8 research outputs found

    Antibodies to cardiac Purkinje cells: Further characterization in autoimmune diseases and atrioventricular heart block

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    We confirmed the occurrence of IgG antibodies reacting with ox cardiac conducting tissue in the serum of some human subjects. These antibodies failed to react with all ox cardiac conducting tissue cells; they reacted only with the cells defined as Purkinje cells. Having checked 352 sera, we found that the prevalence of antibodies to Purkinje cells was 11% in normal subjects (no correlation with sex and age), 14% in systemic lupus erythematosus, 21% in rheumatoid arthritis, 18% in progressive systemic sclerosis, and 23% in Sj\uf6gren syndrome. In 50 patients with permanent pacemakers for chronic non-postinfarction atrioventricular (AV) block the prevalence was 30% (P = 0.008). In a selected set of 29 patients with clinically idiopathic AV block located at or below the level of the His bundle the prevalence was 34.5% (P = 0.006). The possible role of anti-Purkinje cell antibodies in autoimmune damage of cardiac conduction tissue is discusse

    Autoantibody-mediated cardiac arrhythmias: mechanisms and clinical implications

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    Cardiac arrhythmias, including conduction defects and tach- yarrhythmias, represent an important source of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Among the different pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the arrhythmogenesis, an inappropriate activation of the immune system represents a field of recent increasing interest. In fact, a large amount of studies suggest that specific autoantibody may be significantly involved in the pathogenesis of cardiac arrhythmias not only in the course of systemic autoimmune disease, but also in a number of rhythm disorders currently classified as "idiopathic." Although the strongest evidence concerns the relationship between anti-Ro/SSA antibodies and the development of congenital heart block in foetus and newborn, other specific autoantibodies demonstrated the aptitude to affect directly the myocardial tissue, thus producing interference in its bioelectric activity thereby leading to rhythm disorders, also life-threatening. The identification of an immunological autoantibody-mediated mechanism opens new perspectives in the treatment and prevention of cardiac arrhythmias in such patients, including the use of immunosuppressive agents and/or the removal of autoantibodies by immuno-adsorption technique