373 research outputs found

    Radioactive nuclei from cosmochronology to habitability

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    In addition to long-lived radioactive nuclei like U and Th isotopes, which have been used to measure the age of the Galaxy, also radioactive nuclei with half-lives between 0.1 and 100 million years (short-lived radionuclides, SLRs) were present in the early Solar System (ESS), as indicated by high-precision meteoritic analysis. We review the most recent meteoritic data and describe the nuclear reaction processes responsible for the creation of SLRs in different types of stars and supernovae. We show how the evolution of radionuclide abundances in the Milky Way Galaxy can be calculated based on their stellar production. By comparing predictions for the evolution of galactic abundances to the meteoritic data we can build up a time line for the nucleosynthetic events that predated the birth of the Sun, and investigate the lifetime of the stellar nursery where the Sun was born. We then review the scenarios for the circumstances and the environment of the birth of the Sun within such a stellar nursery that have been invoked to explain the abundances in the ESS of the SLRs with the shortest lives - of the order of million years or less. Finally, we describe how the heat generated by radioactive decay and in particular by the abundant 26Al in the ESS had important consequences for the thermo-mechanical and chemical evolution of planetesimals, and discuss possible implications on the habitability of terrestrial-like planets. We conclude with a set of open questions and future directions related to our understanding of the nucleosynthetic processes responsible for the production of SLRs in stars, their evolution in the Galaxy, the birth of the Sun, and the connection with the habitability of extra-solar planets.Comment: Review published in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. The article is being published Open Access, access to the full article is not restricted in any way. Please download the final version of the paper at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppnp.2018.05.00

    Reaction rate uncertainties and 26Al in AGB silicon carbide stardust

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    Stardust is a class of presolar grains each of which presents an ideally uncontaminated stellar sample. Mainstream silicon carbide (SiC) stardust formed in the extended envelopes of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and incorporated the radioactive nucleus 26Al as a trace element. The aim of this paper is to analyse in detail the effect of nuclear uncertainties, in particular the large uncertainties of up to four orders of magnitude related to the 26Al_g+(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, on the production of 26Al in AGB stars and compare model predictions to data obtained from laboratory analysis of SiC stardust grains. Stellar uncertainties are also briefly discussed. We use a detailed nucleosynthesis postprocessing code to calculate the 26Al/27Al ratios at the surface of AGB stars of different masses (M = 1.75, 3, and 5 M_sun) and metallicities (Z = 0.02, 0.012, and 0.008). For the lower limit and recommended value of the 26Al_g(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, the predicted 26Al/27Al ratios replicate the upper values of the range of the 26Al/27Al ratios measured in SiC grains. For the upper limit of the 26Al_g(p,gamma)27Si reaction rate, instead, the predicted 26Al/27Al ratios are approximately 100 times lower and lie below the range observed in SiC grains. When considering models of different masses and metallicities, the spread of more than an order of magnitude in the 26Al/27Al ratios measured in stellar SiC grains is not reproduced. We propose two scenarios to explain the spread of the 26Al/27Al ratios observed in mainstream SiC, depending on the choice of the 26Al_g+p reaction rate. One involves different times of stardust formation, the other involves extra-mixing processes. Stronger conclusions will be possible after more information is available from future nuclear experiments on the 26Al_g+p reaction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Modelling the evolution and nucleosynthesis of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars

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    We present the results of binary population simulations of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. We show that nitrogen and fluorine are useful tracers of the origin of CEMP stars, and conclude that the observed paucity of very nitrogen-rich stars puts strong constraints on possible modifications of the initial mass function at low metallicity. The large number fraction of CEMP stars may instead require much more efficient dredge-up from low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch stars.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 252 "The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century", April 6-11, 2008, Sanya, Chin

    Reaction rate uncertainties and the operation of the NeNa and MgAl chains during HBB in intermediate-mass AGB stars

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    We test the effect of proton-capture reaction rate uncertainties on the abundances of the Ne, Na, Mg and Al isotopes processed by the NeNa and MgAl chains during hot bottom burning (HBB) in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of intermediate mass between 4 and 6 solar masses and metallicities between Z=0.0001 and 0.02. We provide uncertainty ranges for the AGB stellar yields, for inclusion in galactic chemical evolution models, and indicate which reaction rates are most important and should be better determined. We use a fast synthetic algorithm based on detailed AGB models. We run a large number of stellar models, varying one reaction per time for a very fine grid of values, as well as all reactions simultaneously. We show that there are uncertainties in the yields of all the Ne, Na, Mg and Al isotopes due to uncertain proton-capture reaction rates. The most uncertain yields are those of 26Al and 23Na (variations of two orders of magnitude), 24Mg and 27Al (variations of more than one order of magnitude), 20Ne and 22Ne (variations between factors 2 and 7). In order to obtain more reliable Ne, Na, Mg and Al yields from IM-AGB stars the rates that require more accurate determination are: 22Ne(p,g)23Na, 23Na(p,g)24Mg, 25Mg(p,g)26Al, 26Mg(p,g)27Al and 26Al(p,g)27Si. Detailed galactic chemical evolution models should be constructed to address the impact of our uncertainty ranges on the observational constraints related to HBB nucleosynthesis, such as globular cluster chemical anomalies.Comment: accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Evolution and nucleosynthesis of extremely metal-poor and metal-free low- and intermediate-mass stars II. s-process nucleosynthesis during the core He flash

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    Models of primordial and hyper-metal-poor stars with masses similar to the Sun experience an ingestion of protons into the hot core during the core helium flash phase at the end of their red giant branch evolution. This produces a concurrent secondary flash powered by hydrogen burning that gives rise to further nucleosynthesis in the core. We perform post-process nucleosynthesis calculations on a one-dimensional stellar evolution calculation of a star of 1 solar mass and metallicity [Fe/H] = -6.5 that suffers a proton ingestion episode. Our network includes 320 nuclear species and 2,366 reactions and treats mixing and burning simultaneously. The mixing and burning of protons into the hot convective core leads to the production of 13C, which then burns via the 13C(alpha,n)16O reaction releasing a large number of free neutrons. During the first two years of neutron production the neutron poison 14N abundance is low, allowing the prodigious production of heavy elements such as strontium, barium, and lead via slow neutron captures (the s process). These nucleosynthetic products are later mixed to the stellar surface and ejected via stellar winds. We compare our results with observations of the hyper-metal-poor halo star HE 1327-2326, which shows a strong Sr overabundance. Our model provides the possibility of self-consistently explaining the Sr overabundance in HE 1327-2326 together with its C, N, and O overabundances (all within a factor of ~4) if the material were heavily diluted, for example, via mass transfer in a wide binary system. The model produces at least 18 times too much Ba than observed, but this may be within the large modelling uncertainties. In this scenario, binary systems of low mass must have formed in the early Universe. If true then this puts constraints on the primordial initial mass function.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    The s-process in stellar population synthesis: a new approach to understanding AGB stars

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    Thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are the main producers of slow neutron capture (s-) process elements, but there are still large uncertainties associated with the formation of the main neutron source, 13C, and with the physics of these stars in general. Observations of s-process element enhancements in stars can be used as constraints on theoretical models. For the first time we apply stellar population synthesis to the problem of s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars, in order to derive constraints on free parameters describing the physics behind the third dredge-up and the properties of the neutron source. We utilize a rapid evolution and nucleosynthesis code to synthesize different populations of s-enhanced stars, and compare them to their observational counterparts to find out for which values of the free parameters in the code the synthetic populations fit best to the observed populations. These free parameters are the amount of third dredge-up, the minimum core mass for third dredge-up, the effectiveness of 13C as a source of neutrons and the size in mass of the 13C pocket. We find that galactic disk objects are reproduced by a spread of a factor of two in the effectiveness of the 13C neutron source. Lower metallicity objects can be reproduced only by lowering by at least a factor of 3 the average value of the effectiveness of the 13C neutron source needed for the galactic disk objects. Using observations of s-process elements in post-AGB stars as constraints we find that dredge-up has to start at a lower core mass than predicted by current theoretical models, that it has to be substantial (λ\lambda >~ 0.2) in stars with mass M <~ 1.5 M_sun and that the mass of the 13C pocket must be about 1/40 that of the intershell region.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic