385 research outputs found

    Traumatic Myiasis Caused by an Association of <i>Sarcophaga tibialis</i> (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and <i>Lucilia sericata</i> (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in a Domestic Cat in Italy

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    received: 2015-05-07 accepted: 2015-06-30 published: 2015-08-25© 2015, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The attached file is the published version of the article.© 2015, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Possible manifestation of spin fluctuations in the temperature behavior of resistivity in Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 thin films

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    A pronounced step-like (kink) behavior in the temperature dependence of resistivity ρ(T)\rho (T) is observed in the optimally-doped Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 thin films around Tsf=87KT_{sf}=87K and attributed to manifestation of strong spin fluctuations induced by Sm3+Sm^{3+} moments with the energy ωsf=kBTsf7meV\hbar \omega_{sf}=k_BT_{sf}\simeq 7meV. In addition to fluctuation induced contribution ρsf(T)\rho_{sf}(T) due to thermal broadening effects (of the width ωsf\omega_{sf}), the experimental data are found to be well fitted accounting for residual (zero-temperature) ρres\rho_{res}, electron-phonon ρeph(T)=AT\rho _{e-ph}(T)=AT and electron-electron ρee(T)=BT2\rho_{e-e}(T)=BT^2 contributions. The best fits produced ωp=2.1meV\omega_p=2.1meV, τ01=9.5×1014s1\tau_0^{-1}=9.5\times 10^{-14}s^{-1}, λ=1.2\lambda =1.2, and EF=0.2eVE_F=0.2eV for estimates of the plasmon frequency, the impurity scattering rate, electron-phonon coupling constant, and the Fermi energy, respectively.Comment: 6 pages (REVTEX4), 2 EPS figures; accepted for publication in JETP Letter

    Irreversibility line and low-field grain-boundary pinning in electron-doped superconducting thin films

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    AC magnetic susceptibilities of electron-doped Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 (PCCO) and Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 (SCCO) granular thin films have been measured as a function of temperature and magnetic-field strength. Depending on the level of homogeneity of our films, two different types of the irreversibility line (IL) defined as the intergrain-loss peak temperature in the imaginary part of susceptibility have been found. The obtained results are described via the critical-state model taking into account the low-field grain-boundary pinning. The extracted pinning-force densities in more granular SCCO films turn out to be four times larger than their counterparts in less granular PCCO films

    Estimation of vegetation cover resilience from satellite time series

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    Resilience is a fundamental concept for understanding vegetation as a dynamic component of the climate system. It expresses the ability of ecosystems to tolerate disturbances and to recover their initial state. Recovery times are basic parameters of the vegetation's response to forcing and, therefore, are essential for describing realistic vegetation within dynamical models. Healthy vegetation tends to rapidly recover from shock and to persist in growth and expansion. On the contrary, climatic and anthropic stress can reduce resilience thus favouring persistent decrease in vegetation activity. <br><br> In order to characterize resilience, we analyzed the time series 1982–2003 of 8 km GIMMS AVHRR-NDVI maps of the Italian territory. Persistence probability of negative and positive trends was estimated according to the vegetation cover class, altitude, and climate. Generally, mean recovery times from negative trends were shorter than those estimated for positive trends, as expected for vegetation of healthy status. Some signatures of inefficient resilience were found in high-level mountainous areas and in the Mediterranean sub-tropical ones. This analysis was refined by aggregating pixels according to phenology. This multitemporal clustering synthesized information on vegetation cover, climate, and orography rather well. The consequent persistence estimations confirmed and detailed hints obtained from the previous analyses. Under the same climatic regime, different vegetation resilience levels were found. In particular, within the Mediterranean sub-tropical climate, clustering was able to identify features with different persistence levels in areas that are liable to different levels of anthropic pressure. Moreover, it was capable of enhancing reduced vegetation resilience also in the southern areas under Warm Temperate sub-continental climate. The general consistency of the obtained results showed that, with the help of suited analysis methodologies, 8 km AVHRR-NDVI data could be useful for capturing details on vegetation cover activity at local scale even in complex territories such as that of the Italian peninsula

    Combining multi-source data to map vineyards in a specialized district of Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    In agriculture, the geography of specific crops can successfully support productivity monitoring and farming practices management. Vineyards particularly have a key role in modeling and protecting Mediterranean landscapes, representing a fundamental asset in the economies of inner areas. In this paper, we mapped the 2017 coverage of vineyards of the Vulture-Melfese, a specialized agricultural district of Basilicata (Southern Italy) renowned for hosting the Aglianico grapevine variety. To achieve this objective, we combined information extracted from free-accessible multisource data by leveraging the traditional photo-interpretation technique. Then, we characterized the mapped vineyards based on simple geo-environmental variables (size, elevation, climate). This detailed inventory can help public bodies and land managers to shape more specific local agricultural policies to strengthen the profitability of the agricultural sector, preserve agrobiodiversity and face climate change effects

    Delineating the Intrinsic, Long-Term Path of Land Degradation: A Spatially Explicit Transition Matrix for Italy, 1960–2010

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    Vulnerability to land degradation in southern Europe has increased substantially in the last decades because of climate and land-use change, soil deterioration, and rising human pressure. The present work focuses on a quantitative evaluation of changes over time in the level of vulnerability to land degradation of a Mediterranean country (Italy) using a composite indicator, the environmentally sensitive area index (ESAI), which is the final outcome of a complex model conceived to assess land vulnerability on the basis of climate, soil, vegetation, and human pressure. Considering four different levels of vulnerability to land degradation (not affected, potentially affected, fragile, and critical), the main trajectories of this index were highlighted in a long-time perspective (1960–2010), discriminating dynamics over two sub-periods (1960–1990 and 1990–2010). The empirical results at a very detailed spatial scale (1 km2 grid) reflect spatial consolidation of degradation hot-spots over time. However, aggregated trajectories of change indicate an overall improvement in the environmental conditions between 1990 and 2010 compared with what is observed during the first period (1960–1990). Worse environmental conditions concerned southern Italian regions with a dry climate and poor soil conditions in the first time interval, large parts of northern Italy, traditionally recognized as a wet and affluent agricultural region, experienced increasing levels of land vulnerability in the second time interval. Being classified as an unaffected region according with the Italian national action plan (NAP), the expansion of (originally sparse) degradation hot-spots in northern Italy, reflective of an overall increase in critical areas, suggests a substantial re-thinking of the Italian NAP. This may lead to a redesign of individual regional action plans (RAPs) implementing place-specific approaches and comprehensive measures to be adopted to mitigate land degradation