5 research outputs found

    Chronic hepatitis B virus monoinfection at a university hospital in Zambia.

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    AIM: To characterize antiviral therapy eligibility among hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected adults at a university hospital in Zambia. METHODS: Hepatitis B surface antigen-positive adults (n = 160) who were HIV-negative and referred to the hospital after a routine or clinically-driven HBV test were enrolled. Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), platelet count, hepatitis B e-antigen, and HBV DNA were measured. Liver fibrosis/cirrhosis was assessed by physical examination, AST-to-platelet ratio index, and transient elastography. In antiviral therapy-naïve individuals, we described HBV stages and antiviral therapy eligibility per World Health Organization (WHO) and by HBV test (routine vs clinical). Elevated ALT was > 19 in women and > 30 U/L in men. Among treatment-experienced individuals, we described medication side effects, adherence, and viral suppression. RESULTS: The median age was 33 years, 71.9% were men, and 30.9% were diagnosed with HBV through a clinically-driven test with the remainder identified via routine testing (at the blood bank, community events, etc.). Among 120 treatment-naïve individuals, 2.5% were categorized as immune tolerant, 11.7% were immune active, 35.6% were inactive carriers, and 46.7% had an indeterminate phenotype. Per WHO guidelines, 13 (10.8%) were eligible for immediate antiviral therapy. The odds of eligibility were eight times higher for those diagnosed at clinical vs routine settings (adjusted odds ratio, 8.33; 95%CI: 2.26-29.41). Among 40 treatment-experienced HBV patients, virtually all took tenofovir, and a history of mild side effects was reported in 20%. Though reported adherence was good, 12 of 29 (41.4%) had HBV DNA > 20 IU/mL. CONCLUSION: Approximately one in ten HBV-monoinfected Zambians were eligible for antivirals. Many had indeterminate phenotype and needed clinical follow-up.School of Medicine at University of Alabama at Birmingham; Fogarty International Center, No. K01TW009998; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. National Institutes of Health, No. U01AI069924; and Swiss National Science Foundation (to Wandeler G), No. PZ0093_154730

    'Rumours' and clinical trials: a retrospective examination of a paediatric malnutrition study in Zambia, southern Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Many public health researchers conducting studies in resource-constrained settings have experienced negative 'rumours' about their work; in some cases they have been reported to create serious challenges and derail studies. However, what may appear superficially as 'gossip' or 'rumours' can also be regarded and understood as metaphors which represent local concerns. For researchers unaccustomed to having concerns expressed from participants in this manner, possible reactions can be to be unduly perturbed or conversely dismissive.This paper represents a retrospective examination of a malnutrition study conducted by an international team of researchers in Zambia, Southern Africa. The fears of mothers whose children were involved in the study and some of the concerns which were expressed as rumours are also presented. This paper argues that there is an underlying logic to these anxieties and to dismiss them simply as 'rumours' or 'gossip' would be to overlook the historic and socio-economic factors which have contributed to their production. METHODS: Qualitative interviews were conducted with the mothers whose children were involved in the study and with the research nurses. Twenty five face-to-face interviews and 2 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with mothers. In addition, face-to-face interviews were conducted with research nurses participating in the trial. RESULTS: A prominent anxiety expressed as rumours by the mothers whose children were involved in the study was that recruitment into the trial was an indicator that the child was HIV-infected. Other anxieties included that the trial was a disguise for witchcraft or Satanism and that the children's body parts would be removed and sold. In addition, the liquid, milk-based food given to the children to improve their nutrition was suspected of being insufficiently nutritious, thus worsening their condition.The form which these anxieties took, such as rumours related to the stealing of body parts and other anxieties about a stigmatised condition, provide an insight into the historical, socio-economic and cultural influences in such settings. CONCLUSIONS: Employing strategies to understand local concerns should accompany research aims to achieve optimal success. The concerns raised by the participants we interviewed are not unique to this study. They are produced in countries where the historic, socio-economic and cultural settings communicate anxieties in this format. By examining this study we have shown that by contextualizing these 'rumours', the concerns they express can be constructively addressed and in turn result in the successful conduct of research aims

    'Kuyendela odwala TB'--visiting TB patients: the widening role of home-based care organisations in the management of tuberculosis patients in Lusaka, Zambia.

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the widening role of home-based care (HBC) organisations in the management of TB patients in Lusaka, Zambia, in 1999. DESIGN: In a purposeful sample of eight HBC organisations and 1 hospice in Lusaka, 142 TB patients under HBC, 54 care givers, 42 TB patients not under HBC and 9 managers were interviewed. RESULTS: At least 50% of TB patients in Lusaka are cared for by HBC. The role of HBC in management of TB patients included food aid, practical and emotional support through the visits of voluntary care givers and, often, medical advice and treatment. TB diagnosis is carried out within the government health facilities. Five HBC organisations supplied anti-tuberculosis drugs, and three tried to carry out direct observation of treatment. The majority of the TB patients said their situation improved under HBC. Management was undermined by poor record keeping, sporadic anti-tuberculosis drug supplies, stigmatising preventive messages, limited supervision of care givers and poor coordination with the District Health Services. CONCLUSION: HBC organisations have become a key partner in TB control, looking after half the TB patients in Lusaka from diagnosis onwards, and complementing the public system. However, the quality of their management of TB and their partnership with government need to improve

    AMP!: A Cross-site Analysis of the Effects of a Theater-based Intervention on Adolescent Awareness, Attitudes, and Knowledge about HIV

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    AMP! (Arts-based, Multiple component, Peer-education) is an HIV intervention developed for high school adolescents. AMP! uses interactive theater-based scenarios developed by trained college undergraduates to deliver messages addressing HIV/STI prevention strategies, healthy relationships, and stigma reduction towards people living with HIV/AIDS. We used a pre-test/post-test, control group study design to simultaneously assess intervention effect on ninth grade students in an urban county in California (N = 159) and a suburban county in North Carolina (N = 317). In each location, the control group received standard health education curricula delivered by teachers; the intervention group received AMP! in addition to standard health education curricula. Structural equation modeling was used to determine intervention effects. The post-test sample was 46% male, 90% self-identified as heterosexual, 32% reported receiving free or reduced lunch, and 49% White. Structural models indicated that participation in AMP! predicted higher scores on HIV knowledge (p = .05), HIV awareness (p = .01), and HIV attitudes (p = .05) at the post-test. Latent means comparison analyses revealed post-test scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores on HIV knowledge (p = .001), HIV awareness (p = .001), and HIV attitudes (p = .001). Further analyses indicated that scores rose for both groups, but the post-test scores of intervention participants were significantly higher than controls (HIV knowledge (p = .01), HIV awareness (p = .01), and HIV attitudes (p = .05)). Thus, AMP!’s theater-based approach shows promise for addressing multiple adolescent risk factors and attitudes concerning HIV in school settings