330 research outputs found

    A continuum model for entangled fibres

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    Motivated by the study of fibre dynamics in the carding machine, a continuum model for the motion of a medium composed of fibres is derived under the assumption that the dominant forces are due to fibre-fibre interactions and that the material is in tension. To characterise the material we include the averaged values of density and velocity and introduce variables to describe the mean direction, alignment and entanglement. We assume that the bulk stress of the material depends on the density, entanglement, degree of alignment, average direction and shear-rates. A kinematic equation for the average direction and two proposed heuristic laws for the evolution of entanglement and degree of alignment are given to close the system. Extensional and shearing simulations are in good qualitative agreement with experimental results

    Air-cushioning in impact problems

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    This paper concerns the displacement potential formulation to study the post-impact influence of an aircushioning layer on the two-dimensional impact of a liquid half-space by a rigid body. The liquid and air are both ideal and incompressible and attention is focussed on cases when the density ratio between the air and liquid is small. In particular, the correction to classical Wagner theory is analysed in detail for the impact of circular cylinders and wedges

    Isolating intrinsic noise sources in a stochastic genetic switch

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    The stochastic mutual repressor model is analysed using perturbation methods. This simple model of a gene circuit consists of two genes and three promotor states. Either of the two protein products can dimerize, forming a repressor molecule that binds to the promotor of the other gene. When the repressor is bound to a promotor, the corresponding gene is not transcribed and no protein is produced. Either one of the promotors can be repressed at any given time or both can be unrepressed, leaving three possible promotor states. This model is analysed in its bistable regime in which the deterministic limit exhibits two stable fixed points and an unstable saddle, and the case of small noise is considered. On small time scales, the stochastic process fluctuates near one of the stable fixed points, and on large time scales, a metastable transition can occur, where fluctuations drive the system past the unstable saddle to the other stable fixed point. To explore how different intrinsic noise sources affect these transitions, fluctuations in protein production and degradation are eliminated, leaving fluctuations in the promotor state as the only source of noise in the system. Perturbation methods are then used to compute the stability landscape and the distribution of transition times, or first exit time density. To understand how protein noise affects the system, small magnitude fluctuations are added back into the process, and the stability landscape is compared to that of the process without protein noise. It is found that significant differences in the random process emerge in the presence of protein noise

    Three-dimensional oblique water-entry problems at small\ud deadrise angles

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    This paper extends Wagner theory for the ideal, incompressible normal impact of rigid bodies that are nearly parallel to the surface of a liquid half-space. The impactors considered are three-dimensional and have an oblique impact velocity. A variational formulation is used to reveal the relationship between the oblique and corresponding normal impact solutions. In the case of axisymmetric impactors, several geometries are considered in which singularities develop in the boundary of the effective wetted region. We present the corresponding pressure profiles and models for the splash sheets

    Ray theory for high-Péclet-number convection-diffusion

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    Asymptotic methods based on those of geometrical optics are applied to some steady convection-diffusion streamed flows at a high Péclet number. Even with the assumption of inviscid, irrotational flow past a body with uniform ambient conditions, the rays from which the solution is constructed can only be found after local analyses have been carried out near the stagnation points. In simple cases, the temperature away from the body is the sum of contributions from each stagnation point

    A note on oblique water entry

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    An apparently minor error in Howison, Ockendon & Oliver (J. Eng. Math. 48:321–337, 2004) obscured the fact that the points at which the free surface turns over in the solution of the Wagner model for the oblique impact of a two-dimensional body are directly related to the turnover points in the equivalent normal impact problem. This note corrects some results given in Howison, Ockendon & Oliver (2004) and discusses the implications for the applicability of the Wagner\ud model

    On the theory of complex rays

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    The article surveys the application of complex-ray theory to the scalar Helmholtz equation in two dimensions. The first objective is to motivate a framework within which complex rays may be used to make predictions about wavefields in a wide variety of geometrical configurations. A crucial ingredient in this framework is the role played by Sp{} in determining the regions of existence of complex rays. The identification of the Stokes surfaces emerges as a key step in the approximation procedure, and this leads to the consideration of the many characterizations of Stokes surfaces, including the adaptation and application of recent developments in exponential asymptotics to the complex Wentzel--Kramers--Brilbuin expansion of these wavefields

    Non-classical shallow water flows

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    Droplet impact on a thin fluid layer

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    The initial stages of high-velocity droplet impact on a shallow water layer are described, with special emphasis given to the spray jet mechanics. Four stages of impact are delineated, with appropriate scalings, and the successively more important influence of the base is analysed. In particular, there is a finite time before which part of the water in the layer remains under the droplet and after which all of the layer is ejected in the splash jet

    Prediction of sanding in subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs.

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    Sand production in oil and gas wells can occur if the fluid velocity exceeds a certain value. Due to drilling operations, the mechanical stresses can exceed the load bearing capacity of the rock. As the local stresses exceed certain level, a certain amount of rock is fractured into sand. Then, the sand is carried by the fluid through the wellbore depending on the flow rate. The amount of the solids can be less than a few grams per cubic meter of reservoir fluid or an essential amount. In the later case erosion of the rock and removing sufficient quantities of rock can occur. This can produce subsurface cavities which collapse and destroy the well. When sanding is unavoidable it is necessary to estimate the characteristics of the process. Our aim was to generate a simple one-dimensional local model, which predicts the volume of sanding, the radius and the porosity of the yielded zone. Such model will help the company in the development of complex 3D models