1,392 research outputs found

    An Optical/Near-Infrared Study of Radio-Loud Quasar Environments II. Imaging Results

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    We use optical and near-IR imaging to examine the properties of the significant excess population of K>=19 galaxies found in the fields of 31 z=1-2 radio-loud quasars by Hall, Green & Cohen (1998). The excess occurs on two spatial scales: a component at <40'' from the quasars significant compared to the galaxy surface density at >40'' in the same fields, and a component roughly uniform to ~100'' significant compared to the galaxy surface density seen in random-field surveys in the literature. The r-K color distributions of the excess galaxy populations are indistinguishable and are significantly redder than the color distribution of the field population. The excess galaxies are consistent with being predominantly early-type galaxies at the quasar redshifts, and there is no evidence that they are associated with intervening MgII absorption systems. The average excess within 0.5 Mpc (~65'') of the quasars corresponds to Abell richness class ~0 compared to the galaxy surface density at >0.5 Mpc from the quasars, and to Abell richness class ~1.5 compared to that from the literature. We discuss the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies in fields with data in several passbands. Most candidate quasar-associated galaxies are consistent with being 2-3 Gyr old early-types at the quasar redshifts of z~1.5. However, some objects have SEDs consistent with being 4-5 Gyr old at z~1.5, and a number of others are consistent with ~2 Gyr old but dust-reddened galaxies at the quasar redshifts. These potentially different galaxy types suggest there may be considerable dispersion in the properties of early-type cluster galaxies at z~1.5. There is also a population of galaxies whose SEDs are best modelled by background galaxies at z>2.5.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 54 pages including 30 figures; 2 color GIF files available separately; also available from http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~hall/thesis.htm

    NICMOS Snapshot Survey of Damped Lyman Alpha Quasars

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    We image 19 quasars with 22 damped Lyman alpha (DLA) systems using the F160W filter and the Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, in both direct and coronagraphic modes. We reach 5 sigma detection limits of ~H=22 in the majority of our images. We compare our observations to the observed Lyman-break population of high-redshift galaxies, as well as Bruzual & Charlot evolutionary models of present-day galaxies redshifted to the distances of the absorption systems. We predict H magnitudes for our DLAs, assuming they are producing stars like an L* Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) at their redshift. Comparing these predictions to our sensitivity, we find that we should be able to detect a galaxy around 0.5-1.0 L* (LBG) for most of our observations. We find only one new possible candidate, that near LBQS0010-0012. This scarcity of candidates leads us to the conclusion that most DLA systems are not drawn from a normal LBG luminosity function nor a local galaxy luminosity function placed at these high redshifts.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for Feb. 10 issue of Ap

    Tests of the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey from Confirmation Observations for the ESO Distant Cluster Survey

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    The ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) is a photometric and spectroscopic study of the galaxy cluster population at two epochs, z~0.5 and z~0.8, drawn from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey (LCDCS). We report results from the initial candidate confirmation stage of the program and use these results to probe the properties of the LCDCS. Of the 30 candidates targeted, we find statistically significant overdensities of red galaxies near 28. Of the ten additional candidates serendipitously observed within the fields of the targeted 30, we detect red galaxy overdensities near six. We test the robustness of the published LCDCS estimated redshifts to misidentification of the brighest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the survey data, and measure the spatial alignment of the published cluster coordinates, the peak red galaxy overdensity, and the brightest cluster galaxy. We conclude that for LCDCS clusters out to z~0.8, 1) the LCDCS coordinates agree with the centroid of the red galaxy overdensity to within 25'' (~150 h^{-1} kpc) for 34 out of 37 candidates with 3\sigma galaxy overdensities, 2) BCGs are typically coincident with the centroid of the red galaxy population to within a projected separation of 200 h^{-1} kpc (32 out of 34 confirmed candidates), 3) the red galaxy population is strongly concentrated, and 4) the misidentification of the BCG in the LCDCS causes a redshift error >0.1 in 15-20% of the LCDCS candidates. These findings together help explain the success of the surface brightness fluctuations detection method.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the November 10 issue of Ap

    A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies: IV. Photometry and Sp ectra of Clusters 1324+3011 and 1604+4321

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    New photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the directions of three distant clusters are presented as part of our on-going high-redshift cluster survey. The clusters are CL1324+3011 at z = 0.76, CL1604+4304 at z = 0.90, and CL1604+4321 at z = 0.92. The observed x-ray luminosities in these clusters are at least a factor of 3 smaller than those observed in clusters with similar velocity dispersions at z <= 0.4. These clusters contain a significant population of elliptical-like galaxies, although these galaxies are not nearly as dominant as in massive clusters at z <= 0.5. We also find a large population of blue cluster members. Defining an active galaxy as one in which the rest equivalent width of [OII] is greater than 15 Angstroms, the fraction of active cluster galaxies, within the central 1.0 Mpc, is 45%. In the field population, we find that 65% of the galaxies with redshifts between z = 0.40 and z = 0.85 are active, while the fraction is 79% for field galaxies at z > 0.85. The star formation rate normalized by the rest AB B-band magnitude, SFRN, increases as the redshift increases at a given evolving luminosity. At a given redshift, however, SFRN decreases linearly with increasing luminosity indicating a remarkable insensitivity of the star formation rate to the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy over the range -18 >= ABB >= -22. Cluster galaxies in the central 1 Mpc regions exhibit depressed star formation rates. We are able to measure significant evolution in the B-band luminosity function over the range 0.1 <= z <= 1. The characteristic luminosity increases by a factor of 3 with increasing redshift over this range.Comment: 64 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal on May 25, 2001. Scheduled to appear in Sept 2001 issu

    A Rich Cluster of Galaxies Near the Quasar B2 1335+28 at z=1.1: Color Distribution and Star-Formation Properties

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    We previously reported a significant clustering of red galaxies (R-K=3.5--6) around the radio-loud quasar B2 1335+28 at z=1.086. In this paper, we establish the existence of a rich cluster at the quasar redshift, and study the properties of the cluster galaxies through further detailed analysis of the photometric data. The color distribution of the galaxies in the cluster is quite broad and the fraction of blue galaxies (\sim 70%) is much larger than in intermediate-redshift clusters. Using evolutionary synthesis models, we show that this color distribution can be explained by galaxies with various amounts of star-formation activity mixed with the old stellar populations. Notably, there are about a dozen galaxies which show very red optical-NIR colors but also show significant UV excess with respect to passive-evolution models. They can be interpreted as old early-type galaxies with a small amount of star formation. The fact that the UV-excess red galaxies are more abundant than the quiescent red ones suggests that a large fraction of old galaxies in this cluster are still forming stars to some extent. However, a sequence of quiescent red galaxies is clearly identified on the R-K versus K color-magnitude (C-M) diagram. The slope and zero point of their C-M relation appear to be consistent with those expected for the precursors of the C-M relation of present-day cluster ellipticals when observed at z=1.1. We estimate the Abell richness class of the cluster to be R \sim 1. New X-ray data presented here place an upper limit of L_x < 2 10^{44} erg s^{-1} for the cluster luminosity. Inspections of the wider optical images reveal some lumpy structure, suggesting that the whole system is still dynamically young.Comment: 54 pages including 13 Postscript figures, 1 jpg figure, and 1 table, uses aasms4.sty and epsf.sty. Accepted for publication in ApJ: Replaced as the older verison was missed to include the figure 2c, 2d, and figure

    On the Optimization of Broad-Band Photometry for Galaxy Evolution Studies

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    We have derived the uncertainties to be expected in the derivation of galaxy physical properties (star formation history, age, metallicity, reddening) when comparing broad-band photometry to the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. We have obtained synthetic colors for a large sample (9000) of artificial galaxies assuming different star formation histories, ages, metallicities, reddening values, and redshifts. The colors derived have been perturbed by adopting different observing errors, and compared back to the evolutionary synthesis models grouped in different sets. The comparison has been performed using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations, a Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Principal Component Analysis. After comparing the input and derived output values we have been able to compute the uncertainties and covariant degeneracies between the galaxy physical properties as function of (1) the set of observables available, (2) the observing errors, and (3) the galaxy properties themselves. In this work we have considered different sets of observables, some of them including the standard Johnson/Cousins (UBVRI) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) bands in the optical, the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) bands in the near-infrared, and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) bands in the UV, at three different redshifts, z=0.0, 0.7, and 1.4. This study is intended to represent a basic tool for the design of future projects on galaxy evolution, allowing an estimate of the optimal band-pass combinations and signal-to-noise ratios required for a given scientific objective.Comment: 20 pages, 9 postscript figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Constraints On the Size Evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies

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    We measure the luminosity profiles of 16 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at 0.4<z<0.80.4 < z < 0.8 using high resolution F160W NICMOS and F814W WFPC2 HST imaging. The heterogeneous sample is drawn from a variety of surveys: seven from clusters in the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey, five from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey and its northern hemisphere precursor, and the remaining four from traditional optical surveys. We find that the surface brightness profiles of all but three of these BCGs are well described by a standard de Vaucouleurs (r1/4r^{1/4}) profile out to at least ∌2re\sim2r_{e} and that the biweight-estimated NICMOS effective radius of our high redshift BCGs (re=8.3±1.4r_{e} = 8.3\pm 1.4 kpc for H0=80H_{0} = 80 km s−1^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1}, Ωm=0.2,ΩΛ=0.0\Omega_{m} = 0.2, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.0) is ∌2\sim 2 times smaller than that measured for a local BCG sample. If high redshift BCGs are in dynamical equilibrium and satisfy the same scaling relations as low redshift ones, this change in size would correspond to a mass growth of a factor of 2 since z∌0.5z \sim 0.5. However, the biweight-estimated WFPC2 effective radius of our sample is 18 ±\pm 5.1 kpc, which is fully consistent with the local sample. While we can rule out mass accretion rates higher than a factor of 2 in our sample, the discrepancy between our NICMOS and WFPC2 results, which after various tests we describe appears to be physical, does not yet allow us to place strong constraints on accretion rates below that level.Comment: ApJ accepted (566, 1, February 2002), 12 pages, uses emulateapj5.st

    Red Companions to a z=2.15 Radio Loud Quasar

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    We have conducted observations of the environment around the z=2.15 radio loud quasar 1550-269 in search of distant galaxies associated either with it or the z=2.09 CIV absorber along its line of sight. Such objects will be distinguished by their red colours, R-K>4.5. We find five such objects in a 1.5 arcmin^2 field around the quasar, with typical K magnitudes of ~20.4 and no detected R band emission. We also find a sixth object with K=19.6+/-0.3, and undetected at R, just two arcseconds from the quasar. The nature of all these objects is currently unclear, and will remain so until we have determined their redshifts. We suggest that it is likely that they are associated with either the quasar or the CIV absorber, in which case their properties might be similar to those of the z=2.38 red Ly-alpha emitting galaxies discovered by Francis et al. (1997). The small separation between the quasar and the brightest of our objects suggests that it may be the galaxy responsible for the CIV metal line absorption system. The closeness to the quasar and the red colour might have precluded similar objects from being uncovered in previous searches for emission from CIV and eg. damped absorbers.Comment: To appear in "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R. Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Sawicki & R. Brunne
