14 research outputs found
The pedagogy and principles of teaching therapeutic practice with children and young people.
Technical approaches suggesting that systematically produced, generalized, and scientific knowledge are the most solid foundations for practice present significant challenges for the social work profession, in which the decisions faced often are not technical but rather moral, requiring the application of ethically based and intuitive skills. Meanwhile, the command, control, and measurement of outcomes in social work practice also present significant conundrums for the delivery of relational person-centered social work and social care. With a focus too often on efficiency rather than on effectiveness, this managerialistic approach frequently fails to acknowledge the complexity inherent in the act of caring. In this context and framework, teaching therapeutic practice with children draws a balance between traditional systematic teaching methods and use of creative media including art, play, and music. This article outlines the positive contribution to professional social work practice that the teaching of therapeutic approaches to child care can make
Energieverbrauchsstrukturen im Sektor Kleinverbraucher IKARUS. Instrumente fuer Klimagas-Reduktionsstrategien. Teilprojekt 5: Haushalte und Kleinverbraucher
Ziel des IKARUS-Projekts (Instrument fuer Klimagas-Reduktionsstrategien) war es, ein Instrumentarium bereitzustellen, mit dem Strategien unter gedanklicher Nutzung unterschiedlicher Technologien entwickelt und nachvollzogen sowie auf ihre innere Widerspruchsfreiheit getestet und ihre oekonomischen Auswirkungen hin untersucht werden koennen. Hierzu wurde eine Datenbank mit umfassender Datensammlung und mehrer Computermodelle entwickelt. Der vorliegende Band stellt den Teilbereich 2 'Energiestrukturen der Kleinverbraucher' vor. (BWI)The IKARUS project was dedicated to providing instruments for the development, application, testing, and economic evaluation of strategies based on different technologies. Several computer models and a data base that compiles numerous data were developed. Section 2 discusses energy consumption structures of small consumers. (BWI)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 9946(18) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
A review of the risks associated with children and young people’s social media use and the implications for social work practice
This paper explores what the research says about the risks to children and young people of using social media. Taking a systematic approach this literature search identified 16 peer reviewed articles, written in English since January 2010. Four areas of risk were identified: cyberbullying and online abuse, exposure to negative forms of user-generated content, the converging of offline and online networks, and developing interpretations of privacy. The research also highlighted how the extent of the risk depends upon the developmental stage and social circumstances. This review provides several implications for social work practice. Social workers must develop their understanding of different social media platforms in order to identify risks and maximise opportunities. Assessment approaches must be tailored to ensure social media use and its effect on those of different ages and backgrounds is considered. Finally they need to consider their role in educating about the risks of social media use