877 research outputs found

    Initial stage of the 2D-3D transition of a strained SiGe layer on a pit-patterned Si(001) template

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    We investigate the initial stage of the 2D-3D transition of strained Ge layers deposited on pit-patterned Si(001) templates. Within the pits, which assume the shape of inverted, truncated pyramids after optimized growth of a Si buffer layer, the Ge wetting layer develops a complex morphology consisting exclusively of {105} and (001) facets. These results are attributed to a strain-driven step-meandering instability on the facetted side-walls of the pits, and a step-bunching instability at the sharp concave intersections of these facets. Although both instabilities are strain-driven, their coexistence becomes mainly possible by the geometrical restrictions in the pits. It is shown that the morphological transformation of the pit surface into low-energy facets has strong influence on the preferential nucleation of Ge islands at the flat bottom of the pits.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Development of the ALMA-North America Sideband-Separating SIS Mixers

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    As the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) nears completion, 73 dual-polarization receivers have been delivered for each of Bands 3 (84-116 GHz) and 6 (211-275 GHz). The receivers use sideband-separating superconducting Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb tunnel-junction (SIS) mixers, developed for ALMA to suppress atmospheric noise in the image band. The mixers were designed taking into account dynamic range, input return loss, and signal-to-image conversion (which can be significant in SIS mixers). Typical SSB receiver noise temperatures in Bands 3 and 6 are 30 K and 60 K, resp., and the image rejection is typically 15 dB.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., June 2013. 10 pages, 21 figure

    Fluorescent visualization of a spreading surfactant

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    The spreading of surfactants on thin films is an industrially and medically important phenomenon, but the dynamics are highly nonlinear and visualization of the surfactant dynamics has been a long-standing experimental challenge. We perform the first quantitative, spatiotemporally-resolved measurements of the spreading of an insoluble surfactant on a thin fluid layer. During the spreading process, we directly observe both the radial height profile of the spreading droplet and the spatial distribution of the fluorescently-tagged surfactant. We find that the leading edge of spreading circular layer of surfactant forms a Marangoni ridge in the underlying fluid, with a trough trailing the ridge as expected. However, several novel features are observed using the fluorescence technique, including a peak in the surfactant concentration which trails the leading edge, and a flat, monolayer-scale spreading film which differs from concentration profiles predicted by current models. Both the Marangoni ridge and surfactant leading edge can be described to spread as RtδR \propto t^{\delta}. We find spreading exponents, δH0.30\delta_H \approx 0.30 and δΓ0.22\delta_\Gamma \approx 0.22 for the ridge peak and surfactant leading edge, respectively, which are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of δ=1/4\delta = 1/4. In addition, we observe that the surfactant leading edge initially leads the peak of the Marangoni ridge, with the peak later catching up to the leading edge

    The Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Indomethacin Induces Heterogeneity in Lipid Membranes: Potential Implication for Its Diverse Biological Action

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    The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), indomethacin (Indo), has a large number of divergent biological effects, the molecular mechanism(s) for which have yet to be fully elucidated. Interestingly, Indo is highly amphiphilic and associates strongly with lipid membranes, which influence localization, structure and function of membrane-associating proteins and actively regulate cell signaling events. Thus, it is possible that Indo regulates diverse cell functions by altering micro-environments within the membrane. Here we explored the effect of Indo on the nature of the segregated domains in a mixed model membrane composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di16:0 PC, or DPPC) and dioleoyl phosphatidyl-choline (di18:1 PC or DOPC) and cholesterol that mimics biomembranes.Using a series of fluorescent probes in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) study, we found that Indo induced separation between gel domains and fluid domains in the mixed model membrane, possibly by enhancing the formation of gel-phase domains. This effect originated from the ability of Indo to specifically target the ordered domains in the mixed membrane. These findings were further confirmed by measuring the ability of Indo to affect the fluidity-dependent fluorescence quenching and the level of detergent resistance of membranes.Because the tested lipids are the main lipid constituents in cell membranes, the observed formation of gel phase domains induced by Indo potentially occurs in biomembranes. This marked Indo-induced change in phase behavior potentially alters membrane protein functions, which contribute to the wide variety of biological activities of Indo and other NSAIDs

    SuperGaN: Synthesis of NbTiN/GaN/NbTiN Tunnel Junctions

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    Nb-based circuits have broad applications in quantum-limited photon detectors, low-noise parametric amplifiers, superconducting digital logic circuits, and low-loss circuits for quantum computing. The current state-of-the-art approach for superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junction material is the Gurvitch trilayer process based on magnetron sputtering of Nb electrodes with Al-Oxide or AlN tunnel barriers grown on an Al overlayer. However, a current limitation of elemental Nb-based circuits is the low-loss operation of THz circuits operating above the 670 GHz gap frequency of Nb and operation at higher temperatures for projects with a strict power budget, such as space-based applications. NbTiN is an alternative higher energy gap material and we have previously reported on the first NbTiN/AlN/NbTiN superconducting-insulating-superconducting (SIS) junctions with an epitaxially grown AlN tunnel barrier. One drawback of a directly grown tunnel barrier compared to thermal oxidation or plasma nitridation is control of the barrier thickness and uniformity across a substrate, leading to variations in current density (Jc). Semiconductor barriers with smaller barrier heights enable thicker tunnel barriers for a given Jc. GaN is an alternative semiconductor material with a closed-packed Wurtzite crystal structure similar to AlN and it can be epitaxially grown as a tunnel barrier using the Reactive Bias Target Ion Beam Deposition (RBTIBD) technique. This work presents the preliminary results of the first reported high-quality NbTiN/GaN/NbTiN heterojunctions with underdamped SIS I(V) characteristics.Comment: Presented at the 16th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVIT