3,675 research outputs found

    Quantum state reconstruction via continuous measurement

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    We present a new procedure for quantum state reconstruction based on weak continuous measurement of an ensemble average. By applying controlled evolution to the initial state new information is continually mapped onto the measured observable. A Bayesian filter is then used to update the state-estimate in accordance with the measurement record. This generalizes the standard paradigm for quantum tomography based on strong, destructive measurements on separate ensembles. This approach to state estimation can be non-destructive and real-time, giving information about observables whose evolution cannot be described classically, opening the door to new types of quantum feedback control.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pioneer 10 and Voyager observations of the interstellar medium in scattered emission of the He584 A and H Lya 1216 A lines

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    The combination of Pioneer photometric and Voyager spectrometric observations of EUV interstellar-interplanetary emissions in the region beyond 5 A was applied to a determination of atomic hydrogen and helium densities. These density estimates obtained from direct measurement of scattered radiation depend on absolute calibration of the instruments in the same way as other earlier determinations based on the same method. However, the spacecraft data were combined with daily full sun averages of the H Lyman 1216 A line obtained by the Solar Mesospheric Explorer satellite to obtain a measure of atomic hydrogen density independent of instrument absolute calibration. The method depends on observations of long and short term temporal variability of the solar line over a one year period, and the fact that the ISM is optically thick. The density estimates from preliminary work on these observations are H = 0.12 cu cm and H = .016 cu cm, giving a density ratio close to the cosmic abundance value in contrast to some earlier results indicating a depletion of atomic hydrogen. Estimates were obtained of galactic background emissions in the signals of both spacecraft

    Strongly Enhanced Spin Squeezing via Quantum Control

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    We describe a new approach to spin squeezing based on a double-pass Faraday interaction between an optical probe and an optically dense atomic sample. A quantum eraser is used to remove residual spin-probe entanglement, thereby realizing a single-axis twisting unitary map on the collective spin. This interaction can be phase-matched, resulting in exponential enhancement of squeezing. In practice the scaling and peak squeezing depends on decoherence, technical loss, and noise. A simplified model indicates ~10 dB of squeezing should be achievable with current laboratory parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures

    TGF beta type II receptor signaling controls Schwann cell death and proliferation in developing nerves

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    During development, Schwann cell numbers are precisely adjusted to match the number of axons. It is essentially unknown which growth factors or receptors carry out this important control in vivo. Here, we tested whether the type II transforming growth factor (TGF)beta receptor has a role in this process. We generated a conditional knock-out mouse in which the type II TGF beta receptor is specifically ablated only in Schwann cells. Inactivation of the receptor, evident at least from embryonic day 18, resulted in suppressed Schwann cell death in normally developing and injured nerves. Notably, the mutants also showed a strong reduction in Schwann cell proliferation. Consequently, Schwann cell numbers in wild-type and mutant nerves remained similar. Lack of TGF beta signaling did not appear to affect other processes in which TGF beta had been implicated previously, including myelination and response of adult nerves to injury. This is the first in vivo evidence for a growth factor receptor involved in promoting Schwann cell division during development and the first genetic evidence for a receptor that controls normal developmental Schwann cell death

    Detrimental adsorbate fields in experiments with cold Rydberg gases near surfaces

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    We observe the shift of Rydberg levels of rubidium close to a copper surface when atomic clouds are repeatedly deposited on it. We measure transition frequencies of rubidium to S and D Rydberg states with principal quantum numbers n between 31 and 48 using the technique of electromagnetically induced transparency. The spectroscopic measurement shows a strong increase of electric fields towards the surface that evolves with the deposition of atoms. Starting with a clean surface, we measure the evolution of electrostatic fields in the range between 30 and 300 \mum from the surface. We find that after the deposition of a few hundred atomic clouds, each containing ~10^6 atoms, the field of adsorbates reaches 1 V/cm for a distance of 30 \mum from the surface. This evolution of the electrostatic field sets serious limitations on cavity QED experiments proposed for Rydberg atoms on atom chips.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A lattice of double wells for manipulating pairs of cold atoms

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    We describe the design and implementation of a 2D optical lattice of double wells suitable for isolating and manipulating an array of individual pairs of atoms in an optical lattice. Atoms in the square lattice can be placed in a double well with any of their four nearest neighbors. The properties of the double well (the barrier height and relative energy offset of the paired sites) can be dynamically controlled. The topology of the lattice is phase stable against phase noise imparted by vibrational noise on mirrors. We demonstrate the dynamic control of the lattice by showing the coherent splitting of atoms from single wells into double wells and observing the resulting double-slit atom diffraction pattern. This lattice can be used to test controlled neutral atom motion among lattice sites and should allow for testing controlled two-qubit gates.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The structural and functional integrity of peripheral nerves depends on the glial-derived signal desert hedgehog

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    We show that desert hedgehog ( dhh), a signaling molecule expressed by Schwann cells, is essential for the structural and functional integrity of the peripheral nerve. Dhh-null nerves display multiple abnormalities that affect myelinating and nonmyelinating Schwann cells, axons, and vasculature and immune cells. Myelinated fibers of these mice have a significantly increased ( more than two times) number of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures ( SLIs), and connexin 29, a molecular component of SLIs, is strongly upregulated. Crossing dhh-null mice with myelin basic protein ( MBP)-deficient shiverer mice, which also have increased SLI numbers, results in further increased SLIs, suggesting that Dhh and MBP control SLIs by different mechanisms. Unmyelinated fibers are also affected, containing many fewer axons per Schwann cell in transverse profiles, whereas the total number of unmyelinated axons is reduced by approximately one-third. In dhh-null mice, the blood-nerve barrier is permeable and neutrophils and macrophage numbers are elevated, even in uninjured nerves. Dhh-null nerves also lack the largest-diameter myelinated fibers, have elevated numbers of degenerating myelinated axons, and contain regenerating fibers. Transected dhh nerves degenerate faster than wild-type controls. This demonstrates that a single identified glial signal, Dhh, plays a critical role in controlling the integrity of peripheral nervous tissue, in line with its critical role in nerve sheath development ( Parmantier et al., 1999). The complexity of the defects raises a number of important questions about the Dhh-dependent cell-cell signaling network in peripheral nerves

    Bloch Structures in a Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A rotating Bose-Einstein condensate is shown to exhibit a Bloch band structure without the need of periodic potential. Vortices enter the condensate by a mechanism similar to the Bragg reflection, if the frequency of a rotating drive or the strength of interaction is adiabatically changed. A localized state analogous to a gap soliton in a periodic system is predicted near the edge of the Brillouin zone.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Dimensional Crossover in Bragg Scattering from an Optical Lattice

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    We study Bragg scattering at 1D optical lattices. Cold atoms are confined by the optical dipole force at the antinodes of a standing wave generated inside a laser-driven high-finesse cavity. The atoms arrange themselves into a chain of pancake-shaped layers located at the antinodes of the standing wave. Laser light incident on this chain is partially Bragg-reflected. We observe an angular dependence of this Bragg reflection which is different to what is known from crystalline solids. In solids the scattering layers can be taken to be infinitely spread (3D limit). This is not generally true for an optical lattice consistent of a 1D linear chain of point-like scattering sites. By an explicit structure factor calculation we derive a generalized Bragg condition, which is valid in the intermediate regime. This enables us to determine the aspect ratio of the atomic lattice from the angular dependance of the Bragg scattered light.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Three-dimensional light-matter interface for collective spin squeezing in atomic ensembles

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    We study the three-dimensional nature of the quantum interface between an ensemble of cold, trapped atomic spins and a paraxial laser beam, coupled through a dispersive interaction. To achieve strong entanglement between the collective atomic spin and the photons, one must match the spatial mode of the collective radiation of the ensemble with the mode of the laser beam while minimizing the effects of decoherence due to optical pumping. For ensembles coupling to a probe field that varies over the extent of the cloud, the set of atoms that indistinguishably radiates into a desired mode of the field defines an inhomogeneous spin wave. Strong coupling of a spin wave to the probe mode is not characterized by a single parameter, the optical density, but by a collection of different effective atom numbers that characterize the coherence and decoherence of the system. To model the dynamics of the system, we develop a full stochastic master equation, including coherent collective scattering into paraxial modes, decoherence by local inhomogeneous diffuse scattering, and backaction due to continuous measurement of the light entangled with the spin waves. This formalism is used to study the squeezing of a spin wave via continuous quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement. We find that the greatest squeezing occurs in parameter regimes where spatial inhomogeneities are significant, far from the limit in which the interface is well approximated by a one-dimensional, homogeneous model.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure