ed. by P. J. V. Beumont and R. B. Hampshire. Pp. x + 520. Illustrated. PriCe £29,50. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1989

    Requirements for a Dashboard to Support Quality Improvement Teams in Pain Management

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    Pain management is often considered lower priority than many other aspects of health management in hospitals. However, there is potential for Quality Improvement (QI) teams to improve pain management by visualising and exploring pain data sets. Although dashboards are already used by QI teams in hospitals, there is limited evidence of teams accessing visualisations to support their decision making. This study aims to identify the needs of the QI team in a UK Critical Care Unit (CCU) and develop dashboards that visualise longitudinal data on the efficacy of patient pain management to assist the team in making informed decisions to improve pain management within the CCU. This research is based on an analysis of transcripts of interviews with healthcare professionals with a variety of roles in the CCU and their evaluation of probes. We identified two key uses of pain data: direct patient care (focusing on individual patient data) and QI (aggregating data across the CCU and over time); in this paper, we focus on the QI role. We have identified how CCU staff currently interpret information and determine what supplementary information can better inform their decision making and support sensemaking. From these, a set of data visualisations has been proposed, for integration with the hospital electronic health record. These visualisations are being iteratively refined in collaboration with CCU staff and technical staff responsible for maintaining the electronic health record. The paper presents user requirements for QI in pain management and a set of visualisations, including the design rationale behind the various methods proposed for visualising and exploring pain data using dashboards


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    Pertanian adalah kegiatan manusia yang menggunakan sumber daya hayati untuk menghasilkan makanan, bahan baku industri atau energi, dan untuk mengelola lingkungan. Pertanian memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Namun, salah satu masalah utama yang muncul di sektor pertanian adalah rendahnya produktivitas tenaga kerja sumber daya manusianya. Pembangunan pertanian menghadapi serangkaian tantangan dalam proses suksesi sistem manajemen usaha pertanian. Faktor-faktor yang menentukan regenerasi petani antara lain karakteristik generasi muda, dukungan dari lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, pemerintah, peran penyuluh pertanian, serta partisipasi generasi muda di bidang pertanian. Selain itu petani masih dianggap sebagai profesi yang kurang menjanjikan sehingga menyebabkan generasi muda tidak berminat terhadap kegiatan pertanian. Desa Meranjat II Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir merupakan salah satu Desa yang berada di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya berprofesi sebagai petani, tetapi ketika tidak musim panen mereka beralih profesi sebagai pengrajin. Kendati masyarakatnya berprofesi sebagai petani, akan tetapi generasi muda di Desa Meranjat II nampaknya kurang berminat untuk melakukan regenerasi petani menggantikan orang tuanya, jika keadaan seperti ini dibiarkan maka keberlanjutan pertanian akan stagnan bahkan mengalami penurunan.Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu cara untuk meningkatkan minat generasi muda terhadap pertanian, yaitu melalui kegiatan sosialisasi dan pendidikan yang ditujukan kepada generasi muda itu sendiri, kelompok tani dan keluarga. Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan edukasi hidroponik sebagai pertanian alternatif bagi calon petani milenial di Desa Meranjat II merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan minat kaum milenial terhadap sektor pertanian dengan harapan generasi muda di Desa Meranjat II dapat membantu mewujudkan rencana strategis Kementerian Pertanian yaitu memfokuskan pembangunan pertanian melalui konsep pembangunan pertanian berkelanjuta
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