372 research outputs found

    The rotational shear layer inside the early red-giant star KIC 4448777

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    We present the asteroseismic study of the early red-giant star KIC 4448777, complementing and integrating a previous work (Di Mauro et al. 2016), aimed at characterizing the dynamics of its interior by analyzing the overall set of data collected by the {\it Kepler} satellite during the four years of its first nominal mission. We adopted the Bayesian inference code DIAMOND (Corsaro \& De Ridder 2014) for the peak bagging analysis and asteroseismic splitting inversion methods to derive the internal rotational profile of the star. The detection of new splittings of mixed modes, more concentrated in the very inner part of the helium core, allowed us to reconstruct the angular velocity profile deeper into the interior of the star and to disentangle the details better than in Paper I: the helium core rotates almost rigidly about 6 times faster than the convective envelope, while part of the hydrogen shell seems to rotate at a constant velocity about 1.15 times lower than the He core. In particular, we studied the internal shear layer between the fast-rotating radiative interior and the slow convective zone and we found that it lies partially inside the hydrogen shell above r≃0.05Rr \simeq 0.05R and extends across the core-envelope boundary. Finally, we theoretically explored the possibility for the future to sound the convective envelope in the red-giant stars and we concluded that the inversion of a set of splittings with only low-harmonic degree l≤3l\leq 3, even supposing a very large number of modes, will not allow to resolve the rotational profile of this region in detail.Comment: accepted for publication on Ap

    Simulation of Dissipative Dynamics Without Interferometers

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    The development of techniques that reduce experimental complexity and minimize errors is an utmost importance for modeling quantum channels. In general, quantum simulators are focused on universal algorithms, whose practical implementation requires extra qubits necessary to control the quantum operations. In contrast, our technique is based on finding a way to optimally sum Kraus operators. These operators provide us with an experimentally simplified setup where only a degree of freedom is needed to implement any one-qubit quantum channel. Therefore, using entanglement polarized photon pairs and post-processing techniques, we experimentally built the Kraus maps, carrying out unitary and projection operations

    A General Organocatalytic System for Enantioselective Radical Conjugate Additions to Enals

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    Herein, we report a general iminium ion-based catalytic method for the enantioselective conjugate addition of carbon-centered radicals to aliphatic and aromatic enals. The process uses an organic photoredox catalyst, which absorbs blue light to generate radicals from stable precursors, in combination with a chiral amine catalyst, which secures a consistently high level of stereoselectivity. The generality of this catalytic platform is demonstrated by the stereoselective interception of a wide variety of radicals, including non-stabilized primary ones which are generally difficult to engage in asymmetric processes. The system also served to develop organocatalytic cascade reactions that combine an iminium-ion-based radical trap with an enamine-mediated step, affording stereochemically dense chiral products in one-step

    Analogue of atomic collapse for adatoms on rhombohedral multilayer graphene

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    We propose that a multi-graphene of ABC-type stacking yields virtual bound states lying within the Coulomb insulating gap of an Anderson-like adatom. Wondrously, a virtual state constitutes the counterpart of the atomic collapse phenomenon proposed in relativistic atomic Physics, while the second emerges as its particle-hole symmetric, analogous to a positron state. Thus, we introduce the effect as the adatomic collapse, which occurs due to a flat band with a dispersionless state and a divergent density of states ∼∣ε−εF∣2/J−1\sim|\varepsilon-\varepsilon_{F}|^{2/J-1} near the Fermi energy εF\varepsilon_{F} for J≥3,J\geq3, where JπJ\pi is the Berry phase. We conclude this scenario based on the Kramers-Kronig transformation of the quasiparticle broadening, from where we observe that the aforementioned van Hove singularity induces virtual bound states. Counterintuitively, near the singularity, we find these states above and below the Fermi energy correlated to the existence of the bottom and top edges of the Coulomb insulating region, respectively. As such a behavior rises without a twist, the system is known as Moir\'eless and the phenomenon emerges also assisted by the adatom Coulomb correlations. Similarly to Science 340, 734 (2013) we find the effective critical atomic number Zc∼0.96\mathcal{Z}_{c}\sim0.96 in contrast to an ultra-heavy nucleus. Thus, we point out that multi-graphene is a proper playground for testing a predicted phenomenon of the relativistic atomic Physics in the domain of the condensed matter Physics

    Fractionalization of Majorana-Ising-type quasiparticles

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    We theoretically investigate the spectral properties of a quantum impurity (QI) hosting the here proposed {Majorana-Ising-type quasiparticle (MIQ) excitation}. It arises from the coupling between a finite topological superconductor (TSC) based on a chain of magnetic adatoms-superconducting hybrid system and an integer large spin SS flanking the QI. Noteworthy, the spin SS couples to the QI via the Ising-type exchange interaction. As the Majorana zero-modes (MZMs) at the edges of the TSC chain are overlapped, we counterintuitively find a regime wherein the Ising term modulates the localization of a fractionalized and resonant MZM at the QI site. Interestingly enough, the fermionic nature of this state is revealed as purely of electron tunneling-type and most astonishingly, it has the Andreev conductance completely null in its birth. Therefore, we find that a resonant edge state appears as a zero-mode and discuss it in terms of a poor man's Majorana[Nature 614, 445 (2023)]
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