54 research outputs found

    Acupressure on Zusanli (St36) and Taibai (Sp3) in Reducing Nausea for Patients with Dyspepsia at Banyumas Hospital

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    Background: Nausea is unpleasant sensation behind the throat and epigastrium often causing vomiting. Nausea is a major symptom in patients with dyspepsia. Typical treatments for nausea are antiemetic drugs and non-pharmacological therapy. Acupressure is a massage with finger to give stimulus at a particular point on the surface of the body. Acupressure on hand could reduce nausea in pregnant women. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of acupressure in reducing nausea for patients with dyspepsia at Banyumas hospital. Method: This research was quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The consecutive sampling technique was employed in this research with 30 subjects, 15 subjects in control and 15 subjects in intervention. In the control group received standard antiemetic drug and routine care. The intervention group was treated with acupressure Zusanli (ST 36) and Taibai (SP 3) for 30 minutes for both legs and received antiemetic drugs. Nausea was measured by Numerical Rating scale for Nausea. Data were analyzed with paired samples test and Mann Withney-U. Results: The findings show that acupressure Zusanli (ST 36) and Taibai (SP 3) for 30 minutes significantly reduced nausea in patients with dyspepsia in the intervention group (t=7.91, p=0.00) and between group (z=-2.884, p=0.01)

    Banjir, Kapankan Berakhir?

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    The rain in Indonesia ussualy become headline in media. Usually, rain cause of flood. When floods end? Why is the forest devilotery happen? What are the government action to stop this?. In fact, there are big interferences of local government on processing forest problem. Government intervence only conducted by passing PT Perhutani showed by government in managing forest in Madura and Java. Operation legality of PT Perhutani with government regulation No. 53 year 1999 and government regulation No. 14 year 2001, about the change of transformation of public company foresty become Coparthenship company or PT Perhutani (Coparthenship)In this paper, the writer will give recommendation over how important the local government to more active on observation, management, and forest benefit with local regulation about forest protection in that location. With making observation and reins to the program, act and forest from PT Perhutani. Government should give education to society about the important to keep environmental health and leave mental attitude which is not praised like throw waste or rubbish in the river, and give more responsibility to protect the forest to society of forest countryside

    Modified Pro-Self Pain Control to Increase Activity in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    Background: Barriers to performing activities of daily living are common complaints of patients with cancer. One of the factors causing these barriers is pain. A modified pro-self pain control is a method used to enhance the patients' ability to cope with pain to increase their activity.Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the modified pro-self pain control to increase activity in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Methods: The present study employed an experimental design. Patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=24) and the control group (n=24). The patients in the control group were given a standard hospital intervention, while the patients in the intervention group were given the modified pro-self pain control for nine days. The data were collected using the instrument of KATZ index and analyzed using the independent t-test.Results: The result of this study showed that there was a higher increase of activity among the patients in the intervention group than in the control group. Independent t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the intervention group and the control group (p=0.00).Conclusion: The modified pro-self pain control was found more effective to increase the activity in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy than that of the standard hospital intervention

    Braden Scale and Norton in Predicting Risk of Pressure Sores in ICU Room

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    This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the Braden Scale and Norton Scale in predicting the risk of pressure sores in patients in ICU. This research was a prospective observational analytic study, with 42 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Testing the predictive validity of the Braden scale and the Norton Scale was to calculate sensitivity, specificity, FN,FP, and area under the curve.Testing thereliability used Cronbach Alpha(α). The Braden scale has a good predictive validity by the cut of 15 point, a valuable sensitivity at 86.67, specificity at 70.37, FP at 29.63, FN at 13.33, area under the curve at 0.808. The Norton Scale has predictive validity bythe cut of 14 point, a valueable sensitivity at 80, specificity at 66.67, FP at 33.33, FNat 20, area under thecurve at0.707.Braden Scale reliability test results of 0.818, 0.707 Norton scale. The Braden scale was more effective to predict the risk of pressure sores in critical patients

    The Implementation of Community Empowerment Program in Reducing the Poverty (Case Study of PNPM-Mandiri Urban in Besito Village, Gebog Sub-district, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia)

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    PNPM-Mandiri as community empowerment program is a national program to accelerate the poverty reduction. The implementation of the program in some areas showed the successful by the poverty reduction. Nevertheless, many areas failed in implementing the program showed by the poverty remains, even worse. Therefore, it needs further analysis whether successful of the implementation of the program could not automatically reduce the poverty rate. The problem was occured in Besito Village Gebog Sub-District Kudus Regency. BKM Besito Makmur, the community based organization in the Village, won Kudus Regency awards in some years and also from Provincial level, but the poverty rate is still relatively high. This research used qualitative method in analyzing the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Urban in Besito Village, a community empowerment project supported by World Bank joint funded by local community. Besides this research analyzed the effectiveness of PNPM - Mandiri in reducing the poverty, this research also analyzed the roles of stakeholders to reduce the poverty through PNPM - Mandiri, the constraining factors, and the result of program implementation. As a result of evaluation, this program seems to be failed in terms of poverty reduction as final goal. The poverty reduction in Besito Village cannot be achieved although the BKM won awards because the implementation of the program only good in administration. The roles of stakeholders were not optimal, since the poor, women, and community leaders were not involved in all activities especially in the planning stage. The constraining factors divided into two categories, structural problems and operational problems. The poverty alleviation program needs some improvement to be more effective, efficient, relevant, sustainable and give positive impact in reducing the poverty. To cope with, the poor should be centered in implementing the program

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mendukung dan Menghambat Upaya Implementasi Reformasi Birokrasi Polri untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Masyarakat dalam Menangani Unjuk Rasa (Studi pada Polrestabes Surabaya)

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat implementasi reformasi birokrasi Polri sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan masyarakat dalam menangani unjuk rasa di Polrestabes Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat implementasi reformasi birokrasi Polri sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan masyarakat dalam menangani unjuk rasa dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, yaitu : Faktor-faktor yang mendukung antara lain : 1. Kesiapan fisik dan mental anggota yang menangani unjuk rasa, karena rutinitas melakukan latihan atau simulasi penanganan unjuk rasa dan sering menangani unjuk rasa secara langsung di lapangan 2. Pelatihan yang intensif tentang penanggulangan unjuk rasa dan penguasaan undang-undang serta peraturan yang berkaitan dengan unjuk rasa. 3. Kegiatan FGD yang diprakarsai Kapolrestabes Surabaya dengan melibatkan walikota Surabaya, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, dan Ormas. 4. Konsep Rayonisasi Polsek, 5. Koordinasi dengan instansi terkait berjalan baik. Faktor Penghambat antara lain : a. Jumlah personel Dalmas masih kurang, b. perlengkapan Dalmas masih kurang, c. Pengunjuk rasa memberikan surat pemberitahuan unjuk rasa secara mendadak. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut peneliti merekomendasikan antara lain pertama, peningkatan sumber daya manusia dengan pelatihan yang lebih intensif dan untuk penyegaran diperlukan pergantian anggota Dalmas yang bertugas lebih dari tiga tahun diganti dengan anggota yang baru secara bertahap, kedua segera menambah perlengkapan dan peralatan Dalmas yang masih kurang antara lain : jas hujan, baju anti riot, barier, mobil APC, dan mobil publik address, serta mengganti perlengkapan lama dengan yang baru sesuai standar untuk keamanan petugas. Kata kunci : Faktor pendukung dan penghambat, implementasi, reformasi birokrasi, Polri, pelayanan masyarakat, unjuk rasa
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