4 research outputs found

    Helicity-dependent three-dimensional optical trapping of chiral microparticles

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    The rule of thumb of tailored optical forces consists in the control of linear momentum exchange between light and matter. This may be done by appropriate selection of the interaction geometry, optical modes or environmental characteristics. Here we reveal that the interplay of the helicity of light and the chirality of matter turns the photon spin angular momentum into an efficient tool for selective trapping of chiral particles. This is demonstrated, both experimentally and theoretically, by exploring the three-dimensional optical trapping of chiral liquid crystal microspheres with circularly polarized Gaussian or Laguerre-Gaussian beams. These results suggest the development of novel optomechanical strategies that rely on the photon helicity towards selective trapping and manipulation of chiral objects by chiral light

    Polarization-dependent optomechanics mediated by chiral microresonators

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    Chirality is one of the most prominent and intriguing aspects of nature, from spiral galaxies down to aminoacids. Despite the wide range of living and non-living, natural and artificial chiral systems at different scales, the origin of chirality-induced phenomena is often puzzling. Here we assess the onset of chiral optomechanics, exploiting the control of the interaction between chiral entities. We perform an experimental and theoretical investigation of the simultaneous optical trapping and rotation of spherulite-like chiral microparticles. Due to their shell structure (Bragg dielectric resonator), the microparticles function as omnidirectional chiral mirrors yielding highly polarization-dependent optomechanical effects. The coupling of linear and angular momentum, mediated by the optical polarization and the microparticles chiral reflectance, allows for fine tuning of chirality-induced optical forces and torques. This offers tools for optomechanics, optical sorting and sensing and optofluidics