150 research outputs found

    Analytic calculation of energies and wave functions of the quartic and pure quartic oscillators

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    Ground state energies and wave functions of quartic and pure quartic oscillators are calculated by first casting the Schr\"{o}dinger equation into a nonlinear Riccati form and then solving that nonlinear equation analytically in the first iteration of the quasilinearization method (QLM). In the QLM the nonlinear differential equation is solved by approximating the nonlinear terms by a sequence of linear expressions. The QLM is iterative but not perturbative and gives stable solutions to nonlinear problems without depending on the existence of a smallness parameter. Our explicit analytic results are then compared with exact numerical and also with WKB solutions and it is found that our ground state wave functions, using a range of small to large coupling constants, yield a precision of between 0.1 and 1 percent and are more accurate than WKB solutions by two to three orders of magnitude. In addition, our QLM wave functions are devoid of unphysical turning point singularities and thus allow one to make analytical estimates of how variation of the oscillator parameters affects physical systems that can be described by the quartic and pure quartic oscillators.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Determining reliability functions of steam turbine in power plant 'Nikola Tesla, block a4'

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    Determination of reliability indicators of steam turbine system in the thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla, Block A4'during useful life period is based on a ten-year operational database. By implementation of mathematical theory of reliability to exploitation research data and using simple and complex two-parameter Weibull distribution, the theoretical reliability functions of the considered system are determined. The graphical method is applied to quantitatively determine reliability indicators. Obtained probabilistic laws of failure density and failure rate, according to which the random variable behaves, do not coincide completely with empirical distributions, regardless of whether the theoretical functions are obtained by simple or complex Weibull distribution

    Analisis Transmisi Harga Dunia Kakao Biji ke Tingkat Petani Desa Simpang II Kecamatan Simpang Raya Kabupaten Banggai Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    The aims of this study were to identify the form of price relationship at different level of cocoa bean markets from the world market to the farmer market, to analyse the integration of the cocoa bean markets, and to analyse the transmission elasticity of cacao bean price. The location of this study was purposively selected. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling. There were 30 farmers interviewed. Analysis model used was regression and correlation analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the form of price relationship between the world market and the farmer market depend on market structures. These relationships involved some market levels, from the world markets, Indonesian markets, Palu central market, regency market to farmer market. Results of the analysis on the form of cacao bean price relationship between the world market and the farmer market was positive and significant. Integration of world cacao bean markets and farmer markets in Simpang II village was strong and significant. This was indicated by a high correlation value, in average r = 0.895. Regression coefficient (Ī²) was less than one which means that the trasmission elasticity of cacao bean prices from the world markets to farmer markets was inelastic. Therefore, market structures formed was unfully competitive markets. However, the transmission elasticity of the cacao bean price was still high

    Determining reliability functions of steam turbine in power plant 'Nikola Tesla, block a4'

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    Determination of reliability indicators of steam turbine system in the thermal power plant 'Nikola Tesla, Block A4'during useful life period is based on a ten-year operational database. By implementation of mathematical theory of reliability to exploitation research data and using simple and complex two-parameter Weibull distribution, the theoretical reliability functions of the considered system are determined. The graphical method is applied to quantitatively determine reliability indicators. Obtained probabilistic laws of failure density and failure rate, according to which the random variable behaves, do not coincide completely with empirical distributions, regardless of whether the theoretical functions are obtained by simple or complex Weibull distribution

    Analisis Margin Pemasaran Telur Ayam Ras pada USAha Peternakan ā€œCahaya Aris Manisā€ di Desa Langaleso Kecamatan Dolo Kabupaten Sigi

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the marketing channels, marketing margin, part of the price received by farmers and marketing efficiency. Determination of the respondents to the farm was done intentionally (purposive). Total respondents two people consisting of 1 leader and 1 employee with the consideration that the respondents have to know the flow of the marketing of the products produced. Respondent traders used assessment method (Tracing Method), in order to obtain each 2 collectors and 1 retailers. The results showed that there are two channels of marketing eggs in the effort "breeder laying hens on the farm" Aris Light Sweet "as follows: 1). Breeders - Traders Gatherer - Retailer - Consumer. 2). Breeders - Traders Gatherer/retailer - Consumer. Margin on the first channel of IDR.9,600 and a second channel IDR.5,400. Section prices received by farmers in the first marketing channel by 91% and the second channel by 93%. Section prices received by farmers on the second channel ar greater, with the efficiency of 4,5%. Compared with the first channel with the efficiency of 4,7%. The results also showed that the efficiency of the marketing channels more efficiently

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Input Produksi pada USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Posona Kecamatan Kasimbar Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    This research aims to determine the efficiency of use of inputs of land, seed, fertilizer, labor, and pesticides on the farm production of paddy in Posona village, Kasimbar District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This research was conducted in December 2015.The data used in this study derived from primary and secondary data. The number of respondents used as many as 34 farmers were selected using simple random sampling technique.The analysis used is the Cobb Douglas production function analysis.The results showed that simultaneous independent variable (Xi) has significant effect on the dependent variable (Y) except the variable oflabor (X4), and pesticides (X5). Aspartial, land area (X1), seeds (X2), and fertilizers (X3), significantly affect the production of paddy in the Village Posona, Kasimbar District Parigi Moutong Regency, with the value of sig 0.000 <0.05 in Ī± 5%. Analysis of efficiency showsed that the total value (k) of the variable land area (X1), seeds (X2), fertilizers (X3) labor (X4) and pesticides (X5), was greater than 1, it mean that all production inputs used in farming rice paddy in the village of Posona,in terms of the price of each input is expressed not efficient production except labor variable (X4) and Pesticides (X3) having a value of 0:01 and 0 which is smaller than 1 so inefficient

    Experience with developing antibiotic stewardship programmes in Serbia : potential model for other Balkan countries?

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    Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and inappropriate use of antibiotics in children are important issues. Consequently, there is a need to develop comprehensive stewardship programmes even in hospitals with limited resources starting with childrenā€™s hospitals. Method: Retrospective observational analysis of antimicrobial utilization and resistance patterns over five years in a tertiary care childrenā€™s hospital in Serbia. Results: Cumulative AMR decreased but were still high, with high cumulative resistance rates among the most widely used antibiotics in the hospital. Total antibiotic use decreased from 2010 to 2014 although there was still high prescribing of reserved antibiotics. Conclusion: Concerns with inappropriate use, and high resistance rates, among some antibiotics used in the hospital are being used to develop guidance on future antibiotic use in this hospital, building on the recently introduced antibiotic stewardship programme, as well as encourage other hospitals in Serbia to review their policies

    Experimental and numerical study of temperature field during hard-facing of different carbon steels

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    In this research the 3-D transient non-linear thermal analysis of the hard-facing process was performed by using the experimental testing and finite element method. Testing was done at three different carbon steels and the obtained results were compared to one obtained by empirical formulas and welding recommendations. Experimental testing was done on hard faced specimens (plates) with different thickness. Temperatures and temperature cycles was measured by using thermocouples in order to determine maximal temperature and cooling time between 800 degrees C and 500 degrees C. After experimental testing the finite element method analysis was done. The simulations were executed on the open source platform Salome using the open source finite element solver Code Aster. The Gaussian double ellipsoid was selected in order to enable greater possibilities for the calculation of the moving heat source. The numerical results were compared with available experimental and mathematical results

    Experimental and numerical study of temperature field during hard-facing of different carbon steels

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    In this research the 3-D transient non-linear thermal analysis of the hard-facing process was performed by using the experimental testing and finite element method. Testing was done at three different carbon steels and the obtained results were compared to one obtained by empirical formulas and welding recommendations. Experimental testing was done on hard faced specimens (plates) with different thickness. Temperatures and temperature cycles was measured by using thermocouples in order to determine maximal temperature and cooling time between 800 degrees C and 500 degrees C. After experimental testing the finite element method analysis was done. The simulations were executed on the open source platform Salome using the open source finite element solver Code Aster. The Gaussian double ellipsoid was selected in order to enable greater possibilities for the calculation of the moving heat source. The numerical results were compared with available experimental and mathematical results

    Estimating trade elasticities for South Africaā€™s agricultural commodities for use in policy modelling

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    The computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is often used to analyse the effects of policy changes because of its ability to capture multi-sectoral inter-linkages within the economy. The results of a CGE analysis largely depend on the database, policy shock and elasticities. Trade elasticities, such as the Armington elasticities, play a central role in CGE models to determine the demand substitution between commodities from different sources as a result of changes in relative prices. Because of their role, modellers are keen to know the correct elasticities for use in CGE models. Despite their importance, elasticities for South African agricultural commodities are outdated, leaving researchers to rely on value judgements. We address this limitation by estimating the Armington and export supply elasticities for individual and aggregate agricultural commodities using updated time-series data (1980ā€“2016). The results for the two sets of trade elasticities show that estimates for an aggregate agriculture tend to be inelastic compared to estimates for an individual product, indicating a higher sensitivity of products to relative price changes. The Armington estimates were found to be closer to unity for the majority of products, suggesting that agricultural imports are imperfect substitutes for domestic products. The export supply elasticities for grains were found to be more elastic than for fruit and meat, implying that domestic grain production is relatively more responsive to price changes in the export markets. The long-run estimates for the two sets of elasticities were found to be larger than the short-run estimates for all agricultural products.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ragr202020-04-09hj2018Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural DevelopmentEconomic
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