1,383 research outputs found

    Low-latency analysis pipeline for compact binary coalescences in the advanced gravitational wave detector era

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    The multi-band template analysis (MBTA) pipeline is a low-latency coincident analysis pipeline for the detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences. MBTA runs with a low computational cost, and can identify candidate GW events online with a sub-minute latency. The low computational running cost of MBTA also makes it useful for data quality studies. Events detected by MBTA online can be used to alert astronomical partners for electromagnetic follow-up. We outline the current status of MBTA and give details of recent pipeline upgrades and validation tests that were performed in preparation for the first advanced detector observing period. The MBTA pipeline is ready for the outset of the advanced detector era and the exciting prospects it will bring.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Training in the Use of Psychotherapy Outcome Assessment Measures at Psychology Internship Sites

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    American Psychological Association accredited psychology internship training programs (N = 407) were surveyed concerning their attitudes, beliefs, and practices with regard to outcome assessment measures. Results indicated that 47% of surveyed sites use outcome measures for assessment, and 66% used these measures for diagnostic purposes. In addition, 79% of respondents supported using outcome assessment measures to evaluate client progress, 61% supported training interns in the use of outcome assessment measures, and 87% felt outcome assessment measures would increase in importance in the future. The discrepancy between support for outcome assessment measures and actual use is discussed and recommendations provided

    Calibration of the LIGO displacement actuators via laser frequency modulation

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    We present a frequency modulation technique for calibration of the displacement actuators of the LIGO 4-km-long interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. With the interferometer locked in a single-arm configuration, we modulate the frequency of the laser light, creating an effective length variation that we calibrate by measuring the amplitude of the frequency modulation. By simultaneously driving the voice coil actuators that control the length of the arm cavity, we calibrate the voice coil actuation coefficient with an estimated 1-sigma uncertainty of less than one percent. This technique enables a force-free, single-step actuator calibration using a displacement fiducial that is fundamentally different from those employed in other calibration methods.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Autonomous feedback stabilization of a cavity-coupled spin oscillator

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    We report out-of-equilibrium stabilization of the collective spin of an atomic ensemble through autonomous feedback by an optical cavity. For a magnetic field applied at an angle to the cavity axis, dispersive coupling to the cavity provides sensitivity to a combination of the longitudinal and transverse spin. Coherent backaction from this measurement, conditioned by the optical cavity susceptibility, stabilizes the collective spin state at an arbitrary energy. The set point tracking and closed-loop gain spectrum of the feedback system are characterized and found to agree closely with analytic predictions

    Accurate calibration of test mass displacement in the LIGO interferometers

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    We describe three fundamentally different methods we have applied to calibrate the test mass displacement actuators to search for systematic errors in the calibration of the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors. The actuation frequencies tested range from 90 Hz to 1 kHz and the actuation amplitudes range from 1e-6 m to 1e-18 m. For each of the four test mass actuators measured, the weighted mean coefficient over all frequencies for each technique deviates from the average actuation coefficient for all three techniques by less than 4%. This result indicates that systematic errors in the calibration of the responses of the LIGO detectors to differential length variations are within the stated uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted on 31 October 2009 to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the proceedings of 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave

    A First Comparison Between LIGO and Virgo Inspiral Search Pipelines

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    This article reports on a project that is the first step the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration have taken to prepare for the mutual search for inspiral signals. The project involved comparing the analysis pipelines of the two collaborations on data sets prepared by both sides, containing simulated noise and injected events. The ability of the pipelines to detect the injected events was checked, and a first comparison of how the parameters of the events were recovered has been completed.Comment: GWDAW-9 proceeding

    A first comparison of search methods for gravitational wave bursts using LIGO and Virgo simulated data

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    We present a comparative study of 6 search methods for gravitational wave bursts using simulated LIGO and Virgo noise data. The data's spectra were chosen to follow the design sensitivity of the two 4km LIGO interferometers and the 3km Virgo interferometer. The searches were applied on replicas of the data sets to which 8 different signals were injected. Three figures of merit were employed in this analysis: (a) Receiver Operator Characteristic curves, (b) necessary signal to noise ratios for the searches to achieve 50 percent and 90 percent efficiencies, and (c) variance and bias for the estimation of the arrival time of a gravitational wave burst.Comment: GWDAW9 proceeding

    Predicting electromagnetic counterparts using low-latency gravitational-wave data products

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    Searches for gravitational-wave counterparts have been going in earnest since GW170817 and the discovery of AT2017gfo. Since then, the lack of detection of other optical counterparts connected to binary neutron star or black hole–neutron star candidates has highlighted the need for a better discrimination criterion to support this effort. At the moment, low-latency gravitational-wave alerts contain preliminary information about binary properties and hence whether a detected binary might have an electromagnetic counterpart. The current alert method is a classifier that estimates the probability that there is a debris disc outside the black hole created during the merger as well as the probability of a signal being a binary neutron star, a black hole–neutron star, a binary black hole, or of terrestrial origin. In this work, we expand upon this approach to both predict the ejecta properties and provide contours of potential light curves for these events, in order to improve the follow-up observation strategy. The various sources of uncertainty are discussed, and we conclude that our ignorance about the ejecta composition and the insufficient constraint of the binary parameters by low-latency pipelines represent the main limitations. To validate the method, we test our approach on real events from the second and third Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)–Virgo observing runs

    A comparison of methods for gravitational wave burst searches from LIGO and Virgo

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    The search procedure for burst gravitational waves has been studied using 24 hours of simulated data in a network of three interferometers (Hanford 4-km, Livingston 4-km and Virgo 3-km are the example interferometers). Several methods to detect burst events developed in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) and Virgo collaboration have been studied and compared. We have performed coincidence analysis of the triggers obtained in the different interferometers with and without simulated signals added to the data. The benefits of having multiple interferometers of similar sensitivity are demonstrated by comparing the detection performance of the joint coincidence analysis with LSC and Virgo only burst searches. Adding Virgo to the LIGO detector network can increase by 50% the detection efficiency for this search. Another advantage of a joint LIGO-Virgo network is the ability to reconstruct the source sky position. The reconstruction accuracy depends on the timing measurement accuracy of the events in each interferometer, and is displayed in this paper with a fixed source position example.Comment: LIGO-Virgo working group submitted to PR

    Benefits of joint LIGO -- Virgo coincidence searches for burst and inspiral signals

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    We examine the benefits of performing a joint LIGO--Virgo search for transient signals. We do this by adding burst and inspiral signals to 24 hours of simulated detector data. We find significant advantages to performing a joint coincidence analysis, above either a LIGO only or Virgo only search. These include an increased detection efficiency, at a fixed false alarm rate, to both burst and inspiral events and an ability to reconstruct the sky location of a signal.Comment: 11 pages 8 figures, Amaldi 6 proceeding
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