49 research outputs found

    Magnetism in one dimension: Fe on Cu(111)

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    The magnetism and the morphology of one-dimensional Fe stripes on a Cu(111) vicinal surface with perpendicular magnetization are investigated. Scanning tunneling microscopy shows that the Fe stripes have nanometer width and are aligned in parallel along the [011] direction. From the magnetization curves it is inferred that the stripes exhibit a ferromagnetic behavior well below the nominal thickness of one monolayer. In contrast to two-dimensional films, the magnetization of the stripes is not only temperature but also time dependent. The dynamics of the stripes have been described by a micromagnetic Ising model with Glauber dynamics, yielding an effective anisotropy constant K1 of 0.65±0.15 M J/m3

    Magnetism and morphology of Fe/Cu(111) films below two-dimensional percolation

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    The magnetic properties of g-iron films on Cu(111) below the two-dimensional percolation threshold of about 1.4 monolayer are investigated. Iron on flat Cu(111) surfaces forms triangular patches, while it forms stripes along step edges on vicinal surfaces. The films exhibit an easy magnetization axis perpendicular to the film plane and magnetic hysteresis at sufficiently low temperatures. The magnetization curves of the triangular iron patches are discussed in terms of Ising superparamagnetism. From Kerr hysteresis loops, we deduce that the first anisotropy constant K1 in the superparamagnetic films is of order 0.345±0.020 MJ/m3

    Growth, structure, electronic, and magnetic properties of MgO/Fe(001) bilayers and Fe/MgO/Fe(001) trilayers

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    Single-crystal epitaxial MgO thin films were grown directly onto high-quality Fe single crystal and Fe whisker substrates and covered with Fe/Au layers. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction and low-energy electron diffraction patterns and scanning tunneling microscopy images showed that the growth of MgO proceeded pseudomorphically in a nearly layer-by-layer mode up to six monolayers. A misfit dislocation network is formed for MgO layers thicker than six monolayers. The thin MgO films were characterized electrically by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. The tunneling barrier in MgO was found to depend on the MgO layer thickness, starting from 2.5 eV at two monolayer thickness to the expected full barrier of MgO of 3.6 eV at six monolayers. A small fraction of the scanned area showed randomly placed spikes in the tunneling conductance. Tunneling I-V curves at the defects showed a lower tunneling barrier than that in the majority of the MgO film. The total tunneling current integrated over areas of 100 × 100 nm2, however, was not dominated by spikes of higher conductance. These local defects in the MgO barrier were neither related to atomic steps on the Fe substrates nor to individual misfit dislocations. Magnetic anisotropies and exchange coupling in Fe/ MgO(001) and Fe/MgO/Fe(001) structures were studied using ferromagnetic resonance and Brillouin light scattering

    In-plane anisotropy and reversed spin reorientation of fcc Fe ultrathin films on Cu(100) by pulsed-laser deposition

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    Fe ultrathin films on Cu(100) have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). These films show good layer-by-layer morphology and an almost ideal fcc structure at all thicknesses below 10 ML. Above 10 ML the films transform into bcc(110) structure. The magnetization of the PLD Fe films lies in-plane at low thickness (2 to 5 ML), and undergo a reversed spin reorientation switching to perpendicular at higher thickness