660 research outputs found

    Laju Pertumbuhan Dan Kelulusan Hidup Benih Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris) Dengan Pakan Pelet Berbeda (Love Larva, NRD Dan TetraBits) Skala Laboratorium

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    Availability of juveniles Clownfish which have economic value is high enough on nature still is lacking so that the necessary technology laboratory scale hatchery Clownfish. Therefore, Balai Besar pengembangan Budidaya Laut Lampung apply the techniques and marine fish breeding and preservation of the adult Clownfish of marine fish resources and marine environment to meet those needs. Cultivation technique of feed fish is the most important factor in the growth juveniles Clownfish. This experiment was aimed to information about the effect of different pellets treatments (Love Larva, NRD, and TetraBits) on the graduation rate of growth and the survival rate juveniles Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris).The research was conducted for 43 days at the Balai Besar pengembangan Budidaya Laut Lampung on October 1 to November, 12 2011. The experiment was laboratory experimental conducted with rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) consisting of two types of feed pellets (NRD and TetraBits) and one control (Love Larva). Analysis of experiment using one-way ANOVA.The results showed that feeding pellets (Love Larva, NRD and TetraBits) had no effect on the length and weight growth (Count F < F Table 0.05). Obtained the highest survival rate feed B (TetraBits) is 98%. Keywords : Growth rate, Survival Rate, Amphiprion ocellaris, Love Larva, NRD and TetraBit

    Penapisan Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Bakteri Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Karang Lunak Sarcophyton SP

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    A screening of antibacterial activity from bacteria associating with soft coral Sarcophyton sp from Tegal island, Lampung, was conducted. The purpose of this screening was to get bacterial isolates that have antibacterial activity with Escherichia coli and Stapiloccocus aureus and also to determine the biochemical characters from the bacteria that have the antibacterial activity. The sample of soft coral was taken by snorkeling at 1,5 meters depth. The bacteria that associated with soft coral were isolated by dilution and pour plate method on NA media. The test of antibacterial activity was done by using agar diffusion method with paper discs. Isolates that have antibacterial activity were tested to check their biochemical characters. From 10 bacteria isolates that have associated with soft coral Sarcophyton sp were obtained, there were two isolates had antibacterial activity (D1.1 to E. coli and D2.2 to S. Aureus). Both bacteria isolates were gram negative and motil. In catalyst test, oxidation, urea, citrate, and carbohydrate fermentation both bacteria isolates showed positive reaction. With VP test, D1.1 isolate showed positive reaction but D2.2 showed negative reaction. In contarary, with gelatin isolate test, isolate D1.1 showed negative reaction but D2.2 positive

    Laju Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon), Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos), Dan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii, Gracilaria SP) Pada Budidaya Polikultur Dengan Padat Tebar Yang Berbeda Di Desa Sungai Lumpur Kabupaten OKI Sumatera Selatan

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    Pengembangan USAha perikanan di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir sangat prospektif ditinjau dari segi aspek teknis, sosial, ekonomi, maupun sumberdaya yang tersedia. Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir khususnyadesa Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Tulung Selapan telah mengembangkan budidaya udang dan bandeng secara polikultur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan pada Udang Windu (Penaeus monodon), Ikan Bandeng (Chanos-chanos),dan Rumpu Laut Eucheumacotonii,Gracilaria sp) pada budidaya polikultur dengan padat tebar yang berbeda. Metode pengumpulan data yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan menggunakan uji One Away Anova dengan 2 perlakuan dan 9 pengulangan. Data yang digunakan adalah data yang didapat langsung dari lapangan, dengan pengukuran yang dilakukan 10 hari sekali dan penimbangan berat selama 80 hari kedepan. Lajupertumbuhan berat rata-rata udang windu tertinggi dengan nilai 7,963% pada perlakuan A dan pada perlakuan B dengan nilai 7,667%. Laju pertumbuhan berat rata-rata ikan bandeng lebih tinggi pada perlakuan A dengan nilai 6,867%. Hal ini disebabkan karena dilakukan pemberian pakan, sedangkan perlakuan B dengannilai 6,528%. Laju pertumbuhan panjang udang windu telihat pada Tabel 7, terlihat jelas padat tebar yang tinggi memiliki panjang rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dengannilai 0,288 cm dan diikuti perlakuan B dengan nilai 0,236 cm. Laju pertumbuhan panjang rata-rata ikan bandengpadaTambak A lebih tinggi dengan nilai 0,284 cm dari perlakuan B dengannilai 0,231 cm

    Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove Alami Di Areal Taman Nasional Sembilang Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan

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    Mangrove merupakan suatu komunitas vegetasi pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa spesies pohon-pohonan yang khas atau semak yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Kerusakan hutan mangrove dapat disebabkan 2 faktor utama yaitu faktor aktifitas manusia dan faktor alami. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis struktur vegetasi mangrove alami di areal Taman Nasional Sembilang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada September-Oktober 2013. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek berpetak dimana ukuran plot untuk pohon 10m x 10m, anakan 5m x 5m, dan semai 2m x 2m. Mangrove yang ditemukan pada kedua lokasi pengamatan yaitu Sungai Sembilang dan Sungai Bungin sebanyak 12 jenis mangrove antara lain Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Excoecaria agallocha, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Kandelia candel, Nypa fruticans, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Soneratia alba, dan Terminalia catappa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur vegetasi mangrove alami di areal Taman Nasional Sembilang pada fase pohon jenis Rhizophora apiculatamemiliki indeks nilai penting tertinggi sebesar 44,49 %, pada fase anakanjenis Rhizophora mucronata memiliki indeks nilai tertinggi sebesar 72,54 %,pada fase semai jenis Rhizophora mucronata memiliki indeks nilai pentingtertinggi sebesar 66,07 %

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Rumput Laut Eucheuma Cottoni Terhadap Bakteri Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Vibrio Cholera Dan Salmonella Typhosa

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    Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) is one of the marine biological resources that contain flavonoid compounds as antibacterial agents. In a previous study the antibacterial Eucheuma cottonii, had been performed by dipping the disc paper into antibacterial extract, while in this study the antibacterial extract in exact volume will be dropped onto the disc paper, so we will know the volume certainty. The aims of the study were to determine the antibacterial activity and the minimum inhibitory concentration of the extract of Eucheuma cottonii test bacteria by using methanol solvent. The study was conducted in September-October 2012. In this study, seaweed extract made by using maceration method while the antibacterial activity testing by using agar diffusion method. The study results showed that the extract of Eucheuma cottonii antibacterial activity inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus with inhibition zone diameter 17.33 mm, Escherichia coli with inhibition zone diameter 16,33 mm, Vibrio cholera with inhibition zone diameter 13,67 mm and Salmonella typhosa with inhibition zone diameter 11,67 mm. Minimum inhibitory concentration of Eucheuma cottonii to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholera were at 1% concentration while Salmonella typhosa was at 5 % concentration

    Penambahan Serbuk Buah Avicennia Marina Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates Calcarifer) Pada Skala Laboratorium

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    The success of increased production of snapper feed depends on many factors, but the nutrients from food is a major factor in intensive care because of feed shortages would hamper growth and hasten the death of the fish are kept. The purpose of this study to look at graduation rates of life (Survival rate) perch (Lates calcarifer) and growth of perch (Lates calcarifer) after being given the addition of fruit powder A. marina. The study was conducted on May 16 to June 20 2011. Metode experimental method used is a laboratory. Experiments conducted it this study is 4 (four) treated with 3(three) times the loop a follows: P1 (control), P2 (10 gr/100 g feed), P3 (20 gr/100 g feed), and P4 (30g / 100 g feed). Highest passing rate is 93.33% of life on treatment P3 (20/100 g feed) and P1 treatment (control).Treatment of P3 (20 gr/100 g feed) showed a daily weight growth rate (%) and growth rate of absolute weight (g) the highest perch is 4.05 % and 0.67 grams, while the length of daily growth rate (%) highof 8.36 % in the treatment of P3 (20 gr/100 g of feed) ,and the rate of growth in absolute length (cm) high of 0.58 cm in the treatment of P3 (20 gr/100 g feed) and P4 (30 gr/100 g of feed)
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