47 research outputs found

    Possibility of improving technological effectiveness of dairy wastewater treatment through application of active fillings and microwave rabiation

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    The aim of the study was to determine the technological effectiveness of treatment process of model dairy wastewater in anaerobic reactors with active filling (AF), heated with electromagnetic microwave radiation (EMR). Experiments were conducted in a laboratory scale. The AF were produced using micro-pore extrusion technology. The study demonstrated that AF introduction to the technological system and application of EMR significantly improved the effectiveness of organic compounds, phosphorus removal and biogas production. Initial organic loading rate also affected the final results of wastewater treatment

    Effect of phosphorus removal with the method of metals solubilization on the quality of treated wastewater

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    W pracy rozważono możliwość wykorzystania procesów korozyjnych jako źródła jonów metali, które mogłyby przyczynić się do usunięcia związków fosforu ze ścieków. Metoda roztwarzania metali polega na wprowadzaniu do roztworu jonów metali na drodze procesów korozyjnych zachodzących w środowisku ścieków. Uwolniony metal, podobnie jak w wypadku procesów strącania chemicznego, powodował wytrącanie i sorpcję związków fosforu, które były następnie usuwane ze ścieków na drodze sedymentacji i filtracji. Badania przeprowadzono dla trzech rodzajów wypełnień, tj. stalowego, stalowo-aluminiowego i aluminiowego. Podczas procesu usuwania związków fosforu ze ścieków metodą roztwarzania metali zaobserwowano pozytywny wpływ wypełnienia nie tylko na usuwanie z roztworu związków fosforu, ale również na obniżanie wartości innych wskaźników oczyszczanych ścieków. Zaobserwowano usuwanie związków siarki, a wypełnienie stalowe wpływało również na obniżenie wartości ChZT i BZT5. Lepsze efekty uzyskano dla wypełnienia stalowego niż stalowo-aluminiowego. Nie stwierdzono, aby wypełnienie zawierające stal i/lub aluminium powodowało zmiany zawartości azotu ogólnego. Na skutek warunków redukcyjnych i beztlenowych zaobserwowano natomiast przemiany azotu do formy amonowej. Wystąpiło również przewidywane zjawisko wtórnego wzbogacenia ścieków w związki roztwarzanego metalu.An experimental study was carried out of the potentiality for using corrosion processes as a source of metal ions that might contribute to the removal of phosphorus compounds from the wastewater. In the metal solubilization method, metal ions enter the solution as a result of corrosion processes occuring in the wastewater under treatment. As in chemical precipitation processes, the metal released promoted precipitation and sorption of phosphorus compounds which were then removed from the wastewater by sedimentation and filtration. The study involved three types of column packing, steel, steel and aluminium, and aluminium alone. The use of the metal solubilization method was found to be beneficial not only to the removal of phosphorus compounds but also to the degradation or reduction of other polluting species. There was a co-removal of sulphur compounds, and the steel packing accounted for a reduction in COD and BOD5. The results were more promising with steal than steel-aluminium packings. Packings containing steel and/or aluminium were not found to affect the total nitrogen content. Owing to the reduction and anaerobic conditions, nitrogen converted into ammonia nitrogen. According to expectation, there was recontamination of the wastewater with the compounds of the solubilized metal

    Productivity of algal biomass in open reactor

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    Cele prowadzenia hodowli glonów zależą bezpośrednio od określonych potrzeb i zapotrzebowania ludzi. W Stanach Zjednoczonych, systemy stawów glonowych zostały opracowane początkowo jako wsparcie dla technologii oczyszczania wody. Biomasa odzyskana została przetworzona do metanu, który był głównym źródłem energii [2, 8]. Z upływem czasu biomasa glonowa stała się bardzo ważnym elementem żywnościowym w szeroko pojętej akwakulturze [7]. Ostatnio glony przyciągnęły wiele uwagi z powodu znacznego potencjału w produkcji kosmetyków oraz z uwagi na walory odżywcze. Organizmy te znalazły zastosowanie także w innych obszarach takich jak w systemy do produkcji substancji pozakomórkowych, jak również dla biosorpcji metali ciężkich [1]. Niektóre badania wykazały również znaczenie glonów w wiązaniu dwutlenku węgla.Algae may be a source to a few types of renewable biofuels, starting from methane produced in processes of anaerobic decomposition of biomass, through biodiesel produced from algae oil, and finally to photobiological production of hydrogen. Algae may be utilized indirectly for the production of biodiesel, bioethanol and biobutanol. The resultant biomass may further on be processed in a variety of technological pathways. Oil produced in various processes may be processed into fuel, whereas biogas may be exploited for energetic purposes. In addition, the biomass may be directly combusted to provide heat or electricity. Algae biomass contains approximately ca. 50% of carbon in dry matter. The demand for carbon dioxide accounts approximately for 183 tones per 100 tones of biomass produced. The temperature of culture should oscillate between 20 and 30°C. The only feasible methods of largescale production of algae biomass include production in racetrack type ponds and in tubular photo-bioreactors (PBRs). A racetrack type pond is a construction that is based on a number of loops made in a closed recirculation canal. The typical depth of a such a pond reaches 0.2÷0.3 m, however there are also some ponds having 0.5 m of depth. Processes of mixing and excitation of the flow in such a device proceed with the use of a paddle wheel. The flux is directed round the bends by two deflectors fixed in the flux of canal. Canals of the pond can be made of concrete or from pressed soil, and are ruled with white plastic. During sun exposure, the culture is fed continuously. Nutrients are delivered in front of the paddle wheel where the culture flux begins. The biomass produced is collected from a device ahead of the paddle wheel, at the end of a loop. The paddle wheel is operating perpetually to prevent biomass sedimentation. Ponds of this type have been commonly applied for culturing algae biomass in the 50-ties of the 20th century. An extensive experience has been built based on the operation and engineering of race-tracks. The greatest facility of biomass production based on the racetrack covers the area of 440.000 m2 and is aimed at obtaining cyanobacterial biomass for food purposes. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of algal culture in an open reactor. Studies on the use of open reactor to collect the algal biomass showed that there is a possibility of its effective propagation and storage. During the experiment, the content of the biomass in the reactor has increased six times. The rate of biomass growth was variable. An important factor limiting growth was the concentration of algae in the solution. Two concentration limits were found at which the growth restriction was followed, first at about 1000 mg d.m.o./l, and then at 1450 mg d.m.o./l. The rate of biomass growth is depending on rate of nutrients removal. In the assumed conditions of the experiment concentrations of phosphorus proved to be limiting

    Effects of organic substrate from meat processing industry anaerobic transformation process

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    Proces fermentacji metanowej, powszechnie wykorzystywany do unieszkodliwiania osadów ściekowych [2, 9] w ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat znalazł szerokie zastosowanie w oczyszczaniu bardzo stężonych ścieków przemysłowych. [1, 3÷5, 8]. Układy anaerobowe funkcjonują najczęściej jako samodzielne systemy zapewniające jakość odpływu na wymaganym poziomie (ładunek zanieczyszczeń organicznych eliminowany jest w przedziale 70÷90%) lub jako I stopień usuwania zanieczyszczeń, po których następują kolejne etapy oczyszczania. W ostatnich latach tego typu rozwiązania stosowane są w procesach przeróbki odpadowych substratów organicznych w celu ich neutralizacji i pozyskania wysokoenergetycznego biogazu. Na proces fermentacji metanowej składa się szereg przemian biochemicznych, w efekcie których złożone związki organiczne ulęgają przemianie do produktów końcowych w postaci metanu i dwutlenku węgla. W pierwszej kolejności zachodzi hydroliza złożonych związków białek, cukrów, tłuszczy. Proces ten prowadzony jest przez bakterie hydrolizujące, a jego efektem jest powstanie aminokwasów, monosacharydów, wyższych kwasów tłuszczowych.Związki te staja się substratem do kolejnego etapu przemian - kwasogenezy. Jej efektem jest powstanie lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych. Ostatnim etapem jest produkcja metanu, która może zachodzić bądź w wyniku dekarboksylacji kwasu octowego lub poprzez procesy redukcyjno-metanogenne (redukcja CO2 do CH4 przy udziale H2). Ostatni etap fermentacji czyli metanogeneza decyduje o szybkości całego procesu. Szybkość wzrostu mikroorganizmów biorących udział w tej fazie jest znacznie niższa niż bakterii kwasogennych stąd zapewnienie optymalnych warunków dla metanogenezy stanowi o sprawności całego procesu. Co ciekawe wszystkie mikroorganizmy metanogenne zaliczane są do osobnej domeny. W królestwie Procariota wyróżnia się dwie zasadniczo różne grupy organizmów, domenę Bacteria (większość współczesnych szczepów bakterii, brak organizmów metanogennych, niewielka liczba gatunków żyjących w warunkach ekstremalnych) oraz domenę Archea (wszystkie organizmy metanogenne, liczne gatunki żyjących w warunkach ekstremalnych). Stosowanie systemów beztlenowych jest uzasadnione ze względu na uzyskiwane efekty technologiczne i ekonomiczne. Niska energochłonność, pięciokrotnie mniejszy w stosunku do systemów tlenowych przyrost biomasy osadu, ograniczenie rozprzestrzeniania się aerozoli i odorów oraz szybki rozruch nawet po długiej przerwie w eksploatacji to dodatkowe atuty przemawiające za upowszechnianiem metod beztlenowych [6, 7, 10]. Celem badań było określenie wydajności procesu fermentacji metanowej odpadów organicznych pochodzących z przemysłu mięsnego oraz charakterystyka powstającego fermentatu.Alternative, renewable forms of energy are gaining increased importance in the trend to complement or even substitute conventional energies. Biogas production and utilization is a feasible and energetically interesting projection with an immense resource potential in nature available for energy production. The anaerobic degradation of organic matter is a multi-phase process comprising acidogenesis and subsequent methanogenesis. In the first phase, complex organic materials, carbohydrates, amino acids, long-chain fatty acids and alcohols are degraded to intermediary products such as shortchain fatty acids, which are metabolised in the subsequent phase. The aim of the study was to characterize efficiency of biogas production and parameters of the digested charge. The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions. Depending on the substrate composition and the scope of the research work, the experiment was divided into four phases. The two stage anaerobic fermentation of liquid municipal organic waste at mesophilic conditions (40 °C) was investigated in a continuously stirred 0,4 dm3 hydrolyser and 4,0 dm3 anaerobic reactor. The time of substrate retention in the biogas system was 40 days, and the load of impurities was about 2.0 kg o. m./m3 ź d.During the experiment physicochemical analyses of raw and digested chargewas performed. The scope of analyses included the dry mass, content of organicsubstances, mineral substances, hydration, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, reaction, volume of biogas and content of methane. Conducted investigations permit to affirm, it that the highest technological effect was observed in stage II experiment, when in substrate composition predominated meat wastes. Biogas quantity was about 510 m3/t dry organic matter. Content of methane in biogas was 65%. The lowest technological efficiency was shown in stage IV. The quantity of biogas was between 370÷410 m3/t dry organic matter. The highest efficiency biogas production was observed near 30 day of exploitation of anaerobic bioreactor. The longer time of exploitation influenced on limitation biogas production and methane konten

    Research on the Use of Selected Macrophytes in the Process of Methane Fermentation

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    Energy consumption increases globaly. Simultaneously demand for so called „clean energy“ escalates. Scientists are looking for new, more efficient technologies and alternative energy sources. Among the renewable energy sources a large potential of biomass is indicated. The aim of this study was to analyze macrophytes such as Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, Acorus calamus, Ceratophyllum demersum as potential substrates in the process of methane fermentation. Research presents the results of the quantity and quality of biogas production using different load variations of reaction chamber with organic compounds. The study was divided into three stages depending on the range of the work. The first stage consisted of obtaining and preparation of raw materials for study. The second stage included physico-chemical analisis of substrates selected regarding hydration, dry matter content and organic compounds. The third stage was to prepare right quantities of substrates and conduct first stage fermentation, using measuring devices allowing to monitor the composition and quantity of the biogas. The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions. Te study used plants collected from 3 lakes in Olsztyn. Investigations of biogas production were based on the respirometric method, using Oxitop Control – respirometric kit produced by WTW Company. This method allows to determine the activity of anaerobic sludge as well as the susceptibility of organic substrates to biodegradability with the possibility to estimate the quantity and composition of gaseous products of metabolism. A single kit consisted of: a reaction tank with a volume of 0.5 L connected tightly with a measuring-recording device. The process was carried out by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions and the resulting biogas caused changes of partial pressure in the measuring chamber. Changes of pressure were monitored by the measuring equipment. Reaction kits were placed in a thermostatic cabinet with hysteresis not exceeding ± 0,5°C. The process was run at a temperature of 36°C. Reaction chamber was charged with three loads: 1 kg VSS/m3d, 2 kg VSS/m3d, 3 kg VSS/m3d. The measurement was conducted in 5 replications for each variant of load applied in reaction chamber and each type of substrates,. The highest yield of biogas production was obtained for 1 kg VSS/m3d load, for each substrate used. With increasing charge of reaction chamber with load of organic compounds, the efficiency of biogas production decreased, except when the substrate was Ceratophyllum demersum. In this variant the resulting biogas quantity was constant, regardless of the applied load. The best substrate was the Phragmites australis. Average quantity of biogas in this variant was between 271 L/kg VSS to 344 L/kg VSS, depending on the applied load. The lowest yield of biogas production was observed for Acorus calamus. It oscillated from 132 L/kg VSS to 204 L/kg VSS depending on the applied load. The average percentage of methane in the biogas varied in the range of 51.1% to 61.7%, regardless of the applied load and substrate

    Effect of method of post-slaughter waste conditioning on amount and composition of biogas produced in thermophilic fermentation

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    Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie takiego sposobu wstępnego przygotowania, stosowanych w eksperymencie odpadów poubojowych, który zapewni uzyskanie najwyższych efektów technologicznych charakteryzowanych poprzez ilość oraz skład jakościowy powstającego biogazu w warunkach fermentacji termofilowej.The aim of this study was to identify the method of pre-treatment of post-slaughter waste used in the experiment to ensure the best technological results, expressed by the amount and qualitative composition of the biogas produced in the process. The application of various methods of processing of postslaughter waste before methane fermentation in an experiment conducted under static conditions showed that comparable technological effects were achieved when homogenisation followed by pasteurisation was applied and in such series inwhich these were supplemented by sonic treatment of the substrate. The application of various methods of processing of post-slaughter waste before methane fermentation in an experiment conducted under static conditions showed that comparable technological effects were achieved when homogenisation followed by pasteurisation was applied and in such series in which these were supplemented by sonic treatment of the substrate. Regardless of the pasteurisation time and the combined time of pasteurisation andultrasonic treatment, no statistically significant differences were found in the technological results achieved in terms of the amount and composition ofthe biogas produced in the process and the degree of decomposition of the analysed organic compounds. The worst final results of methane fermentation of post-slaughter waste were achieved when homogenisation was the only type of treatment applied in the organic substrate pre-processing. When homogenisation was combined with ultrasonic treatment, significantly better results were achieved; these were, however, distinctly lower than those achieved in the series in which pasteurisation was applied. The element which most greatly affected the technological effects achieved in the experiment, was the load of organic matter applied to the activatedsludge. The lowest effectiveness of the process, regardless of the method of conditioning of post-slaughter waste, was achieved in the option with a load of 6.0 g of dry organic matter/g of dry matter of sludge. The results achieved in static conditions with loads ranging from 1.0 g of dry organic matter/g of dry matter of sludge to 3.0 g of dry organic matter/g of dry matter of sludge producedcomparable final results, expressed as the amount and composition of biogas as well as the degree of decomposition of the analysed organic substances

    Possibility of Fenton's reaction application for processes of conditioning and stabilization of sludge coming from intensive pisciculture plants

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    Celem eksperymentu było określenie możliwości zastosowania techniki pogłębionego utleniania z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Fentona w procesie stabilizacji i kondycjonowania osadów pochodzących z intensywnej hodowli pstrąga tęczowego.Intensive fish farming is closely related with the sludge production. The sour-ces of sludge in intensive fish farming are products of metabolic transformation including fish faeces, unused fish feed, mineral fertilizers and chemical compounds with antibacterial operation. Sludge generated in aquaculture must be subjected to processing and afterwards reused or disposed of. An alternative to the now practiced methods may become the techniques used with much success in water and wastewater treatment, such as the efficient chemical methods based mainly on intensive oxidation of contaminants. Effectiveness of Fenton reaction has been confirmed also in the case of sludge conditioning of domestic and industrial origin. This technique has enabled reduction of specific filtration resistance, increased the dewatering rate and dry weight of sludge. The aim of the experiment was to investigate a possibility of Fenton's reaction (Fe3+/H2O2) application for conditioning and stabilization of sludge coming from rainbow trout intensive farm. The experiment was run in four phases with various doses of the reacting substances applied to the technological system. They were performed on a laboratory scale at the ambient temperature of 20÷25°C. Analyses regarded the impact of the Fenton reagent doses on the properties of tested sludge. Tested in the experiment doses of Fe3+ ions and H2O2 were determined on the basis of data from literature as well as authors' own researches. Statistical significant differences (p<0.05) were found between dosage of the reagents and physical and chemical parameters of the prepared sludge. The applied method of sludge conditioning mainly impact the sludge dewatering properties (CST) and COD concentration in the effluent. The capillary suction times, depending on the applied dose of the Fenton reagent, were contained in the range between 425÷27 s. The COD concen-tration in the effluent varied from 470.7 mg O2/dm3 to 254.4 mg O2/dm3. Statistical significant effect was not found between technological system used and sludge composition (dry mass, mineral substances, volatile substances)

    The effect of substrate qualitative composition and chamber load of organic matter on composition and amount of produced biogas

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    Mimo intensywnego rozwoju technologii oraz metod postępowania z odpadami organicznymi podatnymi na biodegradację, wciąż poszukuje się rozwiązań umożliwiających ich opłacalna neutralizację. Korzystnym zarówno z punktu widzenia środowiska, jak również pozwalającym na wykorzystanie potencjału energetycznego tkwiącego w tego rodzaju substratach organicznych jest zastosowanie procesu fermentacji metanowej. Jest to sprawdzone rozwiązanie gwarantujące uzyskanie biogazu oraz produktu końcowego, który może być wykorzystany przyrodniczo [2, 4, 7, 10]. Energetyka odnawialna, w tym także technologie energetycznego przetworzenia substratów organicznych, wydają się być jednym ze sposobów na ograniczenie skali problemów związanych ze wzrostem cen i wyczerpywaniem zasobów konwencjonalnych źródeł energii. Wynikiem tych działań jest również istotny efekt ekologiczny, który dotyczy zmniejszenia emisji do atmosfery gazów i pyłów powstających podczas spalania paliw kopalnych [11, 3].Despite the intense development of technology and methods of handling biodegradable organic waste, solutions are still being sought to enable its profitable neutralization. One such approach, which is both beneficial for the environment and makes use of the energetic potential of such organic substrates, is the application of methane fermentation. It is a solution which guarantees the production of biogas and a final product which may be naturally utilized. The aim of the study was to characterize potential substrates used in the process of biogas production (corn silage, liquid pig manure, flour production waste), supplied by food production plants, and evaluation of the methane fermentation process with various technological variants. The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions. Depending on the experiment phase and the scope of the research work, the experiment was divided into two phases. The first included an analysis of the composition of the substrates for biogas production in terms of their hydration and concentration of organic matter. In the second part of the experiment, mixtures of organic substrates were prepared in appropriate proportions and a one-step methane fermentation was performed, employing measuring equipment which measured to what extent the organic matter is degradable and monitored the amount and composition of the produced biogas. The experiment found that the application of a substrate mixture, consisting of corn silage, liquid pig manure, with a small proportion of flour production waste, allows for production of biogas containing more than 60% methane. It was found that the highest intensity of high-energy fuel production is achieved in those technological variants in which the ratio of corn silage to liquid pig manure (w/w) ranges from 1:1 to 2:1. The highest amount of biogas and its best qualitative composition were achieved in those experimental series. Within the analyzed range of the laboratory anaerobic chamber loads with organic impurities, the application of a load of 2.0 kgd.o.m./m3 d proved the most profitable due to the highest biogas production per unit mass of the substrate

    Possibilities of management of waste fly ashes from sewage sludge thermal treatment in the aspect of legal regulations

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    W ostatnich latach na popularności zyskują termiczne metody unieszkodliwiania osadów ściekowych [14]. Wg prognoz określonych w Krajowym Planie Gospodarki Odpadami 2010 preferowaną metodą postępowania z osadami ściekowymi ma być unieszkodliwianie termiczne. KPGO 2010 zakłada, że ilość osadów przekształcanych termicznie w 2018 r. może wzrosnąć do 60% całkowitej masy osadów. Obecnie jednak łącznie ilość spalarni i obiektów oddawanych w końcowej fazie realizacji w Polsce wynosi osiem [2]. Spodziewać się należy w najbliższych latach kolejnych inwestycji w tym zakresie. W dziedzinie termicznej obróbki osadu ze względów technologicznych można wyróżnić dwa odmienne kierunki. Kierunek pierwszy to instalacja tylko do termicznego przekształcania w postaci spalania. Kierunek drugi natomiast to instalacja składająca się z dwóch elementów: oddzielnie suszenia osadów i następnie ich termicznego przekształcenia. Po procesach termicznych, oprócz emisji gazów do atmosfery, pozostają stałe pozostałości poprocesowe. Jednym z problemów zarysowujących się podczas spalania osadów ściekowych jestryzyko emisji metali ciężkich. Głównie dotyczy to emisji poprzez popioły lotne obecne w gazach spalinowych. Zastosowanie efektywnych urządzeń do ograniczania emisji popiołów, powoduje z jednej strony ograniczenie emisji szkodliwych pierwiastków do atmosfery i dalej na otaczające tereny w wyniku opadu mokrego lub suchego. Przenosi również problem środowiskowy z emisji metali ciężkich do atmosfery na ich obecność w wychwyconym popiele. Powstają zatem pytania: Czy popioły lotne powinny być klasyfikowane jako odpady niebezpieczne? Jakie są możliwości ich zagospodarowania: odzysku i/lub unieszkodliwiania? Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza możliwości zagospodarowania popiołów lotnych powstałych podczas termicznego unieszkodliwiania osadów ściekowych w aspekcie uwarunkowań prawnych, z uwzględnieniem ich właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych.In recent years, the thermal treatment of sewage sludge technology has become more popular. During thermal treatment of sewage sludge another kind of waste - fly ashes are produced. In paper the trial of his waste classification according to polish law has been conducted. The chemical and physical characteristic of two kinds of ashes has been done. Also, the research of pollutants mobility from ash during extraction into the water has been executed. Basic on waste properties, and also according to law limitation, the possibilities of fly ash management were assessed. Ash has alkaline reaction, contains also relatively high concentration of Ca+2, Mg+2, P2O5 and heavy metals, especially in case of zinc. Executed research indicated low mobility of pollutants during extraction into water. The fly ashes were classified as non hazardous and non inert waste. Basic on the waste management hierarchy, the fly ash from sewage sludge incineration shouldn't lead just to landfilling, but to recovery. Despite of it, because of law limitations, fly ashes from sewage sludge thermal treatment can not to be used directly in the environment, without additional processing. The solution can be: production of fertilizers where one of the components is fly ash; production of light expanded granulatem for reusing in environmental engineering - constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, construction capture barriers for polluted ground water... And finally, as the worst solution, fly ashes might also be landfilled separately as well mixed withanother waste from group 19 from waste catalogue