347 research outputs found

    Best-practice IgM- and IgA-enriched immunoglobulin use in patients with sepsis

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    Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Despite treatment being in line with current guidelines, mortality remains high in those with septic shock. Intravenous immunoglobulins represent a promising therapy to modulate both the pro- and anti-inflammatory processes and can contribute to the elimination of pathogens. In this context, there is evidence of the benefits of immunoglobulin M (IgM)- and immunoglobulin A (IgA)-enriched immunoglobulin therapy for sepsis. This manuscript aims to summarize current relevant data to provide expert opinions on best practice for the use of an IgM- and IgA-enriched immunoglobulin (Pentaglobin) in adult patients with sepsis. Main text: Sepsis patients with hyperinflammation and patients with immunosuppression may benefit most from treatment with IgM- and IgA-enriched immunoglobulin (Pentaglobin). Patients with hyperinflammation present with phenotypes that manifest throughout the body, whilst the clinical characteristics of immunosuppression are less clear. Potential biomarkers for hyperinflammation include elevated procalcitonin, interleukin-6, endotoxin activity and C-reactive protein, although thresholds for these are not well-defined. Convenient biomarkers for identifying patients in a stage of immune-paralysis are still matter of debate, though human leukocyte antigen–antigen D related expression on monocytes, lymphocyte count and viral reactivation have been proposed. The timing of treatment is potentially more critical for treatment efficacy in patients with hyperinflammation compared with patients who are in an immunosuppressed stage. Due to the lack of evidence, definitive dosage recommendations for either population cannot be made, though we suggest that patients with hyperinflammation should receive an initial bolus at a rate of up to 0.6 mL (30 mg)/kg/h for 6 h followed by a continuous maintenance rate of 0.2 mL (10 mg)/kg/hour for ≥ 72 h (total dose ≥ 0.9 g/kg). For immunosuppressed patients, dosage is more conservative (0.2 mL [10 mg]/kg/h) for ≥ 72 h, without an initial bolus (total dose ≥ 0.72 g/kg). Conclusions: Two distinct populations that may benefit most from Pentaglobin therapy are described in this review. However, further clinical evidence is required to strengthen support for the recommendations given here regarding timing, duration and dosage of treatment

    On Folding and Twisting (and whatknot): towards a characterization of workspaces in syntax

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    Syntactic theory has traditionally adopted a constructivist approach, in which a set of atomic elements are manipulated by combinatory operations to yield derived, complex elements. Syntactic structure is thus seen as the result or discrete recursive combinatorics over lexical items which get assembled into phrases, which are themselves combined to form sentences. This view is common to European and American structuralism (e.g., Benveniste, 1971; Hockett, 1958) and different incarnations of generative grammar, transformational and non-transformational (Chomsky, 1956, 1995; and Kaplan & Bresnan, 1982; Gazdar, 1982). Since at least Uriagereka (2002), there has been some attention paid to the fact that syntactic operations must apply somewhere, particularly when copying and movement operations are considered. Contemporary syntactic theory has thus somewhat acknowledged the importance of formalizing aspects of the spaces in which elements are manipulated, but it is still a vastly underexplored area. In this paper we explore the consequences of conceptualizing syntax as a set of topological operations applying over spaces rather than over discrete elements. We argue that there are empirical advantages in such a view for the treatment of long-distance dependencies and cross-derivational dependencies: constraints on possible configurations emerge from the dynamics of the system.Comment: Manuscript. Do not cite without permission. Comments welcom

    Theory of High-Force DNA Stretching and Overstretching

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    Single molecule experiments on single- and double stranded DNA have sparked a renewed interest in the force-extension of polymers. The extensible Freely Jointed Chain (FJC) model is frequently invoked to explain the observed behavior of single-stranded DNA. We demonstrate that this model does not satisfactorily describe recent high-force stretching data. We instead propose a model (the Discrete Persistent Chain, or ``DPC'') that borrows features from both the FJC and the Wormlike Chain, and show that it resembles the data more closely. We find that most of the high-force behavior previously attributed to stretch elasticity is really a feature of the corrected entropic elasticity; the true stretch compliance of single-stranded DNA is several times smaller than that found by previous authors. Next we elaborate our model to allow coexistence of two conformational states of DNA, each with its own stretch and bend elastic constants. Our model is computationally simple, and gives an excellent fit through the entire overstretching transition of nicked, double-stranded DNA. The fit gives the first values for the elastic constants of the stretched state. In particular we find the effective bend stiffness for DNA in this state to be about 10 nm*kbt, a value quite different from either B-form or single-stranded DNAComment: 33 pages, 11 figures. High-quality figures available upon reques

    Bose--Einstein solitons in highly asymmetric traps

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    We obtain analytic solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with negative scattering length in highly asymmetric traps. We find that in these traps the Bose--Einstein condensates behave like quasiparticles and do not expand when the trapping in one direction is eliminated. The results can be applicable to the control of the motion of Bose--Einstein condensates.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, Figures available under request on [email protected]

    Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma

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    BACKGROUND: Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma is a rare odontogenic tumor occurring in the anterior region of the mandible in 5(th)–7(th )decades and shows a female preponderance. It is potentially aggressive, capable of frequent recurrences and loco-regional and distant metastases. CASE PRESENTATION: A 45- year- old woman presented with a radiolucent left mandibular swelling associated with loss of teeth. Left cervical lymph nodes were enlarged on palpation. The patient underwent resection of the tumor but consequent to resected margins being positive for tumor cells underwent left hemimandibulectomy with ipsilateral functional neck dissection and was free of recurrence at 8 months follow-up. CONCLUSION: Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of jaw tumors with conspicuous clear cell component. Curettage or conservative resection inevitably results in recurrences and/or metastasis and more radical resection is warranted in these tumors, especially when they are large and show soft tissue invasion

    Cosmological consequences of particle creation during inflation

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    Particle creation during inflation is considered. It could be important for species whose interaction is of gravitational strength or weaker. A complete but economical formalism is given for spin-zero and spin-half particles, and the particle abundance is estimated on the assumption that the particle mass in the early universe is of order the Hubble parameter HH. It is roughly the same for both spins, and it is argued that the same estimate should hold for higher spin particles in particular the gravitino. The abundance is bigger than that from the usual particle collision mechanism if the inflationary energy scale is of order 1016GeV10^{16} GeV, but not if it is much lower.Comment: 17 pages, no Figure
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