2 research outputs found

    TEI-friendly annotation scheme for medieval named entities: a case on a Spanish medieval corpus

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    Medieval documents are a rich source of historical data. Performing named-entity recognition (NER) on this genre of texts can provide us with valuable historical evidence. However, traditional NER categories and schemes are usually designed with modern documents in mind (i.e. journalistic text) and the general-domain NER annotation schemes fail to capture the nature of medieval entities. In this paper we explore the challenges of performing named-entity annotation on a corpus of Spanish medieval documents: we discuss the mismatches that arise when applying traditional NER categories to a corpus of Spanish medieval documents and we propose a novel humanist-friendly TEI-compliant annotation scheme and guidelines intended to capture the particular nature of medieval entities

    Hispanic Medieval Tagger (HisMeTag): una aplicación web para el etiquetado de entidades en textos medievales

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    El resumen presenta la herramienta de etiquetado de entidades nombradas en textos medievales en español. Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de los proyectos de investigación, proyecto europeo ERC-2015-STG-679528 POSTDATA