28 research outputs found

    Synchronizing inventory and transport within supply chain management

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    The problem considers synchronized optimization of inventory and transport, and focuses on producer-distributor relations. Particular attention is paid to developing a mathematical model and an optimization problem that can be used to minimize the overall distribution cost by an appropriate placement of warehouses and cross-docking points. Solutions to this problem are explored using genetic algorithms and ideas from graph/network theory. Note: there are three separate reports contained within the uploaded .pdf file

    Dynamical simulations of polaron transport in conjugated polymers with the inclusion of electron-electron interactions

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    Dynamical simulations of polaron transport in conjugated polymers in the presence of an external time-dependent electric field have been performed within a combined extended Hubbard model (EHM) and Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. Nearly all relevant electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions are fully taken into account by solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the π\pi-electrons and the Newton's equation of motion for the backbone monomer displacements by virtue of the combination of the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (TDDMRG) and classical molecular dynamics (MD). We find that after a smooth turn-on of the external electric field the polaron is accelerated at first and then moves with a nearly constant velocity as one entity consisting of both the charge and the lattice deformation. An ohmic region (3 mV/A˚\text{\AA} ≤E0≤\leq E_0\leq 9 mV/A˚\text{\AA}) where the stationary velocity increases linearly with the electric field strength is observed for the case of UU=2.0 eV and VV=1.0 eV. The maximal velocity is well above the speed of sound. Below 3 mV/A˚\text{\AA} the polaron velocity increases nonlinearly and in high electric fields with strength E0≥E_0\geq 10.0 mV/A˚\text{\AA} the polaron will become unstable and dissociate. The relationship between electron-electron interaction strengths and polaron transport is also studied in detail. We find that the the on-site Coulomb interactions UU will suppress the polaron transport and small nearest-neighbor interactions VV values are also not beneficial to the polaronic motion while large VV values favor the polaron transport