424 research outputs found

    Head Tracking for 3D Audio Using a GPS-Aided MEMS IMU

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    Audio systems have been developed which use stereo headphones to project sound in three dimensions. When using these 3D audio systems, audio cues sound like they are originating from a particular direction. There is a desire to apply 3D audio to general aviation applications, such as projecting control tower transmissions in the direction of the tower or providing an audio orientation cue for VFR pilots who find themselves in emergency zero-visibility conditions. 3D audio systems, however, require real-time knowledge of the pilot\u27s head orientation in order to be effective. This research describes the development and testing of a low-cost head tracking system for 3D audio rendering applied in general aviation. The system uses a low-cost MEMS IMU combined with a low-cost, single frequency GPS receiver. Real-time data from both of these systems was sent to a laptop computer where a real-time Kalman filter was implemented in MATLAB to solve for position velocity, and attitude. The attitude information was then sent to a 3D audio system for sound direction rendering. The system was flight tested on board a Raytheon C-12C aircraft. The accuracy of the system was measured by comparing its output to truth data from a high-accuracy post-processed navigation-grade INS/DGPS solution. Results showed that roll and pitch error were accurate to within 1-2 degrees, but that heading error was dependent upon the flight trajectory. During straight-and-level flight, the heading error would drift up to 10-15 degrees because of heading unobservability. However, even with heading error, the ability of a pilot to determine the correct direction of a 3D audio cue was significantly improved when using the developed head tracking system over using the navigation-grade INS/GPS system fixed to the aircraft

    De l’approche patrimoniale à la gestion durable des forêts : l’entrée « biodiversité » comme nouveau canon d’appréhension du réel

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    A travers l’analyse de la gestion contemporaine des forêts, cet article analyse la manière dont se transforme aujourd’hui le regard social sur les choses de la nature. Elles acquièrent progressivement le statut de choses fragiles, vulnérables que l’homme, compte tenu du principe de responsabilité qui lui échoit, doit comprendre et accompagner dans sa bienveillance pour leur durabilité. Ce registre émotionnel est mobilisé parallèlement à une rhétorique scientifique sur la diversité du vivant, la biodiversité, composée de multiples éléments en interactions formant un tout écosystémique qu’il convient d’envisager dans sa totalité pour respecter l’ensemble du vivant forestier, du microorganisme au vieil arbre bicentenaire. Nous montrerons comment ce nouveau système de valeurs s’institutionnalise à travers diverses actions de formation et d’éducation à l’environnement pour former une nouvelle normativité éthique, qui conduit à la divulgation des nouvelles « bonnes pratiques » sylvicoles

    Anti-mannose binding lectin antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Modulating HIV-1 replication by RNA interference directed against human transcription elongation factor SPT5

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    BACKGROUND: Several cellular positive and negative elongation factors are involved in regulating RNA polymerase II processivity during transcription elongation in human cells. In recruiting several of these regulatory factors to the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter during transcription elongation, HIV-1 modulates replication of its genome in a process mediated by the virus-encoded transactivator Tat. One particular cellular regulatory factor, DSIF subunit human SPT5 (hSpt5), has been implicated in both positively and negatively regulating transcriptional elongation but its role in Tat transactivation in vivo and in HIV-1 replication has not been completely elucidated. RESULTS: To understand the in vivo function of hSpt5 and define its role in Tat transactivation and HIV-1 replication, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to specifically knockdown hSpt5 expression by degrading hSpt5 mRNA. Short-interfering RNA (siRNA) designed to target hSpt5 for RNAi successfully resulted in knockdown of both hSpt5 mRNA and protein levels, and did not significantly affect cell viability. In contrast to hSpt5 knockdown, siRNA-mediated silencing of human mRNA capping enzyme, a functionally important hSpt5-interacting cellular protein, was lethal and showed a significant increase in cell death over the course of the knockdown experiment. In addition, hSpt5 knockdown led to significant decreases in Tat transactivation and inhibited HIV-1 replication, indicating that hSpt5 was required for mediating Tat transactivation and HIV-1 replication. CONCLUSIONS: The findings presented here showed that hSpt5 is a bona fide positive regulator of Tat transactivation and HIV-1 replication in vivo. These results also suggest that hSpt5 function in transcription regulation and mRNA capping is essential for a subset of cellular and viral genes and may not be required for global gene expression

    Cloning of the Canine \u3cem\u3eABCA4\u3c/em\u3e Gene and Evaluation in Canine Cone-Rod Dystrophies and Progressive Retinal Atrophies

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    PURPOSE: To characterize a novel early onset canine retinal disease, and evaluate the ATP-binding cassette transporter gene ABCA4 as a potential candidate gene in this and other canine retinal degenerations. METHODS: Retinal disease was characterized ophthalmoscopically and electroretinographically in two pit bull terrier dogs and their purpose-bred descendants. All 50 exons of the canine ABCA4 gene were amplified, cloned and sequenced from retinal mRNA of a normal, a carrier and an affected animal, and polymorphisms identified. The latter were used to search for association between ABCA4 and retinal disease both within the study pedigrees and in additional canine breeds segregating retinal degenerations. RESULTS: The disease derived from either founder is distinguished by early, severe, and rapidly progressive loss of cone function accompanied by progressive rod loss that is only relatively slower. Cloning and comparative sequencing of ABCA4 identified six point mutations, none of which were obviously pathogenic. Crossbreeding studies revealed that the diseases in the two founders, although similar, are nonallelic. Pedigree analysis of segregating polymorphisms revealed dissociation between ABCA4 and both retinal phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The early, severe cone dysfunction in these diseases distinguish them from other forms of canine Progressive Retinal Atrophy. The development of a research population segregating these diseases presents two large animal models for the heterogenous human diseases termed cone-rod dystrophies. Analysis of the canine ABCA4 homolog gene documented its sequence and identified a set of point mutations that were used to exclude this gene as causal to these canine cone-rod dystrophies

    The Challenges of Releasing Human Data for Analysis

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    The NASA Johnson Space Center s (NASA JSC) Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) recently approved the formation of two human data repositories: the Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health Repository (LSAH-R) for clinical data and the Life Sciences Data Archive Repository (LSDA-R) for research data. The establishment of these repositories forms the foundation for the release of data and information beyond the scope for which the data was originally collected. The release of clinical and research data and information is primarily managed by two NASA groups: the Evidence Base Working Group (EBWG), consisting of members of both repositories, and the LSAH Policy Board. The goal of unifying these repositories and their processes is to provide a mutually supportive approach to handling medical and research data, to enhance the use of medical and research data to reduce risk, and to promote the understanding of space physiology, countermeasures and other mitigation strategies. Over the past year, both repositories have received over 100 data and information requests from a wide variety of requesters. The disposition of these requests has highlighted the challenges faced when attempting to make data collected on a unique set of subjects available beyond the original intent for which the data were collected. As the EBWG works through each request, many considerations must be factored into account when deciding what data can be shared and how - from the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to NASA s Health Information Management System (10HIMS) and Human Experimental and Research Data Records (10HERD) access requirements. Additional considerations include the presence of the data in the repositories and vetting requesters for legitimacy of their use of the data. Additionally, fair access must be ensured for intramural, as well as extramural investigators. All of this must be considered in the formulation of the charters, policies and workflows for the human data repositories at NASA

    Modelling the potential of rainwater harvesting to improve the sustainability of landscape and public garden irrigation

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    Access to water for irrigating amenity landscape and public gardens is under intense pressure due to the rising competition for water between different sectors, exacerbated by increased drought risk and climate change. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) has the potential to reduce the economic impacts of restrictions on irrigation abstraction in dry years and to build resilience to future water shortages. This study investigated the hydrological viability of RWH for the landscape and public garden sector based on an analysis of five Royal Horticultural Society gardens. A RWH model was developed and combined with on-site observations, key informant interviews and GIS analyses, to estimate irrigation demands and the volumes of harvested rainfall for contrasting agroclimatic years. The results showed that gardens located in wetter regions and with low irrigation water demand to harvestable area ratio had a higher RWH potential and could almost exclusively rely on rainwater to meet irrigation demand, even in dry years. RWH potential is more limited for gardens in drier regions where they would require larger areas to harvest rainwater and for storage. Appropriately designed rainwater harvesting systems offer the potential to remove most of the risk of irrigation abstraction restrictions during dry years and associated impacts on amenity planting quality and visitor experience

    Owner experience and veterinary involvement with unlicensed GS-441524 treatment of feline infectious peritonitis: a prospective cohort study

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    IntroductionFeline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) has historically been a fatal coronavirus disease in cats. In recent years, the therapeutic agent GS-441524, developed by Gilead Sciences, was found to be a successful treatment for FIP in most patients in clinical trials. However, this particular drug has remained stalled in the therapeutic pipeline, leaving patients and cat owners without a licensed medication. In the meantime, online social media platforms began to emerge, connecting cat owners with a community of citizen non-veterinary professionals sourcing unlicensed GS-441524.MethodsThis study prospectively followed participants (N = 141) that successfully completed 12 weeks of treatment, capturing their treatment experiences with self-administered GS-441524-like medication. A one-time survey was administered to enrolled participants with mixed format of questions (open-ended and multiple-choice) asking about treatment administration techniques, observed side effects of GS-441524, accrued cost, veterinarian involvement, impact on the cat-human bond, and social media usage.ResultsOur results show cat owners experienced a shift in treatment modality from injectable GS-441524 to pill formulation across the treatment period. The average total cost of medication has decreased since 2021 to approximately USD 3100, and participants reported the human–animal bond being affected negatively. Additionally, there was an increased trend in veterinarian awareness of GS-441524-like therapeutics and monitoring of clients undergoing treatment. Social media usage was reported as being important at the beginning of treatment to establish treatment administration but lessened by the end of treatment.DiscussionThis study is the first detailed, prospective account of owner experiences with unlicensed GS-441524, raising an important discussion surrounding citizen veterinary medicine

    Climate Change Education for Nevada

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    42 PowerPoint slides Session 1: Education Convener: David Hassenzahl, UNLV Abstract: -Five Year Strategic Plan -Goal 6 - Create a scholarly environment to promote research skills and intellectual development for Nevada educators and students (K-12, undergraduate undergraduate, and graduate) -Primary Strategy - Develop educational infrastructure to train students at all levels and provide public outreach in climate change issue

    Mammals adjust diel activity across gradients of urbanization

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    Time is a fundamental component of ecological processes. How animal behavior changes over time has been explored through well-known ecological theories like niche partitioning and predator–prey dynamics. Yet, changes in animal behavior within the shorter 24-hr light–dark cycle have largely gone unstudied. Understanding if an animal can adjust their temporal activity to mitigate or adapt to environmental change has become a recent topic of discussion and is important for effective wildlife management and conservation. While spatial habitat is a fundamental consideration in wildlife management and conservation, temporal habitat is often ignored. We formulated a temporal resource selection model to quantify the diel behavior of 8 mammal species across 10 US cities. We found high variability in diel activity patterns within and among species and species-specific correlations between diel activity and human population density, impervious land cover, available greenspace, vegetation cover, and mean daily temperature. We also found that some species may modulate temporal behaviors to manage both natural and anthropogenic risks. Our results highlight the complexity with which temporal activity patterns interact with local environmental characteristics, and suggest that urban mammals may use time along the 24-hr cycle to reduce risk, adapt, and therefore persist, and in some cases thrive, in human-dominated ecosystems
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