19 research outputs found

    Learning object farms and learning design in science education

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    A Learning Object (LO) is a collection of digital pieces representing a minimal, independent and standalone educational unit. By combining XML and MathML technologies, together with the computing power of server based Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), it is possible to design new web-based information services where teachers and learners in parallel on the fly might easily design, produce/reproduce, explore and terminate various classes of digital LOs. Such an approach offers through Web large-scale production and harvesting of classes of graphical LOs, i.e. Learning Object Farms (LOF), that are adapted and dedicated to various training and learning scenarios targeting mathematics, statistics and natural science education. LOF offer homogenous and easy to use mechanisms for interactive heterogeneous mathematical, statistical and natural science presentations to be displayed through digital blackboards or a PC that is interconnected to a projector. Standard mathematical and scientific notation is obtained in both static and dynamical text based XHTML presentations, and in graphical presentations exploring Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). A LOF might easily be included into LCMS

    Virtual Pathology Education in Medical Schools Worldwide during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Advantages, Challenges Faced, and Perspectives

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    The COVID-19 pandemic shifted pathology education in medical schools worldwide towards online delivery. To achieve this goal, various innovative platforms were used by pathology educators and medical students, facilitating both synchronous and asynchronous learning. The aim of this study was to review the published evidence regarding remote pathology teaching at the medical school level during this period, present our own experience, and provide some perspectives regarding the best mode of pathology teaching post-pandemic. Among its advantages, virtual pathology education was considered among students and educators as convenient, flexible, and engaging, while learning outcomes were met and students’ academic performance was in general satisfactory. However, several challenges were faced. For instance, suboptimal internet connection compromised the flow of classes and was even associated with a lower academic performance. The lack of hands-on laboratory activities, such as operating the light microscope and tissue grossing, and the reduced student interactions among themselves and their instructors, were also pointed out as significant drawbacks of remote pathology education. Whereas online education has multiple advantages, experiencing the physical university environment, in-person interactions and teamwork, exposure to the “hidden curriculum”, and hands-on activities are vital for medical school education and future student development. In conclusion, the implementation of a blended approach in pathology education—where online and face-to-face sessions are jointly used to promote students’ engagement, interaction with their instructors and peers, and learning—could be the most optimal approach to pathology teaching in medical schools post-pandemic

    Technology adoption in higher education: A cross-national study of university faculty perceptions, attitudes, and practices

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    This chapter presents the results of a study on faculty perceptions and practices regarding the use of videos and other technological tools in higher education. The research was developed within the scope of the EU project RELOBIE: Reusable Learning Objects in Education (2014-1-FI01-KA200-000831). Through a cross-national, in-depth survey of faculty members in four partner countries, the study has gathered some useful insights into instructorsā€™ perceptions, motivations, and experiences regarding the use of digital videos and other technologies for personal, professional, and instructional purposes. The study has also shed some light into both facilitating and inhibiting factors to the adoption and e ective use of videos and other technologies in the higher education classroom