125 research outputs found

    A study of postdatism: its incidence and associated morbidities in a tertiary care centre: a prospective observational study

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    Background: The study shows the incidence of postdatism in a pregnancy, and to find out the incidence of maternal and fetal complications, perinatal mortality in postdated pregnancy. Methods: All registered ANC patients coming to OPD and labour ward completed 40 weeks of gestational age by date (who were sure of the date of last menstrual period) or by scan (considering early weeks scan) are considered in the study. History and examination of the patients are done and mode of delivery was decided accordingly. Fetal monitoring was done using non stress test, ultrasonography and DFKC charting maintained. Results: Postdatism is very common in primigravida (61%) than multigravida, and is common in age group of 21-30 years (67%), most common mode of delivery was vaginal delivery with approximately 30% undergoing LSCS due to various reasons. In perinatal assessment there was one IUFD and 5 NICU admissions in a total of 100 postdatism pregnancies. Maternal morbidities like sepsis, postpartum hemorrhage, perineal tear ivo shpulder dystocia and big baby will also be present in small number of cases. Conclusions: This study shows the incidence of postdatism according to gravida score and age factors. It also shows the associated perinatal and maternal morbidities in a patient with postdatism

    Study of chronic pelvic pain by laparoscopy in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Laproscopy in chronic pelvic pain can revel findings that cannot be detected clinically, by ultrsonography, so it can be treated and diagnosed at the same sitting. This study was undertaken to evaluate role of laproscopy in chronic pelvic pain. Methods: Study design is a prospective study conducted in JJ hospital and Cama and Albless Hospital. A total of ‘44’ women presenting in OPD with chronic pelvic pain for more than 6 months duration were taken for the study. Results: Out of 44 patients who presented with pelvic pain 1 (2.27%) patient had no detectable pelvic pathology by laparoscopy. Prior ultrasound done in these 44 patients revealed that 14 (31%) had normal pelvic scan. Hence, ultrasound underdiagnosed 13 patients who actually had pelvic pathology on laparoscopy. Out of 44 patients 3 (6%) had normal clinical diagnosis, hence clinical examination under-diagnosed 2 other patients who on laparoscopy did not have any pelvic pathology. Conclusions: Laparoscopy is valuable in definitive diagnosis of pelvic pain. Use of laparoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes helps in avoiding laparotomy in majority of patients and morbidity and mortality associated with it

    Suspended sediment dynamics on a seasonal scale in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, Central West coast of India

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    Suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected at regular stations from the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries indicates that the peaks of high SPM coincide with peaks of high rainfall and low salinity and also with peaks of moderate/low rainfall coupled with high salinity during the monsoon. The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) is a characteristic feature, it occurs in the channel accompanying spring tide during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, and shifts to the bay on neap tide during post-monsoon. ETM remains at the same position in the Mandovi River, both during the monsoon and pre-monsoon, whereas in Zuari it stretched upstream during monsoon and migrates seaward of the channel during pre-monsoon. The ETM coincides with the freshwater-seawater interface during the monsoon and is formed by the interaction between tidal currents and river flows. The ETM during pre-monsoon is associated with high salinities and is generated by tidal and wind-induced currents. The turbidity maximum on neap tide during post-monsoon may be due to the erosion and resuspension of sediments from the emergent tidal flats and transport of these turbid waters into the bay. Funneling effect of the narrowing bay in the Zuari estuary and associated physical processes effectively enhance the magnitude of the currents and transports sediments to the channel. SPM retention percentage indicates that the estuarine channel is prone to siltation

    Curriculum Learning for Reinforcement Learning Domains: A Framework and Survey

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular paradigm for addressing sequential decision tasks in which the agent has only limited environmental feedback. Despite many advances over the past three decades, learning in many domains still requires a large amount of interaction with the environment, which can be prohibitively expensive in realistic scenarios. To address this problem, transfer learning has been applied to reinforcement learning such that experience gained in one task can be leveraged when starting to learn the next, harder task. More recently, several lines of research have explored how tasks, or data samples themselves, can be sequenced into a curriculum for the purpose of learning a problem that may otherwise be too difficult to learn from scratch. In this article, we present a framework for curriculum learning (CL) in reinforcement learning, and use it to survey and classify existing CL methods in terms of their assumptions, capabilities, and goals. Finally, we use our framework to find open problems and suggest directions for future RL curriculum learning research

    Case report: intra-tendinous ganglion of the anterior cruciate ligament in a young footballer

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    A 20-year-old male medical student and keen rugby player presented with a 12-month history of progressively worsening right knee pain and stiffness with no history of trauma. Clinical examination revealed effusion and posterior knee pain exacerbated by end range movement and an extension lag of 15 degrees. Physiotherapy to improve the range of motion proved unsuccessful. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the ACL was grossly thickened and displaced by material reported as mucoid in nature. There were also areas of focally high signal in relation to its tibial attachment and intra osseous small cysts. Arthroscopic examination revealed a ganglion related to the tibial attachment of the ACL and gross thickening and discoloration of the ACL. Biopsies were taken showing foci of mucoid degeneration in the ACL. A large intra-ACL mass of brownish coloured tissue was excised arthroscopically. Already at 2 weeks follow up the patient had greatly improved range of movement and was pain free. However, upon returning to rugby, joint instability was noticed and a tear of the ACL was confirmed. This rare clinical condition can be diagnosed with MRI and arthroscopic debridement effectively relieves symptoms. This case report illustrates that augmentation or reconstruction may end up being the definitive treatment for athletes. It may also offer some support to the argument that mucoid degeneration and ganglion cyst formation share a similar pathogenesis to intra-osseous cyst formation

    The Arabian Sea as a high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll region during the late Southwest Monsoon

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 7 (2010): 2091-2100, doi:10.5194/bg-7-2091-2010.Extensive observations were made during the late Southwest Monsoon of 2004 over the Indian and Omani shelves, and along a transect that extended from the southern coast of Oman to the central west coast of India, tracking the southern leg of the US JGOFS expedition (1994–1995) in the west. The data are used, in conjunction with satellite-derived data, to investigate long-term trends in chlorophyll and sea surface temperature, indicators of upwelling intensity, and to understand factors that control primary production (PP) in the Arabian Sea, focussing on the role of iron. Our results do not support an intensification of upwelling in the western Arabian Sea, reported to have been caused by the decline in the winter/spring Eurasian snow cover since 1997. We also noticed, for the first time, an unexpected development of high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll condition off the southern Omani coast. This feature, coupled with other characteristics of the system, such as a narrow shelf and relatively low iron concentrations in surface waters, suggest a close similarity between the Omani upwelling system and the Peruvian and California upwelling systems, where PP is limited by iron. Iron limitation of PP may complicate simple relationship between upwelling and PP assumed by previous workers, and contribute to the anomalous offshore occurrence of the most severe oxygen (O2) depletion in the region. Over the much wider Indian shelf, which experiences large-scale bottom water O2-depletion in summer, adequate iron supply from reducing bottom-waters and sediments seems to support moderately high PP; however, such production is restricted to the thin, oxygenated surface layer, probably because of the unsuitability of the O2-depleted environment for the growth of oxygenic photosynthesizers.Financial support was provided by CSIR through the Network Project CMM0009 to SWAN and by NSF through OCE-0327227S to JWM

    Preterm birth among pregnancies conceived by assisted reproduction techniques in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Preterm births are an enormous global problem on families, medical system and economy. The rates of preterm birth are increasing and one of the contributors is growing use of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) leading to multifetal gestations. Some risk factors for preterm birth are specific to women who conceive by ART. Since there is limited data from India, this pilot study was undertaken to assess the magnitude of preterm birth among pregnancies conceived by ART and to study the contributing factors.Methods: Clinic based descriptive cohort study through eight ART clinics in Mumbai for one year. Data was collected using an in-depth questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, ART details, course and complications during pregnancy, mode of delivery, pregnancy outcome, risk factors related to preterm birth and neonatal outcome. Complete details of 113 participants who completed the study were analyzed.Results: Study showed high incidence of preterm birth (76.23%) among women conceived with ART. Multiple gestations were observed in 45.1%. Pregnancy related complications like heterotrophic pregnancy (3%), pre eclampsia (15%) and gestational diabetes (11%) were high. Incidence of caesarean section was very high (98%). Neonatal outcome was good with 98% live births and only 2 still births.Conclusions: Present study highlights that preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, pregnancy related complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and caesarean sections are very high among women conceived by ART. With growing use of ART there is an urgent need to develop a National ART Surveillance system in India like the one in Centre for Disease Control Atlanta to get complete data on the pregnancy course and outcomes of ART conceptions. Efforts to limit the number of embryos transferred should be strengthened to prevent multiple births

    A Deep Learning based Pipeline for Efficient Oral Cancer Screening on Whole Slide Images

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    Oral cancer incidence is rapidly increasing worldwide. The most important determinant factor in cancer survival is early diagnosis. To facilitate large scale screening, we propose a fully automated pipeline for oral cancer detection on whole slide cytology images. The pipeline consists of fully convolutional regression-based nucleus detection, followed by per-cell focus selection, and CNN based classification. Our novel focus selection step provides fast per-cell focus decisions at human-level accuracy. We demonstrate that the pipeline provides efficient cancer classification of whole slide cytology images, improving over previous results both in terms of accuracy and feasibility. The complete source code is available at https://github.com/MIDA-group/OralScreen.Comment: Accepted to ICIAR 202