3,632 research outputs found

    The Influence of Performance Allowance and Employee Development to Employee Performance in State Assets and Service Office Manado

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    An organization or companys best asset is human resource or in this case is employee, because employee performance is related to organization or companys performance. Performance allowance as a employees benefits program that is very important in order to realize the goal of the company. The type research is a quantitative research. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of performance allowance and employee development in KPKNL Manado, simultaneously and partially. The data was taken using questionnaire to 38 respondents which are all of the employees in KPKNL Manado by using saturated sampling method. Research result shows there is a significant effect of performance allowance and employee development on employee performance simultaneously, there is a significant effect of performance allowance on employee performance, partially. And there is no significant effect of employee development on employee performance, partially. The performance allowance greatly affect the quality of employee performance, it is important to KPKNL Manado so I recommend that performance allowance should be raised to support the employee and employee performance will increase. Keywords: performance allowance, employee development, employee performanc

    Ejection of a Low Mass Star in a Young Stellar System in Taurus

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    We present the analysis of high angular resolution VLA radio observations, made at eleven epochs over the last 20 years, of the multiple system T Tauri. One of the sources (Sb) in the system has moved at moderate speed (5-10 km/s), on an apparently elliptical orbit during the first 15 years of observations, but after a close (< 2 AU) encounter with the source Sa, it appears to have accelerated westward to about 20 km/s in the last few years. Such a dramatic orbital change most probably indicates that Sb has just suffered an ejection - which would be the first such event ever detected. Whether Sb will ultimately stay on a highly elliptical bound orbit, or whether it will leave the system altogether will be known with about five more years of observations.Comment: 4 pages, accepter in ApJ Letter

    Upaya Peningkatan Penjualan Melalui Bauran Promosi Pada PT. Sumber Cipta (Djarum) Dso Malang.

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    The development of rapidly growing business in this globalization era, marked by economic development in all fields that led to intense competition, one of which is the cigarette industry. Promotion is one of the factors determining the success of a marketing program, while the main purpose of the campaign is to inform, influence and persuade, and remind target customers about the company and marketing mix (Tjiptono, 2002: 221). According Swasta (2002: 238) the promotional mix is ​​the best strategic combination of variables advertising, personal selling, and other promotional tools all of which are planned to achieve sales program. Promotion is important because even though the quality of the products offered have been good or has good distribution channels and strategic location, everything is not very meaningful without the support of the promotion strategy. This study measured how big a role Promotional Mix to increased sales volume every year for three years starting from the year 2011 until 2013. The location of this research was conducted at PT. Sumber Cipta (Djarum) DSO Malan

    Analisis Rasio Likuditas, Leverage, dan Profitabilitas untuk Menilai Kinerja Keuangan pada Perum Pegadaian Jakarta

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    Metode yang umum digunakan dalam menilai kinerja yang dicapai Perusahaan secara komprehensif yaitu analisis rasio keuangan. Rasio keuangan adalah angka yang diperoleh dari hasil perbandingan dari satu pos pelaporan keuangan dengan pos lainnya yang mempunyai hubungan yang relevan yaitu rasio likuiditas, rasio leverage, rasio aktifitas, rasio profitabilitas, dan rasio keuangan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis Rasio Likuiditas, Leverage dan Profitabilitas sebagai dasar pengukuran kinerja keuangan padaPerumPegadaian kantor pusat Jakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif. Untuk menganalisis rasio keuangan pada Perum Pegadaian, maka dapat digunakan analisis rasio keuangan. Kegiatan analisis laporan keuangan berfungsi untuk mengkonversikan data yang berasal dari laporan keuangan sebagai bahan mentahnya menjadi informasi yang lebih berguna dan lebih mendalam dengan alat analisis yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kinerja keuangan Perum Pegadaian yang diukur dari tingkat solvabilitas atau leverage ratarata masih dapat dinilai cukup solvable, hanya saja kecukupan Ekuitas memang masih terlalu kecil dibandingkan pendanaan melalui utang. Sebaiknya manajemen meningkatkan laba melalui semua kemampuan dan sumber daya yang ada atau sumber daya yang bersifat profitable. Kata kunci: likuditas, leverage, profitabilitas, kinerja keuanga

    Uji Daya Predasi Forficula SP. (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) Dan Dolichoderus SP. (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) Terhadap Hama Perusak Pucuk Kelapa Brontispa Longissima Gestro (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) Di Laboratorium

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    Coressponding author : E-mail : [email protected] on title the predation ability of Forficula sp. (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) andDolichoderus sp. (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) of Brontispa Longissima Gestro.(Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) in laboratory aimed to study the predation ability of Forficula sp.and Dolichoderus sp. of Brontispa longissima Gestro (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) in Laboratory.The experiment design was randomized complete design with 8 treatments and 3 replications.The tested treatment were larvae and imago of B. longissima, 2 Forficula sp, 2 Dolichoderus sp,1 Forficula sp and 1 Dolichoderus sp on 10 larvaes/stoples and 2 Forficula sp, 2 Dolichoderus sp,1 Forficula sp and 1 Dolichoderus sp on 10 imagoes/stoples with. The result showed thatpercentage of mortality and the predators behavior. The results showed that the highest percentageof mortality on P1 (2 Forficula sp. on 10 larvaes/stoples) was 96.67% and the lowest onP01 (larvae control) was 0% and the result showed that Forficula sp. prey mechanism begins withthe introduction of active antenna movement then using forcep (cerci) captureBrontispa longissima Gestro and predator prey Dolichoderus sp. way starts with the runningapproaching pest predators and prey circling approach as the larvae begins to feed through the bodysurface

    Uji Daya Predasi Forficula SP. (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) Dan Dolichoderus SP. (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) Terhadap Hama Perusak Pucuk Kelapa Brontispa Longissima Gestro (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) Di Laboratorium

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    Research on title the predation ability of Forficula sp. (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) andDolichoderus sp. (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) of Brontispa Longissima Gestro.(Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) in laboratory aimed to study the predation ability of Forficula sp.and Dolichoderus sp. of Brontispa longissima Gestro (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) in Laboratory.The experiment design was randomized complete design with 8 treatments and 3 replications.The tested treatment were larvae and imago of B. longissima, 2 Forficula sp, 2 Dolichoderus sp,1 Forficula sp and 1 Dolichoderus sp on 10 larvaes/stoples and 2 Forficula sp, 2 Dolichoderus sp,1 Forficula sp and 1 Dolichoderus sp on 10 imagoes/stoples with. The result showed thatpercentage of mortality and the predators behavior. The results showed that the highest percentageof mortality on P1 (2 Forficula sp. on 10 larvaes/stoples) was 96.67% and the lowest onP01 (larvae control) was 0% and the result showed that Forficula sp. prey mechanism begins withthe introduction of active antenna movement then using forcep (cerci) captureBrontispa longissima Gestro and predator prey Dolichoderus sp. way starts with the runningapproaching pest predators and prey circling approach as the larvae begins to feed through the bodysurface
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