16 research outputs found
Symbolic interaction between students and teachers as a process of action and reaction involving an exchange of symbols. The symbols are formed and exchanged at the same time as the use of symbols in three levels, namely mind, self and society in symbolic interaction between mentally disabled students and teachers in special schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of mental retardation students and teachers in Special Schools. Descriptive qualitative research methods to explain phenomena accurately about existing facts. Data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews. Tunagrahita Teachers and Students in Special Schools become key informants in research, parents and closest friends become supporting informants. Data analysis technique is done by presenting data from Creswell. The theoretical foundation used in the research of Symbolic Interactionism from Mead. The results showed that the use of symbols in the mind, self and society level had an important role in the process of using symbols (manipulation and consumption) in the process of symbolic interaction. The conclusion of the research is the process of using symbols influenced by three levels of symbolic interaction, namely mind, self and society. Symbolic interaction at the level of society shows different levels according to the social and cultural background of students. Agreements that are built through symbolic interactions between teachers and students help students understand and understand social structures at school and at home, so they can constrain how they act and behave to suit other individuals.
The architecture of the middle ear in the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes Javanicus)
The small Indian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) is native to the Middle East, Iran and much of southern Asia. For this study the middle ears of a total of 6 adult small Indian mongooses, both fresh and museum samples were explored by using of dissection and plain radiography. On the one hand, at least in some species of the mongoose vocalisations and hearings play a critical role in coordinating behaviours. On the other hand, the ear region has provided useful character relevant for mammalian phylogeny. So, the aim of the present study is a brief discussion of the various anatomic particularities of the middle ear based on a combination of existing data and the results of the authors’ study in the small Indian mongoose
Ultrasonographic evaluation of normal scapula in the horse
Scapular fracture is rare in horse, but if happen can cause severe lameness. Due to overlapping of the contralateral scapula and thorax on the scapula, usually radiography is not helpful in its evaluation except in small amount of distal part. This study was intended to document the normal ultrasono-graphic appearance of the equine scapula. Right forelimbs of six horses were used. To facilitate image understanding, a zoning system was developed. Ultrasonography was performed using a 5–11 MHz linear array transducer. Ultrasonographic anatomy of scapula in different parts and planes was imaged and documented. This diagnostic imaging technique revealed a high potential in evaluating scapular surface and possible regional injuries. Ultrasonography could be considered an important addition to radiography in diagnosing fractures in the scapular region
Model pembelajaran kolaboratif aktif adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan interaksi antara siswa untuk saling berkolaborasi, berbagi pengetahuan, dan membangun pengetahuan bersama. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui implementasi desain pembelajaran berbasis kolaborasi dalam meningkatkan kreativitas siswa. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan isi analisis sedangkan pengumpulan datanya adalah observasi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pembelajaran kolaboratif menengkankan pada proses pembelajaran secara bersama-sama antar peserta didik. Senada dengan pendapat wiersma bahwa” pembelajaran kolaboratif adalah filosofi: kata raja tagether, membangun tagether, belajar tagether, meningkatkan tagether”. Pembelajaran kolaboratif memiliki filosofi belajar bersama, bekerja sama, membangun pengetahuan bersama, melakukan perubahan pengetahuan bersama, dan mengalami kerja sama bersama. (2) kelebihan dan kekurangan pembelajaran kolaboratif yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dan menumbuhkan semangat bekerja sama, belajar dari satu sama lain sebagai sebuah kelompok, sedangkan kekurangannya, jika guru tidak mengawasi proses tidak akan berjalan pencampuran, proses panjang dan melelahkan yang membutuh kan kesabaran tingkat tinggi, memiliki teman yang tidak mau bekerja sama memang sulit. (3) implementasinya Pembelajaran dengan sistem tradisional hasilya banyak siswa menjadi bosan dalam belajar sehingga menimbulkan ketidakfokusan siswa dalam menyimak materi yang
disampaikan, dan menyebabkan siswa menjadi kurang memahami materi belajarnya, sedangkan pembelajaran yang menggunakan desain kolaborasi cukup membantu siswa lebih kreatif dan lebih leluasa dalam menyampaikan pendapat mereka masing-masing.
Kata Kunci : desain pembelajaran berbasis kolaborasi, meningkatkan kreativitas siswa
Переход РФ к рыночной экономике в 1991 году сопровождался повышением смертности и снижением рождаемости, что привело к отрицательному приросту населения. Механизмы этого явления до конца не изучены. Настоящее исследование было проведено с целью анализа динамики смертности населения и вли-яния на нее социальных факторов за 1992-2012 годы. Демографические данные и показатели социального благополучия населения получены при анализе общедоступных баз данных. Было выявлено, что показатель денежных доходов населения, доля доходов от оплаты труда, индекс Джини не коррелировали с показателем общей смертности населения. Динамику, сходную с изменением общей смертности населения, имел пока-затель доли населения с доходами ниже прожиточного минимума, который коррелирует с уровнем бедности в стране. Построенные нами регрессионные модели зависимости смертности населения от доли населения ниже прожиточного минимума были достоверными, и их анализ позволил констатировать, что снижение доли населения ниже прожиточного минимума на 1 % соответствует снижению смертности населения от всех причин на 20-25 человек на 100 тысяч населения. В 2013 году вклад фактора бедности в смертность населения составил 30 %. Структурный анализ показал, что изменение смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и внешних причин соответствовало изменению доли населения с доходами ниже прожиточного минимума, тогда как для новообразований такой закономерности не регистрировалось. Проведенное нами исследование свидетельствует о роли социальных факторов в смертности и необходимости их учета при разработке государственных и региональных программ социального развития. Следует подчеркнуть, что для снижения смертности населения необходимо улучшение уровня жизни, использование мер поддержки социально неблагополучных слоёв общества. Ключевые слова: демография, социальные факторы, смертность населения INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL FACTORS ON POPULATION MORTALITY Burykin I.M., Khafi syanova R.K. Department of pharmacology, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, e-mail: [email protected] Transfer Russian Federation to the new economic system in 1991 raised mortality and decreased birth rate. As a result, from 1992 to 2012 growth population of Russia Federation was negative. The mechanism of this phenomenon do not clearly understood. This Investigation analyzed patterns of death rate changes for the period 1992-2012 years, the role of social factors in this process, correlation mortality rate and standard of living, poverty level. A retrospective study was based on data from national and WHO database. This research did not show correlation between mortality rate and money income of the country's population, the share of income from wage. Graphic analysis revealed identical patterns of changes population mortality and the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum. We produce a regression model for the period 1995-2001 и 2002-2013 years. Mathematical model shows that 1 % decrease the percentage of the population with incomes under the subsistence minimum correspond with decrease population mortality to 20-25 person on 100000 populations. In 2013 this social factor accounts for 30 % deaths in the Russian Federation. This survey discovered that the percentage of the population with incomes under the subsistence minimum correlated with cardiovascular mortality and deaths from external campaigns. No correlation found in mortality from neoplasms. This study demonstrated the role of social factor and poverty in population mortality. This factor must be considered in governments programs
Understanding the Factors Associated with Overprotective Parenting Behaviors in Latino Parents
Objective The current investigation examined whether parental psychopathology and psychosocial stress are related to overprotective parenting behaviors in a sample of Latino parents.
Background Scant literature exists on the relationship among psychosocial stress, parental psychopathology, and parental behaviors in Latino populations. Further, the literature has focused on parental behaviors as predictors and not as outcomes.
Method Sixty-four Latino parents participated in this study. Parents completed measures of psychosocial stress, psychopathology, and overprotective parenting behaviors. Regression analyses examined predictors of overprotective parenting behaviors consisting of control, supervision, and separation problems.
Results Findings showed that psychosocial stress predicted overprotective parenting behaviors. However, parental psychopathology had no effect on parental behaviors. Further analysis of psychosocial stress subscales indicated that immigration stress was associated with parental control and parental separation problems. With regard to subscales of parental psychopathology, parental hostility and parental depression were related to parental control.
Conclusion Latino parents\u27 use of controlling parenting behaviors seem to be associated with the level of stress they experience—in particular, immigration-related stress.
Implications These findings suggest the need for interventions that not only focus on teaching appropriate parenting techniques but that also address psychosocial stressors experienced by Latino parents to diminish the effect that immigration related stress has on their parenting practices