1,764 research outputs found

    Hard X-ray imaging observation of fluctuating bursts

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    Measurements were done to obtain the one-dimensional sizes of rapidly fluctuating bursts with fast spikes whose rise times are typically about one second, and in some extreme cases less than 0.1 second. The results of two bursts with fast spikes are presented. One has a soft spectrum, and the other has a very hard spectrum. The measured one-dimensional size of both events indicates relatively a small size and simple structure. It can be said, however, that the source size is not so small as expected from its rapid time variations. Therefore, a thermal explanation of these bursts seems to be excluded

    The strange quark condensate in the nucleon in 2+1 flavor QCD

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    We calculate the "strange quark content of the nucleon", , which is important for interpreting the results of some dark matter detection experiments. The method is to evaluate quark-line disconnected correlations on the MILC lattice ensembles, which include the effects of dynamical strange quarks. After continuum and chiral extrapolations, the result is <N |s s_bar |N> = 0.69 +- 0.07(statistical) +- 0.09(systematic), in the modified minimal subtraction scheme (2 GeV), or for the renormalization scheme invariant form, m_s partial{M_N}/partial{m_s} = 59(6)(8) MeV.Comment: Added figures and references, especially for fit range choice. Other changes for clarity. Version to appear in publicatio

    Light Quark Mass Reweighting

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    We present a systematic study of the effectiveness of light quark mass reweighting. This method allows a single lattice QCD ensemble, generated with a specific value of the dynamical light quark mass, to be used to determine results for other, nearby light dynamical quark masses. We study two gauge field ensembles generated with 2+1 flavors of dynamical domain wall fermions with light quark masses m_l=0.02 (m_\pi=620 MeV) and m_l=0.01 (m_\pi=420 MeV). We reweight each ensemble to determine results which could be computed directly from the other and check the consistency of the reweighted results with the direct results. The large difference between the 0.02 and 0.01 light quark masses suggests that this is an aggressive application of reweighting as can be seen from fluctuations in the magnitude of the reweighting factor by four orders of magnitude. Never-the-less, a comparison of the reweighed topological charge, average plaquette, residual mass, pion mass, pion decay constant, and scalar correlator between these two ensembles shows agreement well described by the statistical errors. The issues of the effective number of configurations and finite sample size bias are discussed. An examination of the topological charge distribution implies that it is more favorable to reweight from heavier mass to lighter quark mass.Comment: 24 pages and 10 figure

    Dark matter in the classically conformal B-L model

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    When the classically conformal invariance is imposed on the minimal gauged B-L extended Standard Model (SM), the B-L gauge symmetry is broken by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism naturally at the TeV scale. Introducing a new Z_2 parity in the model, we investigate phenomenology of a right-handed neutrino dark matter whose stability is ensured by the parity. We find that the relic abundance of the dark matter particle can be consistent with the observations through annihilation processes enhanced by resonances of either the SM Higgs boson, the B-L Higgs boson or the B-L gauge boson (Z' boson). Therefore, the dark matter mass is close to half of one of these boson masses. Due to the classically conformal invariance and the B-L gauge symmetry breaking via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, Higgs boson masses, Z' boson mass and the dark matter mass are all related, and we identify the mass region to be consistent with experimental results. We also calculate the spin-independent cross section of the dark matter particle off with nucleon and discuss implications for future direct dark matter search experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Search for Higgs Bosons in SUSY Cascade Decays and Neutralino Dark Matter

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    The Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) is a well motivated theoretical framework, which contains an extended Higgs sector, including a light Higgs with Standard Model-like properties in most of the parameter space. Due to the large QCD background, searches for such a Higgs, decaying into a pair of bottom quarks, is very challenging at the LHC. It has been long realized that the situation may be ameliorated by searching for Higgs bosons in supersymmetric decay chains. Moreover, it has been recently suggested that the bobber decay channel may be observed in standard production channels by selecting boosted Higgs bosons, which may be easily identified from the QCD background. Such boosted Higgs bosons are frequent in the MSSM, since they are produced from decays of heavy colored supersymmetric particles. Previous works have emphasized the possibility of observing boosted Higgs bosons in the light higgsino region. In this work, we study the same question in the regions of parameter space consistent with a neutralino dark matter relic density, analyzing its dependence on the non-standard Higgs boson, slepton and squark masses, as well as on the condition of gaugino mass unification. In general, we conclude that, provided sleptons are heavier than the second lightest neutralinos, the presence of boosted Higgs is a common MSSM feature, implying excellent prospects for observation of the light MSSM Higgs boson in the near future.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. v2: New Xenon 100 results implemented, version to appear in PR

    Demonstration of Robust Quantum Gate Tomography via Randomized Benchmarking

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    Typical quantum gate tomography protocols struggle with a self-consistency problem: the gate operation cannot be reconstructed without knowledge of the initial state and final measurement, but such knowledge cannot be obtained without well-characterized gates. A recently proposed technique, known as randomized benchmarking tomography (RBT), sidesteps this self-consistency problem by designing experiments to be insensitive to preparation and measurement imperfections. We implement this proposal in a superconducting qubit system, using a number of experimental improvements including implementing each of the elements of the Clifford group in single `atomic' pulses and custom control hardware to enable large overhead protocols. We show a robust reconstruction of several single-qubit quantum gates, including a unitary outside the Clifford group. We demonstrate that RBT yields physical gate reconstructions that are consistent with fidelities obtained by randomized benchmarking

    The intrinsic strangeness and charm of the nucleon using improved staggered fermions

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    We calculate the intrinsic strangeness of the nucleon, - , using the MILC library of improved staggered gauge configurations using the Asqtad and HISQ actions. Additionally, we present a preliminary calculation of the intrinsic charm of the nucleon using the HISQ action with dynamical charm. The calculation is done with a method which incorporates features of both commonly-used methods, the direct evaluation of the three-point function and the application of the Feynman- Hellman theorem. We present an improvement on this method that further reduces the statistical error, and check the result from this hybrid method against the other two methods and find that they are consistent. The values for and found here, together with perturbative results for heavy quarks, show that dark matter scattering through Higgs-like exchange receives roughly equal contributions from all heavy quark flavors.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Determination of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD

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    The B∗BπB^* B\pi coupling is a fundamental parameter of chiral effective Lagrangian with heavy-light mesons and can constrain the chiral behavior of fBf_B, BBB_B and the B→πlνB\to \pi l \nu form factor in the soft pion limit. We compute the B∗BπB^* B \pi coupling with the static heavy quark and the O(a)O(a)-improved Wilson light quark. Simulations are carried out with nf=2n_f=2 unquenched 123×2412^3\times 24 lattices at β=1.80\beta=1.80 and 163×3216^3\times 32 lattices at β=1.95\beta=1.95 generated by CP-PACS collaboration. To improve the statistical accuracy, we employ the all-to-all propagator technique and the static quark action with smeared temporal link variables following the quenched study by Negishi {\it et al.}. These methods successfully work also on unquenched lattices, and determine the B∗BπB^*B\pi coupling with 1--2% statistical accuracy on each lattice spacing.Comment: 19pages,26figure
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