116 research outputs found

    Resource constrained scheduling problem at U.S. Naval Shipyards

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    CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) Thesis documentSubmarine repair schedules are some of the most complex schedules seen in project management. Repairs of a nuclear U.S. submarine are resource constrained since resources are divided among approximately thirty shops (e.g., electricians, welders, and pipefitters). The system complexity, the tight spaces, the operational nuclear reactor, the challenges inherent in repair, and resource competition all contribute to a dense integrated schedule. Minimizing the overall length of each project, the "makespan," is the primary objective function of this thesis. This thesis uses a commercially available simulation package, @Risk, to analyze a realistic submarine repair schedule. Simulation is used to analyze uncertainty in the task durations and identify crucial tasks that highly impact the makespan. Finally, a genetic algorithm is tested to assign resources to tasks and 7723 constraints or ties. A simulation assigned all 4038 tasks a triangle probability distribution with the duration set at plus or minus 10 percent of the original duration estimate. Sensitivity analysis of the simulation identified key task nodes having significant impact on the overall duration. These top ten crucial tasks were then given similar probability distributions and another simulation was run keeping the remaining 4028 tasks as determiniatic durations. Minimizing the makespan could only be executed on a small subset of data, 25 tasks, due to limiting assumptions on reducing task durations by assigning more resources. An overall improvement of 5.5-15.6% was achieved: this gives an indication of the approximate makespan optimization potential in current U.S. submarine repair, maintenance and overhaul operations.http://archive.org/details/resourceconstrai1094540243US Navy (USN) autho

    Paclitaxel-Based Chemotherapy Targeting Cancer Stem Cells from Mono- to Combination Therapy

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    Paclitaxel (PTX) is a chemotherapeutical agent commonly used to treat several kinds of cancer. PTX is known as a microtubule-targeting agent with a primary molecular mechanism that disrupts the dynamics of microtubules and induces mitotic arrest and cell death. Simultaneously, other mechanisms have been evaluated in many studies. Since the anticancer activity of PTX was discovered, it has been used to treat many cancer patients and has become one of the most extensively used anticancer drugs. Regrettably, the resistance of cancer to PTX is considered an extensive obstacle in clinical applications and is one of the major causes of death correlated with treatment failure. Therefore, the combination of PTX with other drugs could lead to efficient therapeutic strategies. Here, we summarize the mechanisms of PTX, and the current studies focusing on PTX and review promising combinations

    A novel model of liver cancer stem cells developed from induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Background Liver cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death. Every type of tumours including liver cancer contains cancer stem cells (CSCs). To date, the molecular mechanism regulating the development of liver CSCs remains unknown. Methods In this study, we tried to generate a new model of liver CSCs by converting mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (miPSCs) with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell line Huh7 cells conditioned medium (CM). miPSCs treated with CM were injected into the liver of BALB/c nude mice. The developed tumours were then excised and analysed. Results The primary cultured cells from the malignant tumour possessed self-renewal capacity, differentiation potential and tumorigenicity in vivo, which were found rich in liver cancer-associated markers as well as CSC markers. Conclusions We established a model of liver CSCs converting from miPS and showed different stages of stemness during conversion process. Our CSC model will be important to assess the molecular mechanisms necessary to develop liver CSCs and could help in defeating liver cancer

    Hematopoietic Cells Derived from Cancer Stem Cells Generated from Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent the subpopulation of cancer cells with the ability to differentiate into other cell phenotypes and initiated tumorigenesis. Previously, we reported generating CSCs from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (miPSCs). Here, we investigated the ability of the CSCs to differentiate into hematopoietic cells. First, the primary cells were isolated from malignant tumors that were formed by the CSCs. Non-adherent cells (NACs) that arose from adherent cells were collected and their viability, as well as the morphology and expression of hematopoietic cell markers, were analyzed. Moreover, NACs were injected into the tail vein of busulfan conditioned Balb/c nude mice. Finally, CSCs were induced to differentiate to macrophages while using IL3 and SCF. The round nucleated NACs were found to be viable, positive for hematopoietic lineage markers and CD34, and expressed hematopoietic markers, just like homing to the bone marrow. When NACs were injected into mice, Wright-Giemsa staining showed that the number of white blood cells got higher than those in the control mice after four weeks. CSCs also showed the ability to differentiate toward macrophages. CSCs were demonstrated to have the potential to provide progenies with hematopoietic markers, morphology, and homing ability to the bone marrow, which could give new insight into the tumor microenvironment according to the plasticity of CSCs

    Microenvironment of mammary fat pads affected the characteristics of the tumors derived from the induced cancer stem cells

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    Breast cancer is the first common cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. Since the malignancy and aggressiveness of breast cancer have been correlated with the presence of breast cancer stem cells, the establishment of a disease model with cancer stem cells is required for the development of a novel therapeutic strategy. Here, we aimed to evaluate the availability of cancer stem cell models developed from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells with the conditioned medium of different subtypes of breast cancer cell lines, the hormonal-responsive T47D cell line and the triple-negative breast cancer BT549 cell line, to generate in vivo tumor models. When transplanted into the mammary fat pads of BALB/c nude mice, these two model cells formed malignant tumors exhibiting pronounced histopathological characteristics similar to breast cancers. Serial transplantation of the primary cultured cells into mammary fat pads evoked the same features of breast cancer, while this result was perturbed following subcutaneous transplantation. The tumors formed in the mammary fat pads exhibited immune reactivities to prolactin receptor, progesterone receptor, green florescent protein, Ki67, CD44, estrogen receptor alpha/beta and cytokeratin 8, while all of the tumors and their derived primary cells exhibited immunoreactivity to estrogen receptor alpha/beta and cytokeratin 8. Cancer stem cells can be developed from pluripotent stem cells via the secretory factors of cancer-derived cells with the capacity to inherit tissue specificity. However, cancer stem cells should be plastic enough to be affected by the microenvironment of specific tissues. In summary, we successfully established a breast cancer tumor model using mouse induced pluripotent stem cells developed from normal fibroblasts without genetic manipulation

    Paclitaxel and Sorafenib: The Effective Combination of Suppressing the Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem Cells

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    Combination therapy, which is a treatment modality combining two or more therapeutic agents, is considered a cornerstone of cancer therapy. The combination of anticancer drugs, of which functions are different from the other, enhances the efficiency compared to the monotherapy because it targets cancer cells in a synergistic or an additive manner. In this study, the combination of paclitaxel and sorafenib in low concentration was evaluated to target cancer stem cells, miPS-BT549cmP and miPS-Huh7cmP cells, developed from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. The synergistic effect of paclitaxel and sorafenib on cancer stem cells was assessed by the inhibition of proliferation, self-renewal, colony formation, and differentiation. While the IC(50)values of paclitaxel and sorafenib were approximately ranging between 250 and 300 nM and between 6.5 and 8 mu M, respectively, IC(50)of paclitaxel reduced to 20 and 25 nM, which was not toxic in a single dose, in the presence of 1 mu M sorafenib, which was not toxic to the cells. Then, the synergistic effect was further assessed for the potential of self-renewal of cancer stem cells by sphere formation ability. As a result, 1 mu M of sorafenib significantly enhanced the effect of paclitaxel to suppress the number of spheres. Simultaneously, paclitaxel ranging in 1 to 4 nM significantly suppressed not only the colony formation but also the tube formation of the cancer stem cells in the presence of 1 mu M sorafenib. These results suggest the combination therapy of paclitaxel and sorafenib in low doses should be an attractive approach to target cancer stem cells with fewer side effects

    MRX87 family with Aristaless X dup24bp mutation and implication for polyAlanine expansions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cognitive impairments are heterogeneous conditions, and it is estimated that 10% may be caused by a defect of mental function genes on the X chromosome. One of those genes is <it>Aristaless related homeobox </it>(<it>ARX</it>) encoding a polyA-rich homeobox transcription factor essential for cerebral patterning and its mutations cause different neurologic disorders. We reported on the clinical and genetic analysis of an Italian family with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) and intra-familial heterogeneity, and provided insight into its molecular defect.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We carried out on linkage-candidate gene studies in a new MRX family (MRX87). All coding regions and exon-intron boundaries of ARX gene were analysed by direct sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MRX87 patients had moderate to profound cognition impairment and a combination of minor congenital anomalies. The disease locus, MRX87, was mapped between DXS7104 and DXS1214, placing it in Xp22-p21 interval, a hot spot region for mental handicap. An in frame duplication of 24 bp (ARXdup24) in the second polyAlanine tract (polyA_II) in ARX was identified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study underlines the role of ARXdup24 as a critical mutational site causing mental retardation linked to Xp22. Phenotypic heterogeneity of MRX87 patients represents a new observation relevant to the functional consequences of polyAlanine expansions enriching the puzzling complexity of ARXdup24-linked diseases.</p

    Mutations in the nuclear localization sequence of the Aristaless related homeobox; sequestration of mutant ARX with IPO13 disrupts normal subcellular distribution of the transcription factor and retards cell division

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    The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.pathogeneticsjournal.com/content/3/1/1Background: Aristaless related homeobox (ARX) is a paired-type homeobox gene. ARX function is frequently affected by naturally occurring mutations. Nonsense mutations, polyalanine tract expansions and missense mutations in ARX cause a range of intellectual disability and epilepsy phenotypes with or without additional features including hand dystonia, lissencephaly, autism or dysarthria. Severe malformation phenotypes, such as X-linked lissencephaly with ambiguous genitalia (XLAG), are frequently observed in individuals with protein truncating or missense mutations clustered in the highly conserved paired-type homeodomain. Results: We have identified two novel point mutations in the R379 residue of the ARX homeodomain; c.1135C>A, p.R379S in a patient with infantile spasms and intellectual disability and c.1136G>T, p.R379L in a patient with XLAG. We investigated these and other missense mutations (R332P, R332H, R332C, T333N: associated with XLAG and Proud syndrome) predicted to affect the nuclear localisation sequences (NLS) flanking either end of the ARX homeodomain. The NLS regions are required for correct nuclear import facilitated by Importin 13 (IPO13). We demonstrate that missense mutations in either the N- or C-terminal NLS regions of the homeodomain cause significant disruption to nuclear localisation of the ARX protein in vitro. Surprisingly, none of these mutations abolished the binding of ARX to IPO13. This was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and immmuno fluorescence studies. Instead, tagged and endogenous IPO13 remained bound to the mutant ARX proteins, even in the RanGTP rich nuclear environment. We also identify the microtubule protein TUBA1A as a novel interacting protein for ARX and show cells expressing mutant ARX protein accumulate in mitosis, indicating normal cell division may be disrupted. Conclusions: We show that the most likely, common pathogenic mechanism of the missense mutations in NLS regions of the ARX homeodomain is inadequate accumulation and distribution of the ARX transcription factor within the nucleus due to sequestration of ARX with IPO13.Cheryl Shoubridge, May Huey Tan, Tod Fullston, Desiree Cloosterman, David Coman, George McGillivray, Grazia M Mancini, Tjitske Kleefstra and Jozef Géc
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