14 research outputs found

    Obesity and treatment meanings in bariatric surgery candidates: a qualitative study

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    Background This study used a qualitative approach to comprehend how the morbid obese conceptualize and deal with obesity and obesity treatment, with the particular aim of exploring the expectations and beliefs about the exigencies and the impact of bariatric surgery. Methods The study population included 30 morbid obese patients (20 women and 10 men) with a mean age of 39.17 years (SD = 8.81) and a mean body mass index of 47.5 (SD = 8.2) interviewed individually before surgery using open-ended questions. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and then coded according to grounded analysis methodology. Results Three main thematic areas emerged from the data: obesity, eating behavior, and treatment. Obesity is described as a stable and hereditary trait. Although participants recognize that personal eating behavior exacerbates this condition, patients see their eating behavior as difficult to change and control. Food seems to be an ever-present dimension and a coping strategy, and to follow an adequate diet plan is described as a huge sacrifice. Bariatric surgery emerges as the only treatment for obesity, and participants highlight this moment as the beginning of a new life where health professionals have the main role. Bariatric surgery candidates see their eating behavior as out of their control, and to commit to its demands is seen as a big sacrifice. For these patients, surgery is understood as a miracle moment that will change their lives without requiring an active role or their participation. Conclusion According to these results, it is necessary to validate them with qualitative and quantitative studies; it is necessary to promote a new awareness of the weight loss process and to empower patients before and after bariatric surgery.Bolsa de doutoramento SFRH/BD/37069/2007 da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Life satisfaction and risk of burnout among men and women working as physiotherapists

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    Objectives: Recently in Poland as a result of the high rate of aging population and high rates of morbidity, a growing demand for the physiotherapist profession is observed. The results of this study can be used to formulate principles for better organization of physiotherapist's workplace in order to prevent occurrence of burnout. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of gender on satisfaction with life and burnout among active physiotherapists. Material and Methods: The survey was anonymous and voluntary, and involved a group of 200 active physiotherapists working in health care units and educational centers in Poland. The study group was selected randomly and incidentally. Each respondent received a demographic data sheet and a set of self-rating questionnaires (Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Burnout Scale Inventory). Results: Burnout among men decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's work and occupation, friends, relatives and acquaintances, sexuality, and increased due to greater satisfaction with one's housing status. Burnout among women decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's health, free time and friends, relatives and acquaintances, and increased due to work at a setting other than a health care unit or educational center. Statistical analysis failed to reveal any significant differences with regard to the BSI domains and with regard to the overall burnout index as well as with regard to the assessment of satisfaction with life between female and male physiotherapists. Conclusions: Satisfaction with children, marriage and partnership, with one's work and occupation, interactions with friends, relatives and acquaintances and sexuality may contribute to reduction of burnout among men. Women who are satisfied with their children, family, health, free time and contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances are less prone to burnout. Weak financial situation among women and deficiency of free time among men can induce burnout. Improving staff happiness may contribute to decreasing burnout

    Do Polish doctors suffer from occupational burnout syndrome? An attempt to find an answer - pilot study

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    Introduction and objective. A nationwide survey, carried out in Poland in 2013, showed that 42% of an examined group of doctors reported occupational burnout syndrome (OBS). The phenomenon of OBS among medical personnel shows a relationship with perceived stress scale (PSS) scores. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of OBS in a group of Polish doctors, and the relationship with selected risk factors and personal resources. Materials and method. A cross-sectional study using quantitative methodology was used with the application of a questionnaire method and correlation design. Questionnaires were administered to 318 doctors (42 different specialties) working in medical facilities in Poland. All participants in the study completed two standardized questionnaires: Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and responded to the questions on a proprietary questionnaire. ANOVA variance analysis and analysis of regression was performed. Results. The results of the measurement of four aspects of occupational burnout: psychophysical exhaustion (PE), commitment to relationships with patients (CP), effectiveness in performed work (EW), and existential expectations (EE), were in the medium and high levels range. Every second medical doctor who participated in the research declared a high degree of occupational burnout in each of the aspects of OBS. The high level of PSS scores, the large number of duties per month, the short work experience (years of employment) and the low number of holiday leaves, were the predictors of occupational burnout in the group of doctors taking part in the study. Conclusions. The prevalence of the signs of OBS among Polish doctors is consistent with the results of research in other countries. Failures in the interventions taken to reduce stress seem to co-exist with the severity of signs of burnout

    The impact of sexual activity during pregnancy on infant health

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    Wstęp. Współżycie seksualne w prawidłowo rozwijającej się ciąży nie stanowi zagrożenia dla samego płodu i jego rozwoju. Rozwijające się dziecko jest chronione wewnątrz macicy przez owodnię i płyn owodniowy, a mięśnie macicy są silne i osłaniają dziecko. Celem pracy było poznanie wpływu aktywności seksualnej kobiet w ciąży na stan zdrowia noworodka. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 200 kobiet przebywających na oddziale położniczo-noworodkowym w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym im. Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego w Lublinie w 2010-2011 roku. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki. Najczęściej realizowanymi formami aktywności seksualnej ciężarnych były pocałunki, pieszczoty, gra wstępna i stosunek pochwowy. Kobiety, które urodziły w 37.-40. tygodniu ciąży nieznacznie częściej współżyły w III trymestrze ciąży w porównaniu z badanymi, które urodziły do 36. tygodnia ciąży i powyżej 41. tygodnia. Stwierdzone różnice były bliskie istotności statystycznej. Masa ciała noworodków była nieznacznie wyższa u kobiet, które współżyły częściej. Wnioski. Współżycie, przy prawidłowo przebiegającej ciąży, nie niesie zagrożenia dla płodu. Wyniki badań wykazały, że matki dzieci, które rodziły się większe, dłużej współżyły w czasie ciąży (średnio do 32,82 tygodnia ciąży). Dzieci kobiet, które częściej podejmowały aktywność seksualną w ciąży, po urodzeniu uzyskiwały wyższą punktację w skali Apgar od dzieci matek, które nie współżyły.Introduction. Sexual Intercourse in properly developing pregnancy poses no risk to the fetus and its development. Growing baby is protected inside the uterus by the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid, and uterine muscles are strong and shield the child. Aim of this study was to investigate the impact of sexual activity during pregnancy on the health of the infant. Material and methods. The study involved 200 women residing in the obstetric ward - newborn the Regional Specialist Hospital of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Lublin in 2010–2011 year. The study was performed by diagnostic survey, questionnaire technique. Results. Most forms of sexual activity undertaken in pregnant women were kissing, petting, foreplay and vaginal. Women who have given birth in 37-40 weeks pregnant slightly more often coexisted in the third trimester of pregnancy compared with those who have given birth to 36 weeks of pregnancy and more than 41 weeks. These differences were close to statistical significance. Body weight infants was slightly higher in women who have sexual intercourse more often. Conclusions. Sexual Intercourse in normal pregnancy, carries no risk to the fetus. Studies have shown that mothers of children who were born larger, longer sexually intercoursed during pregnancy (average of 32.82 weeks of gestation). Children of women who are more likely to take sexual activity during pregnancy, after the birth have received a higher Apgar score than children of mothers who weren’t sexually intercoursed

    Coaching as a method for potentially reducing the risk of burnout in medical professionals

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    In their daily work, medical professionals often encounter emotionally and mentally challenging situations, such as sudden health deterioration or death of their patients. The concern to ensure the highest possible level of healthcare and meet all the standards despite the limitations that come with working under the pressure of time, the interactions with other individuals, the physical burden and stress, as well as with the (sometimes limited) support from superiors and lack of satisfaction with salary may, as a result, translate into a higher risk of burnout. Research indicates a potential effectiveness of coaching with respect to medical personnel. However, there are no publications available concerning nurse-oriented coaching, which would be intended to reduce the risk of burnout in this professional group. The objective of this paper is to present coaching as a method that makes it possible to reduce the risk related to burnout in medical professionals

    Coaching as a method for potentially reducing the risk of burnout in medical professionals

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    In their daily work, medical professionals often encounter emotionally and mentally challenging situations, such as sudden health deterioration or death of their patients. The concern to ensure the highest possible level of healthcare and meet all the standards despite the limitations that come with working under the pressure of time, the interactions with other individuals, the physical burden and stress, as well as with the (sometimes limited) support from superiors and lack of satisfaction with salary may, as a result, translate into a higher risk of burnout. Research indicates a potential effectiveness of coaching with respect to medical personnel. However, there are no publications available concerning nurse-oriented coaching, which would be intended to reduce the risk of burnout in this professional group. The objective of this paper is to present coaching as a method that makes it possible to reduce the risk related to burnout in medical professionals