3,322 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Jihad in the Qur`an

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    There are a lot of meanings given by the experts about jihad. In board outline,jihad means the war against the enemies, the exertion of every capability andevery power as well as the upholding of the truth. In the contemporary context,jihad means an intensive effort of one or a group for the public purpose that couldimprove a certain realm in a certain region, such as the elimination of terrorismand the abolition of poverty in Indonesia. The context of jihad in the Qur`anverses even one verse does not point deliberately to the war with the exception ofa country is colonized or it is under attack. It neither points to the violence nor theterrorism. The research of this article is intended to strengthen the meaning ofjihad due to various sorts of terrorism that happen in Indonesia, as a result of theinquiry and the case trial in court conducted to the perpetrators, they areoccasionally influenced with jihad doctrine and revenge versus forgiveness. Inanother part, the psychological indications such as frustration, disappointment,injustice, anger versus empathy are the factors that lead to their violent acts too.Unfortunately, the terrorism is propagated in various regions that are made asthe basic training camps. The research of this article depicts the meaning of Jihadbased on the Qur`an. The data for completing this work is based on the classicmanuscripts and the contemporary viewpoints. The research of this work is alsointended to stress on the denial of terrorism in the Qur`an. In academic value, theresearch of this work is expected to be useful to develop the contemporaryperspectives of jihad

    In Siyaad Barre\u27s Prison: A Brief Recollection

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    Kompetensi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Personaliti Komunitas Olahraga Di Provinsi Aceh

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    Kompetensi yang dimiliki seorang pemimpin merupakan komponen yang sangat utama dibutuhkan dalam pembangunan bangsa, karena dapat menjadikan pendorong dan penghambat pelaksanaan pembangunan. Kepemimpinan, sebagai sebuah konsep, diartikan sebagai proses mempengaruhi dari pihak seseorang terhadap pihak lainnya, guna mencapai suatu tujuan Bagaimana pemimpin memperagakan perilaku kepemimpinan, dalam kontek ini, disebut tipe atau gaya kepemimpinan. Olahraga memberikan kesempatan secara luas kepada pelakunya untuk menerapkan inisatif dan kreatifitasnya yang dapat memberI sumbangan kepada kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan manusia yang pada akhirnya terbentuk kompetensi dan gaya kepemimpinan yang handal, namun masyarakat awan belum meyakini bahwa olahraga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan membentuk kepribadian seorang pemimpin. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetaui kompetensi dan gaya kepemimpinan yang dimiliki oleh personality komunitas olahraga di Provinsi Aceh. penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan diskriptif kualitatif. Adapun yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah personality komunitas olahraga yang tersebar di seluruh Aceh yang berjumlah 10 orang dengan teknik Purposive sampling dengan menggunakan instrument pengamatan dan wawancara mendalam. Tehnik analisis dilakukan dalan beberapa tahap, tahap pertama, reduksi data, selanjutnya, display data, dan yang ketiga mengambil kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa personality komunitas olahraga di Provinsi Aceh telah memiliki kompetensi dan gaya kepemimpinan yang ideal, sehingga asumsi masyarakat terhadap lemahnya kompetensi dan gaya kepemimpinan personality komunitas olahraga tidak diterima kebenarannya

    Deteksi Brugia Malayi Pada Armigeres Subalbatus Dan Culex Quinquefasciatusyang Diinfeksikan Darah Penderita Filariasis Dengan Metode PCR

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    . Pemayungdistricts, Batanghari regency of Jambi province classified as filariasis endemic areas in Jambi province since the Mf rate reached 1.5% in 2011. A study was conducted to identify Brugia malayi on experimentally infected Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. An experimental study was performed with completely randomized design and six repetitions. Standard of treatment in this study was time (hours) that selected for mosquitoes to bite the patients with filariasis (experimental infection). Selected time is at 9.00 a.m, 5.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m, and at 1.00 a.m. The results showed that filarial L3 larvae did not found on Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes during surgery at day 11th to 13th after infection. Density of microfilariae in the blood of humans as a source of infection was 17 microfilariae per 20 micro liter blood. Otherwise, after detection by PCR, our study found positive B.malayi on Cx. quinquefasciatus thorax and proboscis. It indicates that Cx. quinquefasciatusas potential vector of B.malayi filariasis compared to Ar. subalbatus

    Performance Analysis of Solar Assisted Fluidized Bed Dryer Integrated Biomass Furnace with and without Heat Pump for Drying of Paddy

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    The performances of a solar assisted fluidized bed dryer integrated biomass furnace (SA-FBDIBF) and a solar assisted heat pump fluidized bed dryer integrated biomass furnace (SAHP-FBDIBF) for drying of paddy have been evaluated, and also drying kinetics of paddy were determined. The SA-FBDIBF and the SAHP-FBDIBF were used to dry paddy from 11 kg with moisture content of 32.85% db to moisture content of 16.29% db (14% wb) under an air mass flow rate of 0.1037 kg/s within 29.73 minutes and 22.95 minutes, with average temperatures and relative humidities of 80.3°C and 80.9°C and 12.28% and 8.14%, respectively. The average drying rate, specific energy consumption, and specific moisture extraction rate were 0.043 kg/minute and 0.050 kg/minute, 5.454 kWh/kg and 4.763 kWh/kg, and 0.204 kg/kWh and 0.241 kg/kWh for SA-FBDIBF and SAHP-FBDIBF, respectively. In SA-FBDIBF and SAHP-FBDIBF, the dryer thermal efficiencies were average values of 12.28% and 15.44%; in addition, the pickup efficiencies were 33.55% and 43.84% on average, whereas the average solar and biomass fractions were 10.9% and 10.6% and 36.6% and 30.4% for SA-FBDIBF and SAHP-FBDIBF, respectively. The drying of paddy occurred in the falling rate period. The experimental dimensionless moisture content data were fitted to three mathematical models. Page’s model was found best to describe the drying behaviour of paddy


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    One characteristic of developed countries is the need for energy is very much for all the needs of existing menyublay from large to small too. In this final project, power generation systems use water circulation. Where to drive a paddle wheel to rotate the generator will be the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. By adjusting the valve on the pump motor is regulated through frequency response out of the generator. With the valve opens and closes itself automatically is driven by stepper motors, controlled by microcontroller ATmega 8535 with the PI metode. Regulated to control the frequency generator rounds using a PI controller, the set point minus the feedback signal can then enter the error produce microcontrollerPI. PI will issue a control signal to the valve, the valve should open a few degrees to rotate the paddle wheel and spin the wheel causing the generator to spin and release tension. Because of the frequency control is controlled through the generator rotational speed. This frequency output will be read by the sensor data as feedback frequency. From the feedback data will be offset against the set point and calculated by the PI controller. The result of calculation is a percentage of the control signal to adjust the opening and closing of valves, this process will run until the generator output is equal to the set point and continues to be maintained until a constant or in steady state Key words: voltage sensor, microcontroller ATmega 8535, PI controller, stepper motor drivers, lc

    Prospek Jurusan Mesin Dalam Pilihan Vokasi Siswa SMP

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penanaman nilai kerja terhadap pilihanvokasi siswa, dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian menggunakan metode Expostfacto yaitu suatu model yang menerapkan intervensi terhadap pembelajaran berupapengintegrasian pendidikan nilai kerja menggunakan cerita sukses. Sampel penelitianterdiri dari 280 siswa SMP dari 4 sekolah yang menjalankan program mulokketerampilan berbeda. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Datadianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan Anava 1 jalur program SPSS.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) ada 31 jenis variasi pilihan vokasi yang diminatiresponden, (2) prosfek jurusan mesin bergeser ke bidang otomotif, (3) pilihan vokasiyang diminati berturut-turut mulai dari yang tertinggi yaitu: otomotif 10%, mesin 8.2%,boga/makanan 5,7%, komputer 4,3%, perhotelan 3,9%, elektronika dan tata busanamasing-masing 3,2%, desain grafis 2,9%, listrik 2,5%, pariwisata 1,8%, music dankecantikan masing-masing 1,4% dan sisanya kurang dari 1%, dan (4) faktor yangmempengaruhi pilihan minat kejuruan responden secara siganifikan adalah: jenissekolah, jender, dan variasi pekerjaan ibu
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