33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of X-ray/EUV Nanolithography Facility at AS Through Wavefront Propagation Simulations

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    Synchrotron light sources can provide the required spatial coherence, stability and control that is required to support the development of advanced lithography at the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavelengths that are relevant to current and future fabricating technologies. Here we present an evaluation of the optical performance of the soft X-ray (SXR) beamline of the Australian Synchrotron (AS) and its suitability for developing interference lithography using radiation in the 91.8 eV (13.5 nm) to 300 eV (4.13 nm) range. A comprehensive physical optics model of the APPLE-II undulator source and SXR beamline was constructed to simulate the properties of the illumination at the proposed location of a photomask, as a function of photon energy, collimation, and monochromator parameters. The model is validated using a combination of experimental measurements of the photon intensity distribution of the undulator harmonics. We show that the undulator harmonics intensity ratio can be accurately measured using an imaging detector and controlled using beamline optics. Finally, we evaluate photomask geometric constraints and achievable performance for the limiting case of fully spatially coherent illumination.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Preprint: submitted to Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 16/11/2

    The evolution of slate microfabrics during progressive accretion of foreland basin sediments

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    Here, we study slate microfabrics from the exhumed accretionary wedge of the central European Alps and focus on the development of foliation. High-resolution micrographs from novel BIB-SEM imaging and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy are analysed with 2D auto-correlation functions to quantify the geometry and spacing of slate microfabrics along a metamorphic gradient covering the outer and inner wedge (200–330 °C). The sedimentary layering primarily controls the morphology of the slate microfabrics. However, from outer to inner wedge, a fabric evolution is observed where diagenetic foliations gradually transform to secondary continuous and spaced foliations. With increasing metamorphic grade, the amount of recrystallized phyllosilicate grains and their interconnectivity increase, as does clast/microlithon elongation (aspect ratios up to 11), while foliation spacing decreases to 230 °C and accommodates background strain in the inner wedge. The evolving microstructural anisotropy is interpreted to lead to strain weakening by structural softening and may provide preferential fluid pathways parallel to the foliation, enabling the dehydration of large rock volumes in accretionary sediment wedges undergoing prograde metamorphism

    Diverse migration tactics of fishes within the large tropical Mekong River system

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    Fish often migrate to feed, reproduce and seek refuge from predators and prevailing environmental conditions. As a result, migration tactics often vary among species based on a diversity of life history needs, although variation within species is increasingly being recognised as important to population resilience. In this study, within- and among-species diversity in life history migratory tactics of six Mekong fish genera was examined using otolith microchemistry to explore diadromous and potamodromous traits. Two species were catadromous and one species was an estuarine resident, while the remaining three species were facultative in their migration strategies, with up to four tactics within a single species. Migrant and resident contingents co-existed within the same species. Management, conservation and mitigation strategies that maintain connectivity in large tropical rivers, such as effective fishway design, should consider a diversity of migration tactics at the individual level for improved outcomes

    Synchrotron multi-modal, multi-scale chemical and structural imaging of vein-bearing shales

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    The coupling between fluid transport, chemical reactions, and deformation constitutes one of the frontiers of geoscientific research. From an analytical perspective, a fundamental challenge is posed by the fact that sub-nanometre- to micrometre-scale structures play a vital role in the macroscopic (centimetre- to metre-scale) response of deforming, reacting, fluid-bearing rocks. Sample analysis with conventional laboratory techniques quickly becomes prohibitively expensive and laborious when more than four orders of magnitude in length scales need to be resolved. This issue is particularly challenging in very fine-grained rocks such as mylonites and shales.Here, we investigate calcite-vein-bearing shales to illustrate how synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy, ptychography, and small- and wide-angle transmission scattering can be used for the quantitative multi-scale analysis of micro- and nano-textures in rock. These analytical techniques are applied to thin sections or thin rock slabs on the centimetre-scale and provide information on length scales from hundreds of micrometres down to angstroms. Therefore, the considered array of synchrotron techniques covers up to eight orders of magnitude in length scale in terms of chemical and structural information. In our case study, we demonstrate how this suite of analytical techniques can be employed to reveal, for example, the relative timing of mineralisation events, trace-element chemistry, texture, and the structural width of fluid pathways such as grain boundaries

    The potential for two-dimensional crystallography of membrane proteins at future x-ray free-electron laser sources

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    Ultrashort pulses from x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources promise to assist in obtaining the structures of membrane proteins at high resolution. We have reconstructed the electron density distribution of a two-dimensional (2D) aquaporin crystal from simulated XFEL data using ptychography, a diffractive imaging technique based on multiple exposures. Increasing the number of exposures compensates for Poisson noise, indicating that the achievable resolution is limited by the reproducibility of the crystals. This technique should therefore be applicable at all future ultrashort-pulsed hard x-ray sources. \ua9 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Contrast mechanisms in scanning transmission x-ray microscopy

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    We present a derivation of the main contrast mechanisms accessible in scanning transmission x-ray microscopy with a pixel-array detector. We consider the effect of the probe defocus and show that it can produce strong differential absorption contrast. The effect of noise is derived and used to compare the relative merits of absorption and differential contrast imaging in various experimental conditions. We illustrate the main results with an experiment that combines a through-focus series with the near-edge signal of a cerium oxide sample. The measurements are seen to follow closely the derived contrast expressions, including the defocus-dependent differential absorption contrast. The analysis includes additional considerations about the application of principal component analysis on a through-focus image series. \ua9 2009 The American Physical Society

    Influence of Deformation and Fluids on Ti Exchange in Natural Quartz

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    Using a combination of microstructural, spectroscopic, and geochemical analyses, we investigate how subgrain rotation recrystallization and fluid migration affect Ti concentration [Ti] in naturally deformed quartz veins from the Prijakt Nappe (Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps). These coarse-grained quartz veins, that formed at amphibolite facies conditions, were overprinted by lower greenschist facies deformation to different degrees. During the overprint, subgrain rotation recrystallization was dominant during progressive deformation to ultramylonitic stages. The initial [Ti] (3.0–4.7 ppm) and cathodoluminescence (CL) signature of the vein crystals decrease during deformation mainly depending on the availability of fluids across the microstructure. The amount of strain played a subordinate role in resetting to lower [Ti] and corresponding darker CL shades. Using a microstructurally controlled analysis we find that the most complete re-equilibration in recrystallized aggregates ([Ti] of 0.2–0.6 p.m.) occurred (a) in strain shadows around quartz porphyroclasts, acting as fluid sinks, and (b) in localized microshear zones that channelized fluid percolation. [Ti] resetting is mainly observed along wetted high angle boundaries (misorientation angle >10–15°), with partial [Ti] resetting observed along dry low angle boundaries (<10–15°). This study shows for the first time that pure subgrain rotation recrystallization in combination with dissolution-precipitation under retrograde condition provide microstructural domains suitable for the application of titanium-in-quartz geothermobarometry at deformation temperatures down to 300–350°C.</p

    Coherent laser scanning diffraction microscopy

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    Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) is a promising approach to high-resolution x-ray microscopy. While CDI typically has a rather limited field of view, this problem can be solved by ptychography, a technique for which an extended object is raster scanned by a compact coherent illumination probe. Significant overlap of illumination for adjacent scan points allows then a self-consistent reconstruction from the entirety of collected coherent diffraction patterns. However, current reconstruction schemes require accurate a priori knowledge of the probe. Our recently developed new algorithm for ptychographic data sets allows us to simultaneously reconstruct both object and illuminating probe. We demonstrate the application of the new method in a test experiment with visible laser light showing that intricate illumination functions can be retrieved reliably. \ua9 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd