1,929 research outputs found

    Regularities with random interactions in energy centroids defined by group symmetries

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    Regular structures generated by random interactions in energy centroids defined over irreducible representations (irreps) of some of the group symmetries of the interacting boson models sdsdIBM, sdgsdgIBM, sdsdIBM-TT and sdsdIBM-STST are studied by deriving trace propagations equations for the centroids. It is found that, with random interactions, the lowest and highest group irreps in general carry most of the probability for the corresponding centroids to be lowest in energy. This generalizes the result known earlier, via numerical diagonalization, for the more complicated fixed spin (JJ) centroids where simple trace propagation is not possible.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Long term variation of the solar diurnal anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays observed with the Nagoya multi-directional muon detector

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    We analyze the three dimensional anisotropy of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensities observed independently with a muon detector at Nagoya in Japan and neutron monitors over four solar activity cycles. We clearly see the phase of the free-space diurnal anisotropy shifting toward earlier hours around solar activity minima in A>0 epochs, due to the reduced anisotropy component parallel to the mean magnetic field. The average parallel component is consistent with a rigidity independent spectrum, while the perpendicular component increases with GCR rigidity. We suggest that this harder spectrum of the perpendicular component is due to contribution from the drift streaming. We find that the bidirectional latitudinal density gradient is positive in A>0 epoch, while it is negative in A<0 epoch, in accord with the drift model prediction. The radial density gradient, on the other hand, varies with ~11-year cycle with maxima (minima) in solar maximum (minimum) periods, but there is no significant difference seen between average radial gradients in A>0 and A<0 epochs. The average parallel mean free path is larger in A0. We also find, however, that parallel mean free path (radial gradient) appears to persistently increase (decreasing) in the last three cycles of weakening solar activity. We suggest that simple differences between these parameters in A>0 and A<0 epochs are seriously biased by these long-term trends.Comment: accepted for the publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Structure of wavefunctions in (1+2)-body random matrix ensembles

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    Abstrtact: Random matrix ensembles defined by a mean-field one-body plus a chaos generating random two-body interaction (called embedded ensembles of (1+2)-body interactions) predict for wavefunctions, in the chaotic domain, an essentially one parameter Gaussian forms for the energy dependence of the number of principal components NPC and the localization length {\boldmath l}_H (defined by information entropy), which are two important measures of chaos in finite interacting many particle systems. Numerical embedded ensemble calculations and nuclear shell model results, for NPC and {\boldmath l}_H, are compared with the theory. These analysis clearly point out that for realistic finite interacting many particle systems, in the chaotic domain, wavefunction structure is given by (1+2)-body embedded random matrix ensembles.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures (1a-c, 2a-b, 3a-c), prepared for the invited talk given in the international conference on `Perspectives in Theoretical Physics', held at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad during January 8-12, 200

    Random matrix ensemble with random two-body interactions in presence of a mean-field for spin one boson systems

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    For mm number of bosons, carrying spin (SS=1) degree of freedom, in Ω\Omega number of single particle orbitals, each triply degenerate, we introduce and analyze embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices generated by random two-body interactions that are spin (S) scalar [BEGOE(2)-S1S1]. The embedding algebra is U(3)GG1SO(3)U(3) \supset G \supset G1 \otimes SO(3) with SO(3) generating spin SS. A method for constructing the ensembles in fixed-(mm, SS) space has been developed. Numerical calculations show that the form of the fixed-(mm, SS) density of states is close to Gaussian and level fluctuations follow GOE. Propagation formulas for the fixed-(mm, SS) space energy centroids and spectral variances are derived for a general one plus two-body Hamiltonian preserving spin. In addition to these, we also introduce two different pairing symmetry algebras in the space defined by BEGOE(2)-S1S1 and the structure of ground states is studied for each paring symmetry.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    External Bias Dependent Direct To Indirect Bandgap Transition in Graphene Nanoribbon

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    In this work, using self-consistent tight-binding calculations, for the first time, we show that a direct to indirect bandgap transition is possible in an armchair graphene nanoribbon by the application of an external bias along the width of the ribbon, opening up the possibility of new device applications. With the help of Dirac equation, we qualitatively explain this bandgap transition using the asymmetry in the spatial distribution of the perturbation potential produced inside the nanoribbon by the external bias. This is followed by the verification of the bandgap trends with a numerical technique using Magnus expansion of matrix exponentials. Finally, we show that the carrier effective masses possess tunable sharp characters in the vicinity of the bandgap transition points.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nano Letter

    Intrinsic Limits of Subthreshold Slope in Biased Bilayer Graphene Transistor

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    In this work, we investigate the intrinsic limits of subthreshold slope in a dual gated bilayer graphene transistor using a coupled self-consistent Poisson-bandstructure solver. We benchmark the solver by matching the bias dependent bandgap results obtained from the solver against published experimental data. We show that the intrinsic bias dependence of the electronic structure and the self-consistent electrostatics limit the subthreshold slope obtained in such a transistor well above the Boltzmann limit of 60mV/decade at room temperature, but much below the results experimentally shown till date, indicating room for technological improvement of bilayer graphene.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Spin-polarized electronic structures and transport properties of Fe-Co alloys

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    The electrical resistivities of Fe-Co alloys owing to random alloy disorder are calculated using the Kubo-Greenwood formula. The obtained electrical esistivities agree well with experimental data quantitatively at low temperature. The spin-polarization of Fe50Co50 estimated from the conductivity (86%) has opposite sign to that from the densities of the states at the Fermi level (-73%). It is found that the conductivity is governed mainly by s-electrons, and the s-electrons in the minority spin states are less conductive due to strong scattering by the large densities of the states of d-electrons than the majority spin electrons.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Constraining nuclear physics parameters with current and future COHERENT data

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    Motivated by the recent observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nu NS) at the COHERENT experiment, our goal is to explore its potential in probing important nuclear structure parameters. We show that the recent COHERENT data offers unique opportunities to investigate the neutron nuclear form factor. Our present calculations are based on the deformed Shell Model (DSM) method which leads to a better fit of the recent CEν\nu NS data, as compared to known phenomenological form factors such as the Helm-type, symmetrized Fermi and Klein-Nystrand. The attainable sensitivities and the prospects of improvement during the next phase of the COHERENT experiment are also considered and analyzed in the framework of two upgrade scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; v2: minor corrections, version to appear in PL

    O(12) limit and complete classification of symmetry schemes in proton-neutron interacting boson model

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    It is shown that the proton-neutron interacting boson model (pnIBM) admits new symmetry limits with O(12) algebra which break F-spin but preserves the quantum number M_F. The generators of O(12) are derived and the quantum number `v' of O(12) for a given boson number N is determined by identifying the corresponding quasi-spin algebra. The O(12) algebra generates two symmetry schemes and for both of them, complete classification of the basis states and typical spectra are given. With the O(12) algebra identified, complete classification of pnIBM symmetry limits with good M_F is established.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur