6 research outputs found
Perkawinan adalah ikatan yang sakral. Keluarga yang bahagia dan langgeng melalui perkawinan tidak hanya memerlukan persiapan fisik, tetapi juga persiapan sosial, ekonomi, emosional, dan tanggung jawab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mediskripsikan upaya pasangan nikah muda dalam embangun keluarga yang sakinah. Dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, penulis mengumpulkan data dari lapangan, wawancara atau observasi, kemudian menambahkan beberapa informasi sebagai catatan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan pasangan suami istri menikah sebelum usia sah di desa Banyusidi adalah karena keinginan pribadi pasangan tersebut sudah saling mencintai dan kemudian ingin segera menikah untuk menghindari suatu hal tidak diinginkan. Upaya yang dilakukan membangun keluarga yang sakinah oleh pasangan nikah muda di desa Banyusidi yaitu; saling mempercayai dan tidak curiga, saling mendukung dan memotivasi, menghargai pendapat, tidak pernah mengeluhkan masalah ekonomi
Optimization of Reproduction of Ricefish Endemic to Southeast Sulawesi Oryzias Woworae Parenti & Hadiaty, 2010 Through Different Sex Ratios in Spawning
Oryzias woworae has a beautiful color and has been traded as ornamental fish. This species is an endemic ricefish from Muna Island, Southeast Sulawesi, and is threatened with endangered status. Information on the optimal spawning sex ratio in O. woworae is unknown. This study aimed was to examine the optimization of reproduction based on the sex ratio of male: female broodstock O. woworae involved in spawning. The sex ratio of male: female spawning broodstock used were 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4. The male and female brooders used had a total length of 3,1 ± 0,5 cm and 2,5 ± 0,5 cm. After adaptation, the broodstock of O. woworae was put into aquariums according to the treatment, and each container contained three spawning substrates. The harvesting of eggs on the substrate is carried out two times a day. The results showed that spawning O. woworae with a ratio of 1♂: 4♀ produced the lowest number of eggs and was significantly different with ratios of 1♂: 1♀ and 1♂: 2♀ (P<0,05). The ratio of 1♂ : 3♀ gave the highest egg hatching of 55% but was not significantly different from other treatments (P>0,05). The difference in male and female ratios did not affect the survival rate of O. woworae larvae (P>0,05), with values from 91,9-100%. The highest larvae produced was found in the spawning ratio of 1♂ : 3♀ with 37 larvae but not significantly different from other treatments (P>0,05). The water quality values during the study were temperature 26,5-310C, pH 5,5-8,8, and dissolved oxygen 5,3-6,0 mg L-1. O. woworae broodstock spawning can be optimized with a male to female ratio of 1:3
Halal Tourism as a Means of Empowering the People's Economy
This study aims to explain the economic empowerment of the people based on halal tourism based on the Qur'an. The large number of global Muslim tourists visiting Indonesia, makes halal tourism potential to be one of the sectors driving Indonesia's halal industry. There are no less than 140 million Muslim tourists with online shopping of USD 35 billion every year. This is a challenge as well as an opportunity to make halal tourism a national tourism industry and a means of empowering the people's economy. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study indicate that the development of halal tourism can be used as a means to empower the people's economy. Opening up greater job opportunities thereby reducing unemployment. Improving the welfare of the people by opening up business and job opportunities. Can increase the income of the people so that it has an impact on increasing the ability of the community to be able to live more prosperously