234 research outputs found

    Verbs of the Emotional States of Shame and Embarrassment in Russian: A Diachronic Aspect

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    The article was submitted on 17.03.2021.Актуальность исследования глаголов эмоциональных состояний стыда и стеснения в диахроническом аспекте обусловлена потребностью в расширении знаний о динамических изменениях в лексике, обозначающей эмоции, и о влиянии культурных и политических трансформаций на эти изменения. Хотя лингвистическое описание эмоциональных состояний стыда и стеснения получило достаточно основательное освещение в исследовательской литературе, диахроническим изменениям в значениях лексем, обозначающих эти состояния, уделялось мало внимания. Научная новизна представленной работы определяется тем, что в ней анализируются основные изменения в семантике глаголов стыда и стеснения, произошедшие в русском языке в XI–XXI вв., и факторы, которые вызвали эти изменения. Материалом для исследования послужили данные толковых словарей современного русского языка, исторических и этимологических словарей русского языка, а также данные Национального корпуса русского языка. Теоретическую основу исследования составили труды в области лингвистики эмоций. Основными методами исследования стали контекстуально-функциональный метод, а также этимологический анализ. Исследование показывает, что в процессе семантического развития глаголов стыда и стеснения в русском языке определяющими являются как общие тенденции к уменьшению многозначности семантически перегруженных языковых структур, так и тенденции к более точному и специализированному обозначению различных аспектов эмоциональных состояний. Демонстрируется, что в ходе изменения семантики наименований стыда и стеснения постепенно утратилась полисемия «подвергаться позору» / «испытывать чувство стыда», а также начала распадаться полисемия «испытывать чувство стыда» / «испытывать чувство стеснения». Описываются также основные типы семантической деривации, характерные для глаголов стыда и стеснения, выделяются наиболее устойчивые из них и наиболее типичные для русского языка.This article is devoted to the description of verbs of the emotional states of shame, embarrassment, and shyness in the diachronic aspect. The relevance of the research is due to the need to expand knowledge about the dynamic changes in the vocabulary of emotions, and the impact of cultural and political transformations on these changes. Although semantic differences in Russian expressions for shame-like emotional states have been well studied, diachronic changes in the meanings of these expressions have received little attention. The scholarly novelty of this work is determined by the fact that it examines the diachronic development of the verbs for these emotional states, which occurred in the Russian language in the eleventh–twenty-first centuries, and the factors that caused these changes. The data have been collected from explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, etymological dictionaries, and historical dictionaries of different ages and coverage, as well as the National Russian electronic corpora. The material for the study was data from explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language, historical, and etymological dictionaries of the Russian language, as well as data from the National Corpus of the Russian language. The theoretical basis of this research was formed by works in the field of the linguistics of emotions and linguistic culture. The main research methods were the contextual-functional method, as well as etymological analysis. This study demonstrates that in the process of the semantic development of the verbs of shame and embarrassment in the Russian language, both general tendencies towards a decrease in the polysemy of semantically overloaded linguistic structures and tendencies towards a more accurate and precise labelling of various aspects of emotional states play an important role. It is shown that during the semantic development of words denoting shame and embarrassment, the polysemy “to be shameful” / “to feel shame” was gradually lost and the polysemy “to be ashamed” / “to be embarrassed” decreased in use. The article also describes the main patterns of semantic derivation that are typical of verbs of shame and embarrassment, which appear in the Russian language of different centuries

    Investigating Differences between Graphical and Textual Declarative Process Models

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    Declarative approaches to business process modeling are regarded as well suited for highly volatile environments, as they enable a high degree of flexibility. However, problems in understanding declarative process models often impede their adoption. Particularly, a study revealed that aspects that are present in both imperative and declarative process modeling languages at a graphical level-while having different semantics-cause considerable troubles. In this work we investigate whether a notation that does not contain graphical lookalikes, i.e., a textual notation, can help to avoid this problem. Even though a textual representation does not suffer from lookalikes, in our empirical study it performed worse in terms of error rate, duration and mental effort, as the textual representation forces the reader to mentally merge the textual information. Likewise, subjects themselves expressed that the graphical representation is easier to understand

    Learners in a Changing Learning Landscape: Reflections from an Instructional Design Perspective

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    Van Merriënboer, J. J. G., & Stoyanov, S. (2008). Learners in a changing learning landscape: Reflections from an instructional design perspective. In J. Visser & M. Visser-Valfrey (Eds.), Learners in a changing learning landscape: Reflections from a dialogue on new roles and expectations (pp. 69-90). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.Both learners and teachers find themselves in a learning landscape that is rapidly changing, along with fast societal and technological developments. This paper discusses the new learning landscape from an instructional design perspective. First, with regard to what is learned, people more than ever need flexible problem-solving and reasoning skills allowing them to deal with new, unfamiliar problem situations in their professional and everyday life. Second, with regard to the context in which learning takes place, learning in technology-rich, informal and professional 24/7 settings is becoming general practice. And third, with regard to the learners themselves, they can more often be characterized as lifelong learners who are mature, bring relevant prior knowledge, and have very heterogeneous expectations and perceptions of learning. High-quality instructional design research should focus on the question which instructional methods and media-method combinations are effective, efficient and appealing in this new learning landscape. Some innovative instructional methods that meet this requirement are discussed

    ELF5 modulates the estrogen receptor cistrome in breast cancer.

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    Acquired resistance to endocrine therapy is responsible for half of the therapeutic failures in the treatment of breast cancer. Recent findings have implicated increased expression of the ETS transcription factor ELF5 as a potential modulator of estrogen action and driver of endocrine resistance, and here we provide the first insight into the mechanisms by which ELF5 modulates estrogen sensitivity. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing we found that ELF5 binding overlapped with FOXA1 and ER at super enhancers, enhancers and promoters, and when elevated, caused FOXA1 and ER to bind to new regions of the genome, in a pattern that replicated the alterations to the ER/FOXA1 cistrome caused by the acquisition of resistance to endocrine therapy. RNA sequencing demonstrated that these changes altered estrogen-driven patterns of gene expression, the expression of ER transcription-complex members, and 6 genes known to be involved in driving the acquisition of endocrine resistance. Using rapid immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry of endogenous proteins, and proximity ligation assays, we found that ELF5 interacted physically with members of the ER transcription complex, such as DNA-PKcs. We found 2 cases of endocrine-resistant brain metastases where ELF5 levels were greatly increased and ELF5 patterns of gene expression were enriched, compared to the matched primary tumour. Thus ELF5 alters ER-driven gene expression by modulating the ER/FOXA1 cistrome, by interacting with it, and by modulating the expression of members of the ER transcriptional complex, providing multiple mechanisms by which ELF5 can drive endocrine resistance

    E-learning interventions are comparable to user's manual in a randomized trial of training strategies for the AGREE II

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Practice guidelines (PGs) are systematically developed statements intended to assist in patient and practitioner decisions. The AGREE II is the revised tool for PG development, reporting, and evaluation, comprised of 23 items, two global rating scores, and a new User's Manual. In this study, we sought to develop, execute, and evaluate the impact of two internet interventions designed to accelerate the capacity of stakeholders to use the AGREE II.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were randomized to one of three training conditions. 'Tutorial'--participants proceeded through the online tutorial with a virtual coach and reviewed a PDF copy of the AGREE II. 'Tutorial + Practice Exercise'--in addition to the Tutorial, participants also appraised a 'practice' PG. For the practice PG appraisal, participants received feedback on how their scores compared to expert norms and formative feedback if scores fell outside the predefined range. <it>'</it>AGREE II User's Manual PDF (control condition)'<it>--</it>participants reviewed a PDF copy of the AGREE II only. All participants evaluated a test PG using the AGREE II. Outcomes of interest were learners' performance, satisfaction, self-efficacy, mental effort, time-on-task, and perceptions of AGREE II.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No differences emerged between training conditions on any of the outcome measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We believe these results can be explained by better than anticipated performance of the AGREE II PDF materials (control condition) or the participants' level of health methodology and PG experience rather than the failure of the online training interventions. Some data suggest the online tools may be useful for trainees new to this field; however, this requires further study.</p

    Electrocortical evidence for long-term incidental spatial learning through modified navigation instructions

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. The use of Navigation Assistance Systems for spatial orienting has become increasingly popular. Such automated navigation support, however, comes with a reduced processing of the surrounding environment and often with a decline of spatial orienting ability. To prevent such deskilling and to support spatial learning, the present study investigated incidental spatial learning by comparing standard navigation instructions with two modified navigation instruction conditions. The first modified instruction condition highlighted landmarks and provided additional redundant information regarding the landmark (contrast condition), while the second highlighted landmarks and included information of personal interest to the participant (personal-reference condition). Participants’ spatial knowledge of the previously unknown virtual city was tested three weeks later. Behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) data demonstrated enhanced spatial memory performance for participants in the modified navigation instruction conditions without further differentiating between modified instructions. Recognition performance of landmarks was better and the late positive complex of the event-related potential (ERP) revealed amplitude differences reflecting an increased amount of recollected information for modified navigation instructions. The results indicate a significant long-term spatial learning effect when landmarks are highlighted during navigation instructions

    Towards a framework for attention cueing in instructional animations: Guidelines for research and design

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    This paper examines the transferability of successful cueing approaches from text and static visualization research to animations. Theories of visual attention and learning as well as empirical evidence for the instructional effectiveness of attention cueing are reviewed and, based on Mayer’s theory of multimedia learning, a framework was developed for classifying three functions for cueing: (1) selection—cues guide attention to specific locations, (2) organization—cues emphasize structure, and (3) integration—cues explicate relations between and within elements. The framework was used to structure the discussion of studies on cueing in animations. It is concluded that attentional cues may facilitate the selection of information in animations and sometimes improve learning, whereas organizational and relational cueing requires more consideration on how to enhance understanding. Consequently, it is suggested to develop cues that work in animations rather than borrowing effective cues from static representations. Guidelines for future research on attention cueing in animations are presented