78 research outputs found

    Analytical Processing of Binary Mixture Information by Olfactory Bulb Glomeruli

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    Odors are rarely composed of a single compound, but rather contain a large and complex variety of chemical components. Often, these mixtures are perceived as having unique qualities that can be quite different than the combination of their components. In many cases, a majority of the components of a mixture cannot be individually identified. This synthetic processing of odor information suggests that individual component representations of the mixture must interact somewhere along the olfactory pathway. The anatomical nature of sensory neuron input into segregated glomeruli with the bulb suggests that initial input of odor information into the bulb is analytic. However, a large network of interneurons within the olfactory bulb could allow for mixture interactions via mechanisms such as lateral inhibition. Currently in mammals, it is unclear if postsynaptic mitral/tufted cell glomerular mixture responses reflect the analytical mixture input, or provide the initial basis for synthetic processing with the olfactory system. To address this, olfactory bulb glomerular binary mixture representations were compared to representations of each component using transgenic mice expressing the calcium indicator G-CaMP2 in olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. Overall, dorsal surface mixture representations showed little mixture interaction and often appeared as a simple combination of the component representations. Based on this, it is concluded that dorsal surface glomerular mixture representations remain largely analytical with nearly all component information preserved

    Echoic memory of a single pure tone indexed by change-related brain activity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The rapid detection of sensory change is important to survival. The process should relate closely to memory since it requires that the brain separate a new stimulus from an ongoing background or past event. Given that sensory memory monitors current sensory status and works to pick-up changes in real-time, any change detected by this system should evoke a change-related cortical response. To test this hypothesis, we examined whether the single presentation of a sound is enough to elicit a change-related cortical response, and therefore, shape a memory trace enough to separate a subsequent stimulus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Under a paradigm where two pure sounds 300 ms in duration and 800 or 840 Hz in frequency were presented in a specific order at an even probability, cortical responses to each sound were measured with magnetoencephalograms. Sounds were grouped to five events regardless of their frequency, 1D, 2D, and 3D (a sound preceded by one, two, or three different sounds), and 1S and 2S (a sound preceded by one or two same sounds). Whereas activation in the planum temporale did not differ among events, activation in the superior temporal gyrus (STG) was clearly greater for the different events (1D, 2D, 3D) than the same event (1S and 2S).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>One presentation of a sound is enough to shape a memory trace for comparison with a subsequent physically different sound and elicits change-related cortical responses in the STG. The STG works as a real-time sensory gate open to a new event.</p

    Odor Fear Conditioning Modifies Piriform Cortex Local Field Potentials Both during Conditioning and during Post-Conditioning Sleep

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    BACKGROUND: Sleep plays an active role in memory consolidation. Sleep structure (REM/Slow wave activity [SWS]) can be modified after learning, and in some cortical circuits, sleep is associated with replay of the learned experience. While the majority of this work has focused on neocortical and hippocampal circuits, the olfactory system may offer unique advantages as a model system for exploring sleep and memory, given the short, non-thalamic pathway from nose to primary olfactory (piriform cortex), and rapid cortex-dependent odor learning. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined piriform cortical odor responses using local field potentials (LFPs) from freely behaving Long-Evans hooded rats over the sleep-wake cycle, and the neuronal modifications that occurred within the piriform cortex both during and after odor-fear conditioning. We also recorded LFPs from naΓ―ve animals to characterize sleep activity in the piriform cortex and to analyze transient odor-evoked cortical responses during different sleep stages. NaΓ―ve rats in their home cages spent 40% of their time in SWS, during which the piriform cortex was significantly hypo-responsive to odor stimulation compared to awake and REM sleep states. Rats trained in the paired odor-shock conditioning paradigm developed enhanced conditioned odor evoked gamma frequency activity in the piriform cortex over the course of training compared to pseudo-conditioned rats. Furthermore, conditioned rats spent significantly more time in SWS immediately post-training both compared to pre-training days and compared to pseudo-conditioned rats. The increase in SWS immediately after training significantly correlated with the duration of odor-evoked freezing the following day. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The rat piriform cortex is hypo-responsive to odors during SWS which accounts for nearly 40% of each 24 hour period. The duration of slow-wave activity in the piriform cortex is enhanced immediately post-conditioning, and this increase is significantly correlated with subsequent memory performance. Together, these results suggest the piriform cortex may go offline during SWS to facilitate consolidation of learned odors with reduced external interference

    Parallel Odor Processing by Two Anatomically Distinct Olfactory Bulb Target Structures

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    The olfactory cortex encompasses several anatomically distinct regions each hypothesized to provide differential representation and processing of specific odors. Studies exploring whether or not the diversity of olfactory bulb input to olfactory cortices has functional meaning, however, are lacking. Here we tested whether two anatomically major olfactory cortical structures, the olfactory tubercle (OT) and piriform cortex (PCX), differ in their neural representation and processing dynamics of a small set of diverse odors by performing in vivo extracellular recordings from the OT and PCX of anesthetized mice. We found a wealth of similarities between structures, including odor-evoked response magnitudes, breadth of odor tuning, and odor-evoked firing latencies. In contrast, only few differences between structures were found, including spontaneous activity rates and odor signal-to-noise ratios. These results suggest that despite major anatomical differences in innervation by olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells, the basic features of odor representation and processing, at least within this limited odor set, are similar within the OT and PCX. We predict that the olfactory code follows a distributed processing stream in transmitting behaviorally and perceptually-relevant information from low-level stations

    Effects of odor on emotion, with implications.

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    The sense of smell is found widely in the animal kingdom. Human and animal studies show that odor perception is modulated by experience and/or physiological state (such as hunger), and that some odors can arouse emotion, and can lead to the recall of emotional memories. Further, odors can influence psychological and physiological states. Individual odorants are mapped via gene-specified receptors to corresponding glomeruli in the olfactory bulb, which directly projects to the piriform cortex and the amygdala without a thalamic relay. The odors to which a glomerulus responds reflect the chemical structure of the odorant. The piriform cortex and the amygdala both project to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) which with the amygdala is involved in emotion and associative learning, and to the entorhinal/hippocampal system which is involved in long-term memory including episodic memory. Evidence that some odors can modulate emotion and cognition is described, and the possible implications for the treatment of psychological problems, for example in reducing the effects of stress, are considered

    Separate encoding of identity and similarity of complex familiar odors in piriform cortex.

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    Piriform cortical circuits are hypothesized to form perceptions from responses to specific odorant features, but the anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) and posterior piriform cortex (pPCX) differ markedly in their anatomical organization, differences that could lead to distinct roles in odor encoding. Here, we tested whether experience with a complex odorant mixture would modify encoding of the mixture and its components in aPCX and pPCX. Rats were exposed to an odorant mixture and its components in a go/no-go rewarded odor discrimination task. After reaching behavioral performance criterion, single-unit recordings were made from the aPCX and pPCX in these rats and in odor-naΓ―ve, control, urethane-anesthetized rats. After odor experience, aPCX neurons were more narrowly tuned to the test odorants, and there was a decorrelation in aPCX population responses to the mixture and its components, suggesting a more distinct encoding of the familiar mixture from its components. In contrast, pPCX neurons were more broadly tuned to the familiar odorants, and pPCX population responses to the mixture and its components became more highly correlated, suggesting a pPCX encoding of similarity between familiar stimuli. The results suggest aPCX and pPCX play different roles in the processing of familiar odors and are consistent with an experience-dependent encoding (perceptual learning) of synthetic odorant identity in aPCX and an experience-dependent encoding of odor similarity or odor quality in pPCX

    Olfactory cortical adaptation facilitates detection of odors against background.

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    Detection and discrimination of odors generally, if not always, occurs against an odorous background. On any given inhalation, olfactory receptor neurons will be activated by features of both the target odorant and features of background stimuli. To identify a target odorant against a background therefore, the olfactory system must be capable of grouping a subset of features into an odor object distinct from the background. Our previous work has suggested that rapid homosynaptic depression of afferents to the anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) contributes to both cortical odor adaptation to prolonged stimulation and habituation of simple odor-evoked behaviors. We hypothesize here that this process may also contribute to figure-ground separation of a target odorant from background stimulation. Single-unit recordings were made from both mitral/tufted cells and aPCX neurons in urethan-anesthetized rats and mice. Single-unit responses to odorant stimuli and their binary mixtures were determined. One of the odorants was randomly selected as the background and presented for 50 s. Forty seconds after the onset of the background stimulus, the second target odorant was presented, producing a binary mixture. The results suggest that mitral/tufted cells continue to respond to the background odorant and, when the target odorant is presented, had response magnitudes similar to that evoked by the binary mixture. In contrast, aPCX neurons filter out the background stimulus while maintaining responses to the target stimulus. Thus the aPCX acts as a filter driven most strongly by changing stimuli, providing a potential mechanism for olfactory figure-ground separation and selective reading of olfactory bulb output

    Effects of reversible block of callosal afferent inputs on the response characteristics of single neurons in the cortical taste area in rats.

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    We examined the change in magnitude of the taste responses of single neurons in the cortical taste area (CTA) in one side by reversibly blocking the CTA in the other side with a local anesthetic, procaine-HCl, in urethane-anesthetized rats. Taste responses of 68 taste neurons were continuously recorded for up to 2 h until recovery from the treatment, and those in 50 of them were found to be affected significantly. No remarkable difference was noted in the spatial distribution of the affected and non-affected neurons in the CTA. Many of the affected neurons were located in layers IV and V of area GI and in layer V of area DI. In most cases, changes in the taste responses of single neurons were in one direction, i.e., either a decrease or an increase, but in a few cases they decreased or increased depending on the stimulus. The taste profile of callosal inputs was estimated by subtracting responses after treatment from the control responses before treatment. The results suggest that the CTAs on both sides are functionally connected by way of callosal fibers as anatomical studies indicate, and that the CTA in one side receives excitatory or inhibitory inputs from the other side

    Effects of reversible block of callosal afferent inputs on the response characteristics of single neurons in the cortical taste area in rats.

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    We examined the change in magnitude of the taste responses of single neurons in the cortical taste area (CTA) in one side by reversibly blocking the CTA in the other side with a local anesthetic, procaine-HCl, in urethane-anesthetized rats. Taste responses of 68 taste neurons were continuously recorded for up to 2 h until recovery from the treatment, and those in 50 of them were found to be affected significantly. No remarkable difference was noted in the spatial distribution of the affected and non-affected neurons in the CTA. Many of the affected neurons were located in layers IV and V of area GI and in layer V of area DI. In most cases, changes in the taste responses of single neurons were in one direction, i.e., either a decrease or an increase, but in a few cases they decreased or increased depending on the stimulus. The taste profile of callosal inputs was estimated by subtracting responses after treatment from the control responses before treatment. The results suggest that the CTAs on both sides are functionally connected by way of callosal fibers as anatomical studies indicate, and that the CTA in one side receives excitatory or inhibitory inputs from the other side
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