210 research outputs found

    Comparing Beijing\u27s and Tokyo\u27s Population Growths

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    The growth of the human population has led to the formation of largely populated agglomerations known as megacities. Although megacities can be found on multiple continents, Asia’s collection displays how megacities can develop in their own directions. Japan’s megacity of Tokyo, like other Japanese megacities, has adopted a western approach. China’s Beijing, on the other hand, continues to embrace its eastern roots. These megacities may differ in their ideologies, but they share in experiencing similar phenomena. One of these phenomena is population growth

    Grit & Ghetto: American Pop Music from the \u2790s to the \u2700s

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    Since music became easily accessible through technological advances, the industries progression has been largely dictated by the preferences of middle-class, adolescent Caucasians. When bearing this in mind, the prevalence of pop music that was either made or inspired by African American influences, particularly from an urban setting, or that invokes the persona of the white, suburban rejects , like Nirvana, becomes an interesting inquiry. This article charts how both members and pretenders of the seemingly unpopular subgroups of black ghetto city-folk and awkward, friendless scruffy white males has led to some of the most critically-acclaimed and popularly adored genres of music of the nineties and noughties, including grunge, hip-hop, R&B

    The Chemical Causes and Social Effects of Acid Rain

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    While global warming tends to dominate the collective conscious for environmentalism of academics and the public alike, many other physical phenomena bear serious implications for humanity\u27s future. One such phenomenon, acid rain, has been under-reported considering how damaging it is to the ecosystem and how much politicking is involved when determining how to address it. This article serves two purposes. The first is to inform readers of the basic chemical processes underlying acid rain and why it is damaging to organisms. The second is to inform readers of how acid rain has been portrayed by other publications, like the National Geographic, and infer how it has affected the general public\u27s perception of acid rain

    A Critique of Bruce Gilley\u27s The Case for Colonialism

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    Bruce Gilley\u27s article defending colonialism created quite a stir amongst global development\u27s academia. This article esponds to Gilley\u27s article, primarily as an antithesis. Through a recount of historical examples across the globe, this article points out Gilley\u27s weaker arguments for colonialism

    Multiple Regression Models to Analyze Length of Hospitalization due to Nosocomial Infections in U.S. Hospitals

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    Nosocomial diseases are a serious concern and detriment to hospitals’ abilities to provide appropriate patient care. Bearing this in mind, an effort must be made to determine whether infection surveillance and control programs have reduced the rates of nosocomial infection at U.S. hospitals. The data that were studied were obtained as part of the Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control (SENIC) and used to develop a model of what variables most contribute to a patient’s length of stay at the Cleveland Clinic (Quade et al, 1980)

    The Chemistry of the Flint Water Crisis

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    Politics and science do not always go hand-in-hand. Nowhere was this more clear than in the Flint Water Crisis. Negligence towards growing levels of lead poisoning in drinking water led to incredibly deleterious effects on Flint\u27s citizens. The chemistry of equilibrium and the shortcomings of local leaders led to Flint\u27s water becoming a crisis

    An Analysis of Ohio School Districts

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    Money has recently been posited to be a panacea for education: the more a district spends on its students, the better their results will be. However, actuarial analysis of school districts shows that this ideology is muddled in inconsistency. To determine the effect of money on education, the Ohio Report Cards of four school districts were observed. Upon inspection, explanations for the evident correlations are made to discover that money does not have an additive effect on academic success

    Inseparable: Perspective of Senator Daniel Webster

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    Considering the hypersensitivity that their nation has towards race relations, it is often ineffable to contemporary Americans as to how anyone could have argued against abolition in the 19th century. However, by taking the perspective of Senator Daniel Webster speaking to an audience of disunionist-abolitionists, proslaveryites, and various shades of moderates, numerous points of contention will be brought to light as to why chattel slavery persisted so long in the U.S. Focal points of dialogue will include the Narrative of Frederick Douglass, the positive good claims of Senator John C. Calhoun, the disunionism of William Lloyd Garrison, and the defense of the U.S. Constitution

    Marching Morally Towards Equality: Perspective of Bishop Richard Allen

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    The African American\u27s struggle for equality is fraught with contributions from men and women of various ilk. Amongst these early abolitionists were naturalist Benjamin Banneker, freeman orator Frederick Douglass, and Bishop Richard Allen, who is the focus of this paper. Through an analysis of primary and secondary sources, the author takes on the persona of the late Bishop speaking to a community of his fellow African Americans as he comments on timely events and characters and advises the listeners on a reasonable course of action

    Edward A. Ross: Social Development and Social Control

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    With a foundation in philosophy and history, core concepts of sociology and criminology that were initially posited over a century ago are still useful in understanding the workings of today\u27s society. The contributions of Edward A. Ross have helped latter day researchers centralize their studies of polycentric topics by using social control as an omnipresent social fact. By comparing Ross\u27s descriptions of 19th century society and the researcher\u27s descriptions of 21st century society, a continuous understanding of a heavily pluralistic discipline comes to life
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